Retards are why we cannot have good things

I moved it to general politics. I personally find the term offensive and cringe when people use it.

While I see where you are coming from, this is the definition I use.

informal + offensive : a foolish or stupid person

Those people here on JPP make those mentally challenged folks look like Einsteins so that's really a compliment to them.
This is one of those threads into which one can't easily just jump not having followed it from the beginning.

Further, nobody is talking about donuts.

Lots of threads like this today.

I'll just keep looking.

Or maybe I'll watch some Korean television on Netflix instead.

Easier to understand than these cryptic threads.
that never happened.

Look up the "Don't Say Gay" law in FL. Then there's this:

Under a bill proposed by Florida's governor, schools and businesses would be banned from teaching courses and offering training that cause white people to feel "discomfort" on account of their race.

Fla. bill bans businesses and schools from making anyone feel guilt about race

We all know that snowflakes are white, but I had no idea that us white folks were so very fragile that we need a bill to keep us safe from hurt feelz. lol

Opponents fear that CRT admonishes all white people for being oppressors while classifying all Black people as hopelessly oppressed victims. These fears have spurred school boards and state legislatures from Tennessee to Idaho to ban teachings about racism in classrooms.

Why are states banning critical race theory?
Hilarious that they think I claimed to be a special needs teacher. I was a EBD teacher for a year. It just wasn't for me. I'm a computer programmer through and through.
Arrested Development are words I can live with.

You've been living with those words ever since your career exploded on the launch pad, son.

Hilarious that they think I claimed to be a special needs teacher. I was a EBD teacher for a year. It just wasn't for me. I'm a computer programmer through and through.

Mr. Owl hears you; he's a retired software engineer/systems architect/coder. He taught Java for a couple of semesters at the community college. That was enough. How in hell do you teach programming in a classroom without computer access or wifi for those who have their own laptops? He tried management too and decided that wasn't for him either. Too much talk, too many meetings, not enough hands-on time on the keyboard.
This is one of those threads into which one can't easily just jump not having followed it from the beginning.

Further, nobody is talking about donuts.

Lots of threads like this today.

I'll just keep looking.

Or maybe I'll watch some Korean television on Netflix instead.

Easier to understand than these cryptic threads.

They changed the name of monkeypox to M pox because the use of the word "monkey" was offensive... apparently that was not clear to some even after some links were provided... now you're caught up...:) I hope by now you're in possession of some really good , yummy Donuts...
You may want to check with your wife.

She has her own money as do I. Do you rely upon Christmas cards for cash and donations in Ward 8, CO?

Be honest, it was adult onset paranoid schizophrenia which blew up your career, wasn't it? Do you have a propensity to self-harm? That would explain your repetitive broken bones.
