Right-Wing Authoritarianism.

Did you even look at this before you posted it? The graph depicts Marxist socialism as dead-center.

This chart is completely wrong.
Since I designed it, I looked at it before posting it. And, no, it doesn't show that, and you obviously don't know how to read a 3-dimensional graph.
The fascist personality thinks everyone is entitled to their opinions.
No, they don't. Fascism is a form of socialism and is theft of wealth. That is done by force, and any opinion against it just be quashed, if possible (in the end, it's not possible).
But further, that no standard of truth can be made to evaluate opinions that are false.
Yes it can. Such standards exist in science, philosophy, mathematics, and even religion.
So you provide a source that talks about authoritarianism and a big-time leader, and cannot see how that hits Trump perfectly. Trump is the Fascist. The government providing healthcare during a pandemic is the opposite of that.
Trump is a capitalist. He is not a socialist. Fascism is a form of socialism.
The Constitution does not give the US government authority to provide healthcare.

Communism doesn't work, Sybil.
On the left, that's absolutely true. Caring for people the way the Left does it is fascism, among other terms.
The left doesn't care about anyone but themselves.

They hate children. The advocate murdering them for convenience and with government blessing. The have turned education into indoctrination centers. They advocate exposing children to sexual deviancies and encourage them to mutilate themselves over 'gender choice'. Children a mere pawn to further their objectives.

They hate women. They counsel them to murder their own offspring. They counsel them to deny their special heritage and abandon their families and motherhood. They use men to compete in women's sports.

They hate men. They take away their livelihood to