Retards are why we cannot have good things

It changes quite often...I think there are at least a dozen classifications now when it comes to eligibility for special ed and related services...developmentally delayed or intellectual disability are often used....
My certification was DH....

Your classification was lunchroom lady!
the special-ed teachers loved her and made it very clear to her.

you should appreciate this: there was this one kid who was un-communitive, in PE they were going to do dancing so daughter took kid by the hand and then started to dance, simple stuff but to the teacher's surprise he actually started dancing himself. He had never "done" anything at all ever. Forgive incorrect terminology but I'll bet you understand what that meant.
I know exactly what you mean..She was the special one who gave him the courage to be be himself... I hope she went into education...
I know exactly what you mean..She was the special one who gave him the courage to be be himself... I hope she went into education...

No though they very much hoped that she would (and her art teachers wanted her to go into art), she went into nursing. That's from my mom who was a nurse. She is great at it, advancing rapidly, already manager of the OR. And a terrific momma herself now.
The word "Retard" is softly uttered.

The Toxic Fruitcake Twat Team's in this cesspool of monkey feces reaction is...
