RFK Jr..calls Glenn Beck a Traitor!

The darling ex Heroin addict attacks Glenn Beck...this is a funny read..a must for all Liberals to see a little of themselves in this diatribe...


Click on some or all of the links within this article...amusing to say the least!

I don't think he is a traitor. he doesn't have enough smarts to be a traitor but IMHO he is an absolute blowhard, and I won't listen to him anymore. I even petitioned to have him removed.
The darling ex Heroin addict attacks Glenn Beck...this is a funny read..a must for all Liberals to see a little of themselves in this diatribe...


Click on some or all of the links within this article...amusing to say the least!

I've never listened to Glen Beck so I don't really care about him one way or the other. However the global warming issue has become sort of a secular religion. There is to be no debate about it and if anyone dares question global warming he/she is to be attacked immediately.

Global warming, and the anthropogenic contribution, is one of the most firmly established scientific facts in modern times. It's virtually as firmly acknowledge as the link between second hand cigarrete smoke and respiratory illness.

And you know what? There's still some tobacco company-funded scientists, and self-appointed "experts" who deny the link between tobacco and respiratory illness or cancer. Note: you won't find any of the "experts" published in peer-reviewed scientific journals, with research pertaining to global warming.

Every single scientific organization and body on the planet, with expertise in climate science, is in agreement: humans are changing the climate. And those bodies include the National Academy of Science, AGU, and every single top american science organization.

Can it be proven beyond every shadow of a doubt that humans are influencing climate? No. Science can't ever prove anything beyond a shadow of a doubt. But, the entire scientific community has concluded with 90% certainty that humans are changing the climate. 90% is science, is considered a scientific fact.
know what cypress millions are still smoking and much to the chargrin of the turbo-libs we'll still be driving SUV's 10 yrs from now.

It's hardly decided how much we are contributing to the warming or what damage will be done.:readit:
Just need pillhead rush in there or some graduate of the Betty ford clinic.
Hmm strange that a first lady would have a rehab center named after her. wonder why ?
Addiction is not party specific.
Beck is a self-described reformed alcoholic and drug addict. In the aftermath of those three family tragedies, Beck said he used "Dr. Jack Daniels" to cope. He and his first wife divorced amid his struggle with substance abuse. Beck cites the help of Alcoholics Anonymous in his sobriety, and he eventually converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints which teaches against the consumption of alcohol.
Most pentecostal churches frown heavially on the use of alcohol. Many years ago had a big fight with my mother when she came to visit me and about crapped her panties when she saw beer and wine in my fridge. She got over it though. Jesus did not drink welches grape juice though :)
He is an alcoholic and openly talks about it. What has that to do with RFK calling him a traitor for disagreeing with him?