Revolutionary Language

What about when Roosevelt locked up everyone of Japanese ancestory? And then threatened the USSC if they disnt support him?

pfff that was like one whole generation ago. Stuff like that doesn't happen anymore in the magic pixie fairyland. everything is perfect and government will never do us wrong.
Guess you think banks are the cause of bank robbery and cars are the cause of car theft...why do pinheads look at
things upside down and inside out....

Okay. Let's apply NRA ideas to the world situation. We'll all be much safer when every nation has nukes.
Guess you think banks are the cause of bank robbery and cars are the cause of car theft...why do pinheads look at
things upside down and inside out....

“It’s not gun registration that produces gun confiscation and genocide, it’s people who do.”
when the government ignores the laws that were set down for their existence and function, there is no duty for the rightful masters of that government to obey the laws either.

"That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government" - Declaration of Independence

Restricting your bullets isn't destructive of these ends, you guys are ridiculous!
What about when Roosevelt locked up everyone of Japanese ancestory? And then threatened the USSC if they disnt support him?

No response Christie? Maybe we should all the Arab population of Dearborn, when back during the 60's the MI governor said the National Guard would be called in to oppress them. Or the kids shot at Kent State. Or the kids that were fire bombed at Waco. But those kids don't matter to you do they?
What about when Roosevelt locked up everyone of Japanese ancestory? And then threatened the USSC if they disnt support him?

I would never have supported that. Just like I don't approve of locking up people at Guantanamo based on thin and/or phony evidence that they're terrorists. Yet almost every rightie on this and other forums cheers Gitmo using the specious argument that it's about national security. It was BS in the 1940s and it's BS now.
I would never have supported that. Just like I don't approve of locking up people at Guantanamo based on thin and/or phony evidence that they're terrorists. Yet almost every rightie on this and other forums cheers Gitmo using the specious argument that it's about national security. It was BS in the 1940s and it's BS now.

You still voted for Obama, who keeps the Gitmo policy in place. You would have still voted for FDR, and he wasn't going to budge on the Japanese issue. But that's not the issue. The issue is that our government DOES have a history, very recent in fact, of oppressing peoples. That you would think that all of a sudden it cannot and/or will not, is ignorance.
No response Christie? Maybe we should all the Arab population of Dearborn, when back during the 60's the MI governor said the National Guard would be called in to oppress them. Or the kids shot at Kent State. Or the kids that were fire bombed at Waco. But those kids don't matter to you do they?

Either you're being sarcastic or you've never really read any of my posts.

Link me up on the MI governor oppressing Arabs in the 1960s, I couldn't find anything.

The Kent State students weren't armed but the Branch Davidians were, and what good did it do?
You still voted for Obama, who keeps the Gitmo policy in place. You would have still voted for FDR, and he wasn't going to budge on the Japanese issue. But that's not the issue. The issue is that our government DOES have a history, very recent in fact, of oppressing peoples. That you would think that all of a sudden it cannot and/or will not, is ignorance.

"Oppressing peoples" isn't the same as taking limited action, however wrong, against the few. Do you people even know what oppression means?
Either you're being sarcastic or you've never really read any of my posts.

Link me up on the MI governor oppressing Arabs in the 1960s, I couldn't find anything.
When I'm out of class.

The Kent State students weren't armed but the Branch Davidians were, and what good did it do?

Well, for starters the government tried to negotiate with the Davidians before fire bombing them (after getting a bunch of their own agents killed in between). They didn't negotiate anything with the kids at Kent State.
Either you're being sarcastic or you've never really read any of my posts.

Link me up on the MI governor oppressing Arabs in the 1960s, I couldn't find anything.

The Kent State students weren't armed but the Branch Davidians were, and what good did it do?

they were attacked with military hardware AND did not initiate force. as a result of your statist desires to handicap freedom, those children were murdered. BY THE GOVERNMENT AND NOT THEIR PARENTS!!!!!
they were attacked with military hardware AND did not initiate force. as a result of your statist desires to handicap freedom, those children were murdered. BY THE GOVERNMENT AND NOT THEIR PARENTS!!!!!


I disagreed with the raid on that compound, how many times do I have to say it?

And, those people were not oppressed by the government; they were oppressed by David Koresh.

You guys do a major disservice to people who are really oppressed by their governments. Go visit Somalia or Saudi Arabia and then get back to me.