APP - Rich And Poor Jobs And Wages


"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo

According to a recent Harper's Index 10,149 US companies are now foreign owned. The average net worth of a white woman between 36 and 49 is 42,600 dollars. For a non-white woman it is five dollars. The CEO of Nike, Philip Knight is the sixth richest man in America. He is worth five billion dollars. "By 1992, Nike had eliminated nearly all of their U.S. work force in favor of low-wage Asian producers."

'As of 2004, the richest one percent of Americans possessed sixty percent of all wealth in the country, while the bottom forty percent accounted for a whopping two-tenths of a percent.' 791 American companies listed in URL below outsource their work to foreign countries. The few companies I am familiar with have well over 5000 employees in India. Added together, how many jobs do you think this list comprises? 'There are 2.4 million job openings for 15.3 million unemployed Americans.'

'The 400 American families with the highest incomes have seen a dramatic decline in their effective tax rate since 1992.' '80 percent of Americans 65 years and older depend on Social Security for half of their income.'

'The rich countries' subsidies to their richest farmers were $300 billion in 2005. Their tariffs on manufactured imports from poor countries are four times higher than on those from other rich countries. In 2005, just $7.63 billion of the total $106.78 billion of aid went to basic social services - 0.02 per cent of the rich countries' combined GNP.' (Book below)

'In 2004, 2.5 billion people, 40 per cent of humanity, were living in severe poverty. Every year, 18 million people, a third of all who die, die early from poverty-related causes.'

The SCOTUS recently gave free speech rights to a corporation, do you think their next step will be to give free speech rights to foreigners as they own and operate much of America? Maybe Toyota's executives could inform Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito on their corporate needs making sure laws are in-line with profits.

Republicans fought tooth and nail against Clinton's raising of the minimum wage, and Reagan was content to keep minimum wage stagnant during his presidency. Republicans just voted down extending benefits for the unemployed, and BP has a real hero in Republican Barton. FDR started minimum wage at 25 cents.

Republican congresses have opposed every change since social security to medicare, and today continues to say 'no' to anything that helps the nation and its working people. One has to give their propaganda machine great credit, for they do nothing but make it appear all things done by the opposition are bad or will lead straight to hell.

The Disclose Act is 'designed to increase transparency for corporations and other interest groups who make contributions to political campaigns. The bill passed 219 to 206 with only two Republicans voting in favor of the measure.'

'...if we completely repealed the estate tax, it would provide an estimated $32 billion tax break for the Walton family — the founders of Wal-Mart. So, let me make a contrast here with regard to Republican philosophy. They believe that it is a good idea to give a $32.7 billion tax break to one family worth $86 billion, but when it comes to providing $35 billion for an emergency extension of unemployment benefits to some 2 million Americans who lost their jobs through no fault of their own, the Republicans are just not there. One family gets almost $33 billion in tax breaks, 2 million working class Americans get nothing.' Bernie Sanders

It seems the truth is simple and obvious as the old cartoon Pogo demonstrates. Or is it just profit motivation regardless of the consequences. If money is the primary admired goal then the new American icon should be an overpaid sports figure (pick one), and/or Bernie Madoff or the many other investment millionaires who really do nothing, followed by televangelists such as the Crouches or Osteens, they at least make some people happy with the promise their reward follows this vale of tears.

'Don't Tread On Me' needs to be revised to include a fat-cat, smoking a cigar, wallowing in money on the French Rivera. That will at least get our new American values in line with reality.

And someone needs to revise 'Proverbs' as all this talk of helping the poor went out the window with the massive cathedrals that make Babel look like a shack. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who run large businesses. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the wealthy and the corporations." Proverbs 31:8-9 [American Revised Edition]

[ame=""] World Poverty and Human Rights (9780745641447): Thomas…@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

"Ultimately, the ideal society is one in which, if taxes are necessary, everyone pays them as freely and cheerfully as they pay their dues to some club of which they are devoted members – where citizen and state can trust each other perfectly." Emrys Westacott
"There is no need to sally forth, for it remains true that those things which make us human are, curiously enough, always close at hand. Resolve, then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tiny blasts of tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us." Pogo

According to a recent Harper's Index 10,149 US companies are now foreign owned. The average net worth of a white woman between 36 and 49 is 42,600 dollars. For a non-white woman it is five dollars. The CEO of Nike, Philip Knight is the sixth richest man in America. He is worth five billion dollars. "By 1992, Nike had eliminated nearly all of their U.S. work force in favor of low-wage Asian producers."

'As of 2004, the richest one percent of Americans possessed sixty percent of all wealth in the country, while the bottom forty percent accounted for a whopping two-tenths of a percent.' 791 American companies listed in URL below outsource their work to foreign countries. The few companies I am familiar with have well over 5000 employees in India. Added together, how many jobs do you think this list comprises? 'There are 2.4 million job openings for 15.3 million unemployed Americans.'

