APP - Rich And Poor Jobs And Wages

Thought I had. Wealth is limited, all resources are limited. Only time is infinite or maybe not.
How is wealth limited? The wealth of the US has increased steadily since Europeans settled here, in total as well as per capita, except for an occasional economic downturn. How can that be so if wealth is limited?
Its going there for both reasons. US Corporate taxes are very high, and give an incentive to create companies based elsewhere, taking jobs with them.

US corporate taxes have lots of loopholes. The major corporations at least pay practically no taxes; that's why the corporate income tax has gone from being a major contributor to taxes collected in the US to completely and totally insignificant over the past 50 years. Everyone wants to be in the US market, and we are not disadvantaged by our taxation rates at all. Lowering the tax rates would cost us money and give us zero economic benefit.
'The United States of Inequality'

Excellent piece that covers many parts of the economic and jobs puzzle.

"In 1915, a statistician at the University of Wisconsin named Willford I. King published The Wealth and Income of the People of the United States, the most comprehensive study of its kind to date. The United States was displacing Great Britain as the world's wealthiest nation, but detailed information about its economy was not yet readily available; the federal government wouldn't start collecting such data in any systematic way until the 1930s. One of King's purposes was to reassure the public that all Americans were sharing in the country's newfound wealth.

King was somewhat troubled to find that the richest 1 percent possessed about 15 percent of the nation's income. (A more authoritative subsequent calculation puts the figure slightly higher, at about 18 percent.)"

"...Today, the richest 1 percent account for 24 percent of the nation's income. What caused this to happen? Over the next two weeks, I'll try to answer that question by looking at all potential explanations—race, gender, the computer revolution, immigration, trade, government policies, the decline of labor, compensation policies on Wall Street and in executive suites, and education."

"What improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconveniency to the whole. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable." Adam Smith 'The Wealth of Nations,' Book I Chapter VIII
So the only hope for the average american is to wait for the Chinese government to commit another serious human rights violation and then demand that are government places economic sanctions on them.
So the only hope for the average american is to wait for the Chinese government to commit another serious human rights violation and then demand that are government places economic sanctions on them.
The world isolates them, good plan, or we could wage war against them?
So the only hope for the average american is to wait for the Chinese government to commit another serious human rights violation and then demand that are government places economic sanctions on them.

We should just do it now for ongoing abuses and currency manipulation.
Excellent piece that covers many parts of the economic and jobs puzzle.

"In 1915, a statistician at the University of Wisconsin named Willford I. King published The Wealth and Income of the People of the United States, the most comprehensive study of its kind to date. The United States was displacing Great Britain as the world's wealthiest nation, but detailed information about its economy was not yet readily available; the federal government wouldn't start collecting such data in any systematic way until the 1930s. One of King's purposes was to reassure the public that all Americans were sharing in the country's newfound wealth.

King was somewhat troubled to find that the richest 1 percent possessed about 15 percent of the nation's income. (A more authoritative subsequent calculation puts the figure slightly higher, at about 18 percent.)"

"...Today, the richest 1 percent account for 24 percent of the nation's income. What caused this to happen? Over the next two weeks, I'll try to answer that question by looking at all potential explanations—race, gender, the computer revolution, immigration, trade, government policies, the decline of labor, compensation policies on Wall Street and in executive suites, and education."

"What improves the circumstances of the greater part can never be regarded as an inconveniency to the whole. No society can surely be flourishing and happy, of which the far greater part of the members are poor and miserable." Adam Smith 'The Wealth of Nations,' Book I Chapter VIII

In your own words, please. How is wealth limited?
In your own words, please. How is wealth limited?

I have no 'own words,' my words come from the world today, English, my family, and the American education system and an incredible amount of reading and most of all living. Weird but just today I was talking to some of our family about class (see Joe Bageant) and discussed a nephew who works for walmart. My sister related how they were moving a bit up in the food chain, but acknowledged if it wasn't for her help, they'd never be able to arrive where they are today. One isolated case but why is their wealth so limited? Surely if money grew from trees or was easily accessible, she would not need to help. Hm....See youtube below and explain in your own words why the widening gap? Can you, I given lots of help.

If no time check 12 to 15 minutes only.

[ame=""]YouTube - Reich: How Unequal Can America Get ?[/ame]
There are 3 ways to end unemployment

Conservative way-Capitalism
Liberal Way-Socialism
Stalin's way-Kill the unemployed
I have no 'own words,' my words come from the world today, English, my family, and the American education system and an incredible amount of reading and most of all living. Weird but just today I was talking to some of our family about class (see Joe Bageant) and discussed a nephew who works for walmart. My sister related how they were moving a bit up in the food chain, but acknowledged if it wasn't for her help, they'd never be able to arrive where they are today. One isolated case but why is their wealth so limited? Surely if money grew from trees or was easily accessible, she would not need to help. Hm....See youtube below and explain in your own words why the widening gap? Can you, I given lots of help.

