Althea told me...
I haven't had the issue yet with the pronoun thing. But we're old and we don't usually hang out with adolescents that often in social settings.IMO the pronoun thing is rather silly and certainly not something to get verklempt about, whether you're the person who prefers "they" to "she," or the person who inadvertently uses the non-preferred word. It's even more ridiculous though when the crazies get into the act and try to forbid certain words or language in schools. You're right; the latest Reichwing agenda is to seed school boards with like-minded extremists whose goal is to rewrite curricula and punish teachers who don't refuse to teach about racism, slavery, bigotry, prejudice, discrimination, and the fact that LGBTQ people exist.
I'm with your step-daughter: I personally prefer to use whatever pronoun someone else wants to be referred to by, but if I flub up I flub up. If they don't accept my apology, it's no big deal.
20 years ago, I had an aged, balding not very feminine looking friend who transitioned to female. This was long before it was fashionable.
He was a guy that I saw a handful of times/year at pool tournaments, but I knew him for a while.
He looked like an idiot. His feet were often too big for his high heels, his wig was cheap, and his huge hands weren't very feminine. He actually looked a lot like Katilin Jenner. Awkward when he walked, and he looked nothing like a woman.
We knew he was transitioning for quite some time, and I honestly had to prepare myself the first time I saw him. I saw him stumbling toward me with heels on, and had to turn away to hide my laughter. But...I spoke to him as I normally did, and if he was happy then so be it. He changed his name twice because going from Bill to Billy evidently was confusing to some. So he settled on Debbie.
Debbie died of prostate cancer not long after becoming a woman, but not before he went on a spree of beating up women in gay bars.
Bill was a kind, gentle, quiet man before his transition. I'm really not sure what happened to him.
Point is, when I speak of transgender issues w/respect to sports, I'm not just parroting talking points. Unlike most in the debate, I actually had a trans. friend since before his transition.
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