APP - Rich And Poor Jobs And Wages

"No well argued replies from the wingnuts on the right, but we expected that."

Yep. You were correct right from the beginning about them. I'm sure very few wingnuts here even got thru your articles but they need to read the last few sentences of your last post. My guess is they will get to the word 'collective' and their brainwashing will kick in and they won't be able to read the rest.

"The most important collective end result of all this, Galbraith says, is a blindness and a deafness among the 'contented' to the growing problems of society. While they are content to spend, or have spent in their name, trillions of dollars to defeat relatively minor enemy figures... they are extremely unwilling to spend money on the underclass nearer home. In a startling paragraph he quotes figures to show that 'the number of Americans living below the poverty line increased by 28% in just 10 years from 24.5 million in 1978 to 32 million in 1988 by then nearly one in five children was born in poverty in the United States more than twice as high a proportion as in Canada or Germany." Peter Watson

Poverty and economic slavery for the middle class is what the right is all about, always has been, always will be.
'Here, read this, as it proves I'm right.' :palm:

Isn't the radical right always screaming about the redistribution of wealth? Which way is the redistribution going? Its certainly not trickling down to the people who really need and will spend the money.
Isn't the radical right always screaming about the redistribution of wealth? Which way is the redistribution going? Its certainly not trickling down to the people who really need and will spend the money.
You ran away from this discussion last time. Here's my response to the last time you broached this subject, which you then failed to answer. does taking money from one class of folks (who of course spend money) and giving it to a second class of folks (who spend money) increase overall wealth?
You ran away from this discussion last time. Here's my response to the last time you broached this subject, which you then failed to answer.

a verbal or written answer : without waiting for a response, she returned to her newspaper * we received 400 applications in response to one job ad.
• a written or verbal answer to a question in a test, questionnaire, survey, etc.

a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information : we hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.

Your 'response' is a 'question' learn the difference.
I won't do your research for you.

To understand what I mean, start here...
So according to you, wealth is limited? Is that your position?

Occupation Profile for Counter Attendants, Cafeteria, Food Concession, and Coffee Shop:

Serve food to diners at counter or from a steam table.

Signficant Points
Most jobs are part time and have few educational requirements, attracting many young people to the occupation—more than one-fifth of these workers were 16 to 19 years old, about five times the proportion for all workers.
Job openings are expected to be abundant through 2016, which will create excellent opportunities for jobseekers.

Tips comprise a major portion of earnings, so keen competition is expected for jobs in fine dining and more popular restaurants where potential tips are greatest.

$16,130.00 Median Annual Wage
42,000 Average Job Openings Per Year
10.2 Average Unemployment Percentage
72.9 Percentage That Completed High School
533,000 Employment Numbers in 2006
19.1 Percentage That Had Some College
587,000 Employment Numbers in 2016 (est.)
8.0 Percentage That Went Beyond College Degree

Gee I wonder why these jobs that require no education pay what they do....
a verbal or written answer : without waiting for a response, she returned to her newspaper * we received 400 applications in response to one job ad.
• a written or verbal answer to a question in a test, questionnaire, survey, etc.

a sentence worded or expressed so as to elicit information : we hope this leaflet has been helpful in answering your questions.

Your 'response' is a 'question' learn the difference.
I won't do your research for you.

To understand what I mean, start here...

I responded by ax'in a question. And, I still see that you're running away from it. Why are you afraid of the truth? :)
I responded by ax'in a question. And, I still see that you're running away from it. Why are you afraid of the truth? :)

For the last time. Redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the top 1% of Bush's Base is a bad thing. I've never agreed with it and never will. The results of this redistribution can be seen in our economy today-if you just take your head out of of your ass.
For the last time. Redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the top 1% of Bush's Base is a bad thing. I've never agreed with it and never will. The results of this redistribution can be seen in our economy today-if you just take your head out of of your ass.

Which is why the bailouts and subsidies need to end.
For the last time. Redistribution of wealth from the poor and middle class to the top 1% of Bush's Base is a bad thing. I've never agreed with it and never will. The results of this redistribution can be seen in our economy today-if you just take your head out of of your ass.

You retard, so now taxing rich folk less is taking away from the poor. :palm:

But you still failed to answer the question. How does taking money from rich folks (who of course spend money) and giving it to poor folks (who spend money) increase overall wealth?
You retard, so now taxing rich folk less is taking away from the poor. :palm:

But you still failed to answer the question. How does taking money from rich folks (who of course spend money) and giving it to poor folks (who spend money) increase overall wealth?

How do tax cuts for the rich increase overall wealth when the reason investment is going overseas is cheap labor, not taxes?
How do tax cuts for the rich increase overall wealth when the reason investment is going overseas is cheap labor, not taxes?
Its going there for both reasons. US Corporate taxes are very high, and give an incentive to create companies based elsewhere, taking jobs with them.
How do tax cuts for the rich increase overall wealth when the reason investment is going overseas is cheap labor, not taxes?

The rich become the people making less than $20,000 a year, no matter how much you ignore it. No matter how much you tax the truely rich.
Post 35: answer the question. :pke:

Thought I had. Wealth is limited, all resources are limited. Only time is infinite or maybe not.

"Impossibility statements are the very foundation of science. It is impossible to: travel faster than the speed of light; create or destroy matter-energy; build a perpetual motion machine, etc. By respecting impossibility theorems we avoid wasting resources on projects that are bound to fail. Therefore economists should be very interested in impossibility theorems, especially the one to be demonstrated here, namely that it is impossible for the world economy to grow its way out of poverty and environmental degradation. In other words, sustainable growth is impossible." Herman E. Daly / Kenneth N. Townsend