Richard Dawkins destroys muslim on morality

How many have been murdered by present day "christians" in your own country Tom?

Some idiot tagged the Dawkins film as an indictment of muslims and you fell for it.
Get over it already, you are wrong. Man up and admit it.

Holy shit, what is it with Americans and body counts. If you want to go down that road, then Mao killed around 60 million, Stalin about 30-40 million, Pol Pot 2-3 million and another 2 million in the Iran-Iraq War. Where were the Christians there? Anyway, you accuse me of deviating yet now you are flying off at a complete tangent. What has this got to do with modern day perverse practices in Islam most notably the Shia sect. Notice I hadn't even mentioned female circumcision.
Holy shit, what is it with Americans and body counts. If you want to go down that road, then Mao killed around 60 million, Stalin about 30-40 million, Pol Pot 2-3 million and another 2 million in the Iran-Iraq War. Where were the Christians there? Anyway, you accuse me of deviating yet now you are flying off at a complete tangent. What has this got to do with modern day perverse practices in Islam most notably the Shia sect. Notice I hadn't even mentioned female circumcision.

You asked what offenses modern day christians commit. I answered. Sorry you didn't like the answer. The jews are no better as illustrated by the ongoing Gaza tragedy.

The point is as simple as the one on top of your head; absolute morality is not derived from religion (at least Abrahamic versions).
You asked what offenses modern day christians commit. I answered. Sorry you didn't like the answer. The jews are no better as illustrated by the ongoing Gaza tragedy.

The point is as simple as the one on top of your head; absolute morality is not derived from religion (at least Abrahamic versions).

Look, I have spoken about the inequities suffered by the Palestinians many times over the years but one thing has to be said. Ariel Sharon turned over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians and evicted the settlers. Did that stop the rocket attacks on Israel or the expulsion of Fatah by Hamas? Why would any Israeli believe that turning over the West Bank would be any different? Probably the only person who could do it was Sharon and he has been in a coma for the last six years.

Anyway, your answer wasn't an answer if was a classic diversionary tactic to avoid awkward questions about the denial of basic human rights in Islamic countries. At least Bijou demonstrated the usual level of insight displayed by the PC zealots and point blank refused to watch anything, no doubt worrying that she might actually learn something.

I will never be able to comprehend how in the US, feminists bang on about third wave feminism, LBGT, people of colour, blah blah blah yet a stony silence is encountered on the subject of basic rights in the Middle East and Asia Minor.
Look, I have spoken about the inequities suffered by the Palestinians many times over the years but one thing has to be said. Ariel Sharon turned over the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians and evicted the settlers. Did that stop the rocket attacks on Israel or the expulsion of Fatah by Hamas? Why would any Israeli believe that turning over the West Bank would be any different? Probably the only person who could do it was Sharon and he has been in a coma for the last six years.

Anyway, your answer wasn't an answer if was a classic diversionary tactic to avoid awkward questions about the denial of basic human rights in Islamic countries. At least Bijou demonstrated the usual level of insight displayed by the PC zealots and point blank refused to watch anything, no doubt worrying that she might actually learn something.

I will never be able to comprehend how in the US, feminists bang on about third wave feminism, LBGT, people of colour, blah blah blah yet a stony silence is encountered on the subject of basic rights in the Middle East and Asia Minor.

No one turns a blind eve to the horrors of the ME.
What do you suggest we do to end it Tom? Perhaps we should invade Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and Lebanon, then would you be happy? Would you mind sending all your country's treasure to pay for this intervention? How about your children, mine are not available for your crusades.

Wait, I have an idea. What if we were to end our dependence on ME terrorist supporting nations for fuel by developing alternative energy sources. Would that help? Maybe you could even support such efforts instead of blindly railing against all such efforts, you hypocritical asshole? Even better, why don't you just shut the fuck up? That would probably be the most helpful thing you could do, for all involved, but then you wouldn't get your fat shill payout, would you?
No one turns a blind eve to the horrors of the ME.
What do you suggest we do to end it Tom? Perhaps we should invade Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and Lebanon, then would you be happy? Would you mind sending all your country's treasure to pay for this intervention? How about your children, mine are not available for your crusades.

Wait, I have an idea. What if we were to end our dependence on ME terrorist supporting nations for fuel by developing alternative energy sources. Would that help? Maybe you could even support such efforts instead of blindly railing against all such efforts, you hypocritical asshole? Even better, why don't you just shut the fuck up? That would probably be the most helpful thing you could do, for all involved, but then you wouldn't get your fat shill payout, would you?

For once I admire the way that you neatly turned it around to your favourite subject. As I said many times fracking, nuclear power and clean coal should be rolled out as a matter of urgency. Windmills are a waste of time and precious funds which should be used to greater effect, not as monuments to vainglorious politicians. I remember before you insisted that carbon capture wasn't practical, well guess what you were wrong on that as well.
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No one turns a blind eve to the horrors of the ME.
What do you suggest we do to end it Tom? Perhaps we should invade Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Iran and Lebanon, then would you be happy? Would you mind sending all your country's treasure to pay for this intervention? How about your children, mine are not available for your crusades.

