Retards are why we cannot have good things

Different threads are fine to discuss......Makes no sense to repost a comment in another. however....but then neither does deleting hundreds and hundreds of posts or entire threads after yearsa....People do such silly things here sometimes...

Always the victim. Always. :rofl2:
Why does the Fruitcake Teacher have a problem with responding to a post in another thread? This is a forum, is it not?

She and CO=goat are victimized by their habit of bad-mouthing other people in their special thread where those people are forbidden to reply. So some of us utilize Dutch Uncle's "Lame" thread to quote the bad-mouthers, and reply to them there. It's also good for when you catch Earl lying his ass off but are threadbanned -- along with 54 other people -- from calling him on the falsehood.

What kind of chickenshit ̶t̶e̶a̶c̶h̶e̶r̶ lunch lady does that kind of unChristian and childish thing?
I have come to realize you aren’t going to teach old dogs new tricks. I’m happy the younger folks are far more accepting. They are my hope.

Yes. I just hope that the virulent hatred of the whole trans thing by the Reichwing doesn't scare them back into the shadows.
Look at what the Great Fruitcake Teacher is saying!!!!! :rofl2:

Um yes I do use offensive words in real life around people. The Deaf community uses profanity a lot to get point across and it's hilarious. It's no holds barred for us.

That's kind of cool to be able to use swears in public and no one can tell. :laugh:
Poor Debbie/Bill. Cannot even imagine. Why did he turn violent towards women, do you think it was envy and frustration?

We have a trans person in our family. She has gone through literal hell in her short life (she is in her 40s now). People who dish on the trans folks have no idea what their lives are like. None. To me it's not a choice thing, it's how they were born. As is true of the others in the LGBTQ community, few of us would willingly choose to be scorned, mocked, beat up, denied a job, feared, hated, and lonely.
No, it's not a choice any more than being heterosexual is a choice. I wasn't in touch with Bill enough to know if he was more comfortable after transitioning. When I speak with people who knew him better, they told me about his bar room antics. I believe he was from a college town with a huge gay contingent. It's possible that as an obvious trans person he was shunned by the lesbian community? This was decades ago, and times have changed now. Everyone in the community seems to support others.
I don't know, some kind of diarrhea of the keyboard, Forum Tourettes? I'll often get 7-8 notifications, for instance, from Into the Night. Have had him on ignore for years, but he still replies to my posts, often in a mass fashion. They knock the posts that you *want* to see and respond to off the list, to be forever lost unless you stumble across one or can remember the threads you last posted in.
Yes. And he's the one who fills up my list too. Maybe they do it on purpose?
Isn't it funny when a low-level school employee, who pretends to be educated and credentialed, tries to put down someone else's actual career? Not ha-ha funny though.

Maybe it's years of alcohol or meth? 40 years of that shit would fry any brain. LOL

She's either a 100% fantasist or she had something at one time then fried her own brain. Regardless, I agree something is amiss.
"Monkeypox" is a cool word and it's still being used in general usage. The word won't disappear. It will just be replaced in future scientific journals and reports within and after one year. People are free to search the term, "monkeypox", on those scientific journal sites for historical references.
No, it's not a choice any more than being heterosexual is a choice. I wasn't in touch with Bill enough to know if he was more comfortable after transitioning. When I speak with people who knew him better, they told me about his bar room antics. I believe he was from a college town with a huge gay contingent. It's possible that as an obvious trans person he was shunned by the lesbian community? This was decades ago, and times have changed now. Everyone in the community seems to support others.

I'm glad you feel understanding towards your former friend.

There is more support now within the community but humans are in the end still human and we tend to self-segregate and push away those who we don't think are like us. In a really cloistered society that the outside world fears, hates, and shuns it can get tense. I've seen it in the pagan community for decades now.
Yes. And he's the one who fills up my list too. Maybe they do it on purpose?

I guess that they could interested in messing up a forum that isn't worth the time to check in daily and engage in actual conversations. They're just dumbass trolls.
Maybe it's years of alcohol or meth? 40 years of that shit would fry any brain. LOL

She's either a 100% fantasist or she had something at one time then fried her own brain. Regardless, I agree something is amiss.

I don't think Toxic has physical brain damage. She has mental/emotional/psychology brain damage which she tries to treat with alcohol. Her soul is sick. There is no cure, unless she sees the light, amends her thoughts, and joins the good people of JPP's biggest, kindest, and best chit-chat thread. Our door is open and only trolls aren't welcome!
"Monkeypox" is a cool word and it's still being used in general usage. The word won't disappear. It will just be replaced in future scientific journals and reports within and after one year. People are free to search the term, "monkeypox", on those scientific journal sites for historical references.

Non-science ppl are also free to keep using the term, as is the media, at least when quoting. It would be preferred, though, if the real media from now on use the medical term (and explain why the change). By preferred I don't mean by me, but by science and responsible media.
I'm glad you feel understanding towards your former friend.

There is more support now within the community but humans are in the end still human and we tend to self-segregate and push away those who we don't think are like us. In a really cloistered society that the outside world fears, hates, and shuns it can get tense. I've seen it in the pagan community for decades now.
This nation has hated newcomers since its inception.

Or should I say, the European invaders hated all who came after themselves. Initially, it was perceived competition for jobs from new immigrants.

Centuries later, our politicians realize that encouraging hatred is good for donations.

There is increased hatred of ultra religious Jews, Asians, and everyone in the non straight community. You can't legislate away hatred, but denying jobs, access to healthcare, etc. because of sexuality should be illegal. Slowly, the SC is making it legal.

That said, I always did, and always will draw the line at biology. Psych issues should be understood, but those who identify as another sex should have no problem competing against their biological sex if they insist upon competing in sports.