RFK Jr..calls Glenn Beck a Traitor!

why does it get phrased as if only one has had past problems with drugs when they both have?

Go ahead and pretend it doesnt matter, it does.
Ahhh.. I see. You think RFK is clean? Okay, fair enough.

If he is then that also doesn't matter.

Subject at hand, RFK calls people "traitor" for disagreeing that Global Warming is all settled. Should the "traitors" be executed or just get the 5 years in jail and a $10,000 fine?
And he did call him an "ex" addict. Of course there is no such thing. He is an addict, they are a matching pair.
No..you are talking apples and oranges!

That's what all alcoholics say, to minimize their addiction.

Hey anyone whoever had a beer or wine or hard alcohol in their past could be considered a alcoholic reformed..when a person moves onto other hard drugs and continues the path..walla a real problemo exists..Like RFK JR...he did it all and has not admitted to his problemo with sincerity as did Glenn...end of story!
They have both done the right thing and gotten off the drugs.

Its just that you tried to pretend Glen beck was some great journalist and that RFK jr was some scumbag.

This is why the conservitives keep getting embarrased.

They pretend that being conservitive makes them beyond reproach and then get proven to be just as human and falible as everyone who walks the earth.

Try humility for a while guys it will make you better beings.
They have both done the right thing and gotten off the drugs.

Its just that you tried to pretend Glen beck was some great journalist and that RFK jr was some scumbag.

This is why the conservitives keep getting embarrased.

They pretend that being conservitive makes them beyond reproach and then get proven to be just as human and falible as everyone who walks the earth.

Try humility for a while guys it will make you better beings.

I would argue people thinking they are beyond reproach and the need for humility is not a partisan thing.

I would argue people thinking they are beyond reproach and the need for humility is not a partisan thing.

However re: the Beck issue...he admitted his guilt from the past...and did not attack RFK for his mistakes...just noted the hypocracy...and questioned his agenda about his attack on Beck..end of story...well not quite yet RFK Jr will have his chance to confront his mistake live on TV with Beck...this should be good!
I would like to remind you people which party is the party of the religious right who claim they are more moral then Democrats.

Dems are the party who wants to treat drug addicts, your party wants to lock them up and throw away the keys.

You feel forgiving towards then when you find out they have an R next to their names.
I would like to remind you people which party is the party of the religious right who claim they are more moral then Democrats.

Dems are the party who wants to treat drug addicts, your party wants to lock them up and throw away the keys.

You feel forgiving towards then when you find out they have an R next to their names.

Were you responding to me? I wasn't sure so wanted ask.

Were you responding to me? I wasn't sure so wanted ask.

don't ask..this is a typical liberal swipe...throw out a accusation and see who responds...then attack...damn now we will both get the proverbial "Dog Pile" my bad...I retreat and will regroup for a counter attack...lol
It6 is the current R party stance to be unsympathetic towards those who break any law no matter what or why.

Us liberals get called bleeding hearts for believing people are redeemable and that it may be more cost effective to treat them so they can return to society.

You see when someone like Rush screams into the radio for years that drug addicts should be locked up like animals for YEARS it is much more affending when you discover they are an addict and begging for kind treatment than if its someone who gets caught after advocating treatment for addicts.

Many of you refuse to see the differance and admitt your double standards.
It6 is the current R party stance to be unsympathetic towards those who break any law no matter what or why.

Us liberals get called bleeding hearts for believing people are redeemable and that it may be more cost effective to treat them so they can return to society.

You see when someone like Rush screams into the radio for years that drug addicts should be locked up like animals for YEARS it is much more affending when you discover they are an addict and begging for kind treatment than if its someone who gets caught after advocating treatment for addicts.

Many of you refuse to see the differance and admitt your double standards.

I can refute your first comment right now. George Bush was very sympathetic to Scooter Libby.