If no time check 12 to 15 minutes only.

YouTube - Reich: How Unequal Can America Get ?

Midcan, you're an idiot! :facepalm:
I have no 'own words,' my words come from the world today, English, my family, and the American education system and an incredible amount of reading and most of all living. Weird but just today I was talking to some of our family about class (see Joe Bageant) and discussed a nephew who works for walmart. My sister related how they were moving a bit up in the food chain, but acknowledged if it wasn't for her help, they'd never be able to arrive where they are today. One isolated case but why is their wealth so limited? Surely if money grew from trees or was easily accessible, she would not need to help. Hm....See youtube below and explain in your own words why the widening gap? Can you, I given lots of help.

If no time check 12 to 15 minutes only.

YouTube - Reich: How Unequal Can America Get ?

Robert Reich is height limited as well as retarded, but he doesn't explain how wealth is limited. I'm not talking about your Walmart-employed cousin but wealth as a whole. How does his increasing income take away from someone else?

Please explain to me yourself how wealth is limited.
US corporate taxes have lots of loopholes. The major corporations at least pay practically no taxes; that's why the corporate income tax has gone from being a major contributor to taxes collected in the US to completely and totally insignificant over the past 50 years. Everyone wants to be in the US market, and we are not disadvantaged by our taxation rates at all. Lowering the tax rates would cost us money and give us zero economic benefit.

You are exagerating how little corporations pay in taxes. Yes none of them actually pay 35% due to all the loop holes but they still are paying a lot of taxes. How about tax reform to get rid of the loopholes and then decrease the corporate tax.
The world isolates them, good plan, or we could wage war against them?

America can't go to war with China. The war in Iraq was expensive enough. China has the worlds largest army and a lot of nuclear weapons. They also have a large navy and air force. They have a massive industrial capability that could easily be converted over to weapons manufacturing. China has a population of 1.3 Billion. America went to war with China in 1950 and that ended in a stalemate. China is far more powerful now then they were during the korean war.
Robert Reich is height limited as well as retarded, but he doesn't explain how wealth is limited. I'm not talking about your Walmart-employed cousin but wealth as a whole. How does his increasing income take away from someone else?

Please explain to me yourself how wealth is limited.

You ask for a serious answer but you pick on a person's height and then call them retarded! Does childishness deserve a serious answer?

But here's another simple example and it is my words or thoughts.

The amount of money, land and resources is given, i.e. stable, at any particular time

Our company, business, sector of the economy makes (profits) two millions dollars a year

JP Boss make a million dollars a year, much of that money goes into saving or extravagance i.e. second or third home, Bentley

Our workers after various costs share in the 700 thousand that remains after normal business costs

We have 20 workers who then make 32 thousand after various HR costs

Thirty two thousand provides a basic low class life style for the majority of our workers, families in particular require second jobs etc

If JP made 500 thousand the additional 500 thousand would raise salaries to 58,000 HR expenses subtracted

While the increase would have little effect on JP's lifestyle, the additional monies for the workers would increase the monies in the overall economy and provide more opportunity for all. Families would have middle class lifestyle and spending ability that would contribute to other aspects of economy and improve conditions for all.

[And please don't tell me this is far fetched as I work in a corporation that is outsourcing American jobs as the execs make many millions, many.]
This is the premise of your argument that wealth is limited:

The amount of money, land and resources is given, i.e. stable, at any particular time

1. The amount of money present in the US today is much larger than it was 30 years ago. How can that be if it is limited?
2. Land is limited but wealth production is not connected to it. Even farmers grow more crops per acre now then they did 30 years ago, and real estate becomes denser with single family homes to cluster developments to town homes to high rise buildings. And those are only two minor sectors of the economy.
3. What resources are limited? Very few are, and those have little to no impact on wealth production.

Since your premise is wrong, your argument falls flat. With regards to your argument specifically, the company would simply expand to create more wealth.

This is why I can call Robert Reich retarded; because he believes wealth is limited but can't explain why.
This is the premise of your argument that wealth is limited:

1. The amount of money present in the US today is much larger than it was 30 years ago. How can that be if it is limited?

Since your premise is wrong, your argument falls flat. With regards to your argument specifically, the company would simply expand to create more wealth.

I was going to leave that line out of the reply as I assumed you would say the same thing over again - and you did. Leave the line out as it isn't necessary to my argument, the figures may not be static over long periods but they are static for given periods. We live in the now last I checked. If I am hungry, without a job, living near poverty, time travel is not a feasible solution. You have no realistic answer, so you reply with myth. Try again.

You have swallowed hook, line, and sinker myth, Joe gets it right.

[ame=""]YouTube - TheAlyonaShow's Channel[/ame]