Revolutionary Language

a single person can be oppressed. YOU don't know what oppression is because you beg for it.

I never said a single person couldn't be oppressed.

You guys just crack me up. You, plural, petition the White House to secede from the union; openly carry guns in your state; display pictures equating the president to Hitler; hang the president in effigy; shoot your mouths off about the government on various forums and get thisclose to being investigated for thinly-veiled threats; and you have the RIGHT to do all those things. Just try that in Somalia or Saudi Arabia and see how far it gets you.

You guys need to stop with the childish, over-the-top bloviating that you're being oppressed. You have no clue.

I disagreed with the raid on that compound, how many times do I have to say it?

And, those people were not oppressed by the government; they were oppressed by David Koresh.
by all accounts of the survivors, they CHOSE to be there. choosing to be there is not oppression, being forced to surrender or die by the government IS oppression.

You guys do a major disservice to people who are really oppressed by their governments. Go visit Somalia or Saudi Arabia and then get back to me.
blah blah BS strawman crap.
by all accounts of the survivors, they CHOSE to be there. choosing to be there is not oppression, being forced to surrender or die by the government IS oppression.

blah blah BS strawman crap.

Sorry, little children under the age of 18 didn't choose to be there.

You claim that I choose to be oppressed, whatever that's supposed to mean, but not the Branch Davidians. Ha ha.
I didn't think 17 children had to die because their parents were assholes. Koresh I couldn't care less about.
you know what is sad and pathetic about you? that you can flippantly blame the deaths of the waco children on their parents, but hold the cops who kill other innocent people blameless, as in just 'mistakes'. that is disgustingly pitiful behavior for a human being.
you know what is sad and pathetic about you? that you can flippantly blame the deaths of the waco children on their parents, but hold the cops who kill other innocent people blameless, as in just 'mistakes'. that is disgustingly pitiful behavior for a human being.

Please. Find ONE post of mine, just one, where I hold the cops blameless for killing innocent people. Maybe you forgot I live in Pgh. and think the cops are as corrupt as it gets.