Wait, I have an idea. What if we were to end our dependence on ME terrorist supporting nations for fuel by developing alternative energy sources. Would that help? Maybe you could even support such efforts instead of blindly railing against all such efforts, you hypocritical asshole? Even better, why don't you just shut the fuck up? That would probably be the most helpful thing you could do, for all involved, but then you wouldn't get your fat shill payout, would you?

So instead of the usual two step, you could have come out and said yes there are some disgusting practices that are condoned in the Middle East and Asia Minor. You don't need to give us Rune's potted history of religious practices down the ages!!
So instead of the usual two step, you could have come out and said yes there are some disgusting practices that are condoned in the Middle East and Asia Minor. You don't need to give us Rune's potted history of religious practices down the ages!!

Gee Tom, I forgot I had been condoning abuse of women all along. I will hurry over to my policy website and take down the whole page where I advocate cruel ME practices against women, now that you pointed it out.
Gee Tom, I forgot I had been condoning abuse of women all along. I will hurry over to my policy website and take down the whole page where I advocate cruel ME practices against women, now that you pointed it out.

Well, it taken twenty odd posts to get around to saying that!
For once I admire the way that you neatly turned it around to your favourite subject. As I said many times fracking, nuclear power and clean coal should be rolled out as a matter of urgency. Windmills are a waste of time and precious funds which should be used to greater effect, not as monuments to vainglorious politicians.

So your idea of alternative energy involves either:
1. nuclear
2. Nonexistent clean coal tech.
3. Destroying the earth's crust in search of an additional fossil fuel?

So your idea of alternative energy involves either:
1. nuclear
2. Nonexistent clean coal tech.
3. Destroying the earth's crust in search of an additional fossil fuel?


Already ahead of you, I just love how you just spout talking points. You say you want to get rid of reliance on Middle East oil but rather than embrace fracking you regurgitate all the bullshit propaganda from left wing blogs and films like Gasland. Are you nuts, is mining or drilling for oil destroying the Earth's crust?
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Already ahead of you, I just love how you just spout talking points. You say you want to get rid of reliance on Middle East oil but rather than embrace fracking you regurgitate all the bullshit propaganda from left wing blogs.

Haiku is right, you are not really a lib are you?

How does sequestering make sense if there is no global warming? How does it make sense if CO2 isn't a pollutant?
How does it make any sense since our fuels are mostly carbon based? If every coal fired plant was fitted with algae tanks and the CO2 was used to feed algae, that would make sense.

None of it makes any sense at all though, since the arboreal lungs of the planet are existing, cost free carbon sinks already.

By the way, I don't read left wing blogs. WTF are you talking about now?

Furthermore, your link doesn't prove feasibility.
Haiku is right, you are not really a lib are you?

How does sequestering make sense if there is no global warming? How does it make sense if CO2 isn't a pollutant?
How does it make any sense since our fuels are mostly carbon based? If every coal fired plant was fitted with algae tanks and the CO2 was used to feed algae, that would make sense.

None of it makes any sense at all though, since the arboreal lungs of the planet are existing, cost free carbon sinks already.

By the way, I don't read left wing blogs. WTF are you talking about now?

Furthermore, your link doesn't prove feasibility.

I am the worst kind of lib, I have a a semblance of understanding of the issues. I have never said that CO2 isn't a problem, it just isn't anywhere near as profound as is made out. If that what it takes to get coal being used as a fuel then so be it maybe some of the CO2 could be used as a chemical feedstock as well? Anyway, who says that you can't use algae as well, you were one telling me that sequestration was not feasible.
I am the worst kind of lib, I have a a semblance of understanding of the issues. I have never said that CO2 isn't a problem, it just isn't anywhere near as profound as is made out. If that what it takes to get coal being used as a fuel then so be it maybe some of the CO2 could be used as a chemical feedstock as well? Anyway, who says that you can't use algae as well, you were one telling me that sequestration was not feasible.

Correct, it is not feasible. I didn't say it was not possible though, which is all your link proves. Damn, tough day for you, huh?
Correct, it is not feasible. I didn't say it was not possible though, which is all your link proves. Damn, tough day for you, huh?

I wonder if you know how foolish you look, it is not only feasible it will be going live in the next five years or even less.
I wonder if you know how foolish you look, it is not only feasible it will be going live in the next five years or even less.

Sorry, I guess I must clarify everything for you. It is not economically feasible. Obviously it is possible.
So do Jews and Christians kill homosexuals, apostates and stone women to death? I cannot determine whether you are trying to be cute or really are extremely dense. Please show me another religion that condones thighing as does the Shia version of Islam.

The Bible tells me so