'The 400 American families with the highest incomes have seen a dramatic decline in their effective tax rate since 1992.' '80 percent of Americans 65 years and older depend on Social Security for half of their income.'

'The rich countries' subsidies to their richest farmers were $300 billion in 2005. Their tariffs on manufactured imports from poor countries are four times higher than on those from other rich countries. In 2005, just $7.63 billion of the total $106.78 billion of aid went to basic social services - 0.02 per cent of the rich countries' combined GNP.' (Book below)

'In 2004, 2.5 billion people, 40 per cent of humanity, were living in severe poverty. Every year, 18 million people, a third of all who die, die early from poverty-related causes.'

The SCOTUS recently gave free speech rights to a corporation, do you think their next step will be to give free speech rights to foreigners as they own and operate much of America? Maybe Toyota's executives could inform Roberts, Scalia, Thomas, and Alito on their corporate needs making sure laws are in-line with profits.

Republicans fought tooth and nail against Clinton's raising of the minimum wage, and Reagan was content to keep minimum wage stagnant during his presidency. Republicans just voted down extending benefits for the unemployed, and BP has a real hero in Republican Barton. FDR started minimum wage at 25 cents.

Republican congresses have opposed every change since social security to medicare, and today continues to say 'no' to anything that helps the nation and its working people. One has to give their propaganda machine great credit, for they do nothing but make it appear all things done by the opposition are bad or will lead straight to hell.

The Disclose Act is 'designed to increase transparency for corporations and other interest groups who make contributions to political campaigns. The bill passed 219 to 206 with only two Republicans voting in favor of the measure.'

'...if we completely repealed the estate tax, it would provide an estimated $32 billion tax break for the Walton family — the founders of Wal-Mart. So, let me make a contrast here with regard to Republican philosophy. They believe that it is a good idea to give a $32.7 billion tax break to one family worth $86 billion, but when it comes to providing $35 billion for an emergency extension of unemployment benefits to some 2 million Americans who lost their jobs through no fault of their own, the Republicans are just not there. One family gets almost $33 billion in tax breaks, 2 million working class Americans get nothing.' Bernie Sanders

It seems the truth is simple and obvious as the old cartoon Pogo demonstrates. Or is it just profit motivation regardless of the consequences. If money is the primary admired goal then the new American icon should be an overpaid sports figure (pick one), and/or Bernie Madoff or the many other investment millionaires who really do nothing, followed by televangelists such as the Crouches or Osteens, they at least make some people happy with the promise their reward follows this vale of tears.

'Don't Tread On Me' needs to be revised to include a fat-cat, smoking a cigar, wallowing in money on the French Rivera. That will at least get our new American values in line with reality.

And someone needs to revise 'Proverbs' as all this talk of helping the poor went out the window with the massive cathedrals that make Babel look like a shack. "Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who run large businesses. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the wealthy and the corporations." Proverbs 31:8-9 [American Revised Edition]

Bibliography World Poverty and Human Rights (9780745641447): Thomas…

"Ultimately, the ideal society is one in which, if taxes are necessary, everyone pays them as freely and cheerfully as they pay their dues to some club of which they are devoted members – where citizen and state can trust each other perfectly." Emrys Westacott

Even after reading your post there will still be people b1tching about "redistributing wealth" and the destruction of the "American Dream."
Oh I know that too well - people do not think, they emote.

'From The Business Insider:''s-the-stats-to-prove-it-520657.html?tickers=

"The 22 statistics detailed here prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence in America.

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer at a staggering rate. Once upon a time, the United States had the largest and most prosperous middle class in the history of the world, but now that is changing at a blinding pace.

So why are we witnessing such fundamental changes? Well, the globalism and "free trade" that our politicians and business leaders insisted would be so good for us have had some rather nasty side effects. It turns out that they didn't tell us that the "global economy" would mean that middle class American workers would eventually have to directly compete for jobs with people on the other side of the world where there is no minimum wage and very few regulations. The big global corporations have greatly benefited by exploiting third world labor pools over the last several decades, but middle class American workers have increasingly found things to be very tough.

Here are the statistics to prove it:

• 83 percent of all U.S. stocks are in the hands of 1 percent of the people.

• 61 percent of Americans "always or usually" live paycheck to paycheck, which was up from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.

• 66 percent of the income growth between 2001 and 2007 went to the top 1% of all Americans.

• 36 percent of Americans say that they don't contribute anything to retirement savings.

• A staggering 43 percent of Americans have less than $10,000 saved up for retirement.

• 24 percent of American workers say that they have postponed their planned retirement age in the past year.

• Over 1.4 million Americans filed for personal bankruptcy in 2009, which represented a 32 percent increase over 2008.

• Only the top 5 percent of U.S. households have earned enough additional income to match the rise in housing costs since 1975.

