RFK Jr..calls Glenn Beck a Traitor!

It6 is the current R party stance to be unsympathetic towards those who break any law no matter what or why.

Us liberals get called bleeding hearts for believing people are redeemable and that it may be more cost effective to treat them so they can return to society.

You see when someone like Rush screams into the radio for years that drug addicts should be locked up like animals for YEARS it is much more affending when you discover they are an addict and begging for kind treatment than if its someone who gets caught after advocating treatment for addicts.

Many of you refuse to see the differance and admitt your double standards.

This is quite true for many.....sad but true...And no real reason for these actions. Sort of like political rascism, the same thing goes on in the minds of rascists.
but not to the guy from NC who just got sentenced to 10 years...he was a demoncrat.

what does that have to do with anything? her comment was R's are sympathetic to no one. Should we list every public official and every person in jail that he is not pardoning to prove that is correct? Damn.
what is that in reference to?

Nothing in particular, just a though on how to force us to get along better as human beings.

Might cause people to think if they call someone a name based just on political party affiliations.
would also pretty much do away with negative campaings and maybe cause candiatees to race to the top instead of the bottom. You know really work on issues not political ideology.
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where are they , I have not heard of them ?

Not denying their existence, guess they are afraid to speak up for fear of being labeled liberal ?
They are usually called "moderates" or "libertarian republicans" sometimes even "western republicans". These are the people who aren't so strong on the "religious right". They can often be heard saying things like, "The RR is the bane of the republican party."

We exist. We are not ashamed, and we believe in individual liberty.