

Well-known member
The message of Jesus has been on my mind this past weekend. I discussed it in detail this weekend with my kids.

Forgiveness. Gods unconditional love. Self Love. Being delivered from mistakes and forgiving those who trespass against us.

I explained to my kids that Jesus forgave the troops who tortured and killed him, because they were humans and by that deserving of his love. I explained that we are to emulate Jesus. Jesus forgave those who condemned him.

Also, Jesus was not afraid, he refused to compromise his message in exchange for less pain or a longer life. Jesus knew that life is only worth as much as we make it and fear of death (fear of anything) will diminish its value. Jesus knew life was not measured by a lack of suffering or by its length.

Finally one of the biggest messages Jesus brought was self forgiveness was necessary for a full life and that guilt, after one has admitted a mistake and made efforts to correct it, has no place in our world. Banish guilt and you will be more God like and live a more fulfilled life.
And stop voting for and supporting pro-abortionists.

I don't think that was the message of Jesus, in fact I think one of the messages of Jesus was to promote change without allowing politics or government action to get involved in your thoughts on what the Government should do.
I don't think that was the message of Jesus,
Then you do not understand the Son of God. You liberals think Jesus was some kind of pot smoking homosexual with no real moral foundation. This is why every Christian on this planet should shudder when a liberal speaks of Jesus Christ.
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Only a smug, condescending Rightie would be presumptuous enough to think he knows what Jesus believes.
The scriptures tell us what Jesus believes. Do you read the scriptures, or do you smoke some weed and write what you think he believes in Wikipedia?
Christ intended for his followers to know what he believed. The OP provided a nice statement. I would only say to it that The Resurrection was called The Hope specifically because it provides atonement from sin for those sinners who believe.
The scriptures tell us what Jesus believes. Do you read the scriptures, or do you smoke some weed and write what you think he believes in Wikipedia?

Not surprising that a Rightie presumptive enough to assume he knows what Jesus is thinking would also be just another condescending tool ever ready to deride true Christians.
liberals and conservatives have no business at all trying to tell us what they think jesus believes or promotes. they should follow the same logic they apply to the constitution and the law, that it takes black robed officials to tell them the official interpretation.
Do you have the passages where Christ condemns homosexuality & abortion? (Christ's words, please...)

The law of God commands men and women to be married, not same sex couples. The bible is full of condemnation for killing the innocent and lacivious behavior including adultery and homosexuality. To pretend Christ preached differently from His Father who sent him begs incredulity.

Jesus Fulfills the Law
17"Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18"For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. 19"Whoever then annuls one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever keeps and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.…
Not surprising that a Rightie presumptive enough to assume he knows what Jesus is thinking would also be just another condescending tool ever ready to deride true Christians.
I'm just trying to figure out why you're still flapping your cyber gums. Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about, yet you keep typing as if you do.
Do you have the passages where Christ condemns homosexuality & abortion? (Christ's words, please...)
OK, first of all, point out where Christ condones homosexuality and abortion. Since you're going to come up with a big goose egg on that exercise, we'll move straight into what we do know:

Second, 2 Tim 3:16 states that all scripture is inspired of God, so you need not get hung up on "did Jesus himself say it?" because we know that ALL scripture is inspired of the Almighty.

Third, we are commanded to not kill. Since none of you perverts have been able to prove that what's growing in mom's tummy is not a developing human being, then it's only logical to say that abortion fits within the parameters of that commandment.

And fourth, every time homosexuality is mentioned in the Bible, it is ALWAYS mentioned in a negative light. Jesus never condoned it and neither did any of His prophets. Gay behavior is bad behavior at all times and in all instances.
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Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Jesus didn't preach judgment. Jesus preached tolerance, empathy, understanding & forgiveness.

I swear - to look at the agenda of some religious righties, you'd expect that homosexuality is all Jesus talked about. You'd expect to open a Bible and see him railing against gay people from page 1 on.

He doesn't - at all. The correct answer is that Jesus himself said absolutely nothing about homosexuality, either way. I seriously doubt he cared, and I'm sure he'd care more about those who condemn it & persecute homosexuals for what they are clearly born as.
OK, first of all, point out where Christ condones homosexuality and abortion. Since you're going to come up with a big goose egg on that exercise, we'll move straight into what we do know.

John 3:16, “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

'For God so loved the WORLD"...NOT "the WORLD except for homosexuals".

Pretty simple actually.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
No stones over here. Just a lot more knowledge and understanding. ;)

Jesus didn't preach judgment. Jesus preached tolerance, empathy, understanding & forgiveness.
Jesus taught a lot of things. What he did NOT teach is "Kill your unborn" and "Gay behavior is OK in my book! ;)".

I swear - to look at the agenda of some religious righties, you'd expect that homosexuality is all Jesus talked about. You'd expect to open a Bible and see him railing against gay people from page 1 on.
Now you're just ranting. Where did I say that Jesus only talked about homosexuality? Where did I say that homosexuals are railed at from Page 1?

He doesn't - at all. The correct answer is that Jesus himself said absolutely nothing about homosexuality, either way. I seriously doubt he cared, and I'm sure he'd care more about those who condemn it & persecute homosexuals for what they are clearly born as.
Yes He does. The correct answer is what I just gave you in the previous post. I suggest you read the scriptures prayerfully and try not to let your personal opinions get in the way.
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Jesus didn't preach judgment. Jesus preached tolerance, empathy, understanding & forgiveness.

I swear - to look at the agenda of some religious righties, you'd expect that homosexuality is all Jesus talked about. You'd expect to open a Bible and see him railing against gay people from page 1 on.

He doesn't - at all. The correct answer is that Jesus himself said absolutely nothing about homosexuality, either way. I seriously doubt he cared, and I'm sure he'd care more about those who condemn it & persecute homosexuals for what they are clearly born as.

Yes, he taught those things. But you neglect the two essentials he also taught; repentance and belief(faith). This means turning from, dying to, your sin. He made it clear this is not a one time event, but a daily one.

So he did not say keep on keep inning on in your sin, but daily kill it. He offered the Spirit of God to assist the believer, as sin is our nature since The Fall.