• For the first time in U.S. history, banks own a greater share of residential housing net worth in the United States than all individual Americans put together.

• In 1950, the ratio of the average executive's paycheck to the average worker's paycheck was about 30 to 1. Since the year 2000, that ratio has exploded to between 300 to 500 to one.

• As of 2007, the bottom 80 percent of American households held about 7% of the liquid financial assets.

• The bottom 50 percent of income earners in the United States now collectively own less than 1 percent of the nation’s wealth.

• Average Wall Street bonuses for 2009 were up 17 percent when compared with 2008.

• In the United States, the average federal worker now earns 60% MORE than the average worker in the private sector.

• The top 1 percent of U.S. households own nearly twice as much of America's corporate wealth as they did just 15 years ago.

• In America today, the average time needed to find a job has risen to a record 35.2 weeks.

• More than 40 percent of Americans who actually are employed are now working in service jobs, which are often very low paying.

• For the first time in U.S. history, more than 40 million Americans are on food stamps, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture projects that number will go up to 43 million Americans in 2011.

• This is what American workers now must compete against: in China a garment worker makes approximately 86 cents an hour and in Cambodia a garment worker makes approximately 22 cents an hour.

• Approximately 21 percent of all children in the United States are living below the poverty line in 2010 - the highest rate in 20 years.

• Despite the financial crisis, the number of millionaires in the United States rose a whopping 16 percent to 7.8 million in 2009.

• The top 10 percent of Americans now earn around 50 percent of our national income.

Giant Sucking Sound

The reality is that no matter how smart, how strong, how educated or how hard working American workers are, they just cannot compete with people who are desperate to put in 10 to 12 hour days at less than a dollar an hour on the other side of the world. After all, what corporation in their right mind is going to pay an American worker 10 times more (plus benefits) to do the same job? The world is fundamentally changing. Wealth and power are rapidly becoming concentrated at the top and the big global corporations are making massive amounts of money. Meanwhile, the American middle class is being systematically wiped out of existence as U.S. workers are slowly being merged into the new "global" labor pool."
Is our middle class being systematically wiped our or are they committing suicide? When does it become our responsibility to fight for our fair share of the economic pie or have we become fat, lazy and complacent and are suffering the consequences there from? When do we hold our selves accountable?

Pogo is right. "We have met the enemy and he is us."
Is our middle class being systematically wiped our or are they committing suicide? When does it become our responsibility to fight for our fair share of the economic pie or have we become fat, lazy and complacent and are suffering the consequences there from? When do we hold our selves accountable?

Pogo is right. "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Pretty odd coming from a global warmer.
You are too lazy to check the science supposedly supported by the Mann statistical bullshit
Joe and poor

[ame=""] Deer Hunting with Jesus: Dispatches from America's Class War (9780307339379): Joe…@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube- ‪THE KINGDOM OF SURVIVAL - Joe Bageant‬‎[/ame]
Is our middle class being systematically wiped our or are they committing suicide? When does it become our responsibility to fight for our fair share of the economic pie or have we become fat, lazy and complacent and are suffering the consequences there from? When do we hold our selves accountable?

Pogo is right. "We have met the enemy and he is us."

Blame the victim. cool strategy.
See how mott the confused one and 3d the noahide braiwash victim both agree,

american pain = profit and justice.

Both "left" and "right" ideologies agree, americans deserve pain.
The roots of socialism in America can be traced to the arrival of German immigrants in the 1850s when Marxian socialist unions began.

The Socialist Party in America was born and grew dramatically between 1900 and 1912.

Prominently with President Theodore Roosevelt and through the 20th century's first years, the Progressive Movement came into view.

The Socialist Party was included within the Progressive Movement.
“Creeping socialism,” an expression used in modern times to describe America's so-called drift towards a socialistic society, was coined by author F.A. Hayek, especially in regards to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), during the New Deal and the Fair Deal administrations of presidents Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman.
=================================== the mantra of todays democrats...though they refer to it as "progressive".....

"Creeping Socialism".....1900 to now....
110 years of creeping socialism and Midcan5 shows you what it has done to the United only this short time....and ironically he blames the anti-socialists....

Middy...a special kinda guy....he can step in shit in California and find a way to blame it on some Conservative in NJ....and actually seriously mean it....
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"The people" are elitist internationalist fascists? LOL, okay... :cof1:

They believe the brainwash as it's framed to them, yes. But they need to be disabused of their stupidity before they kill themselve by embracing globalization and other noahide brainwashed stupidities.
"well in america, if you don't believe everyone can be rich, then you're a commie, or if you think white people deserve civil rights, you're a nazi".. basicaly
Pretty odd coming from a global warmer.
You are too lazy to check the science supposedly supported by the Mann statistical bullshit
Dude you haven't a clue what either good science of bad science is. You're a partisan political hack and you're not educated or trained in the sciences nor have you made a professional career from them so you're in no position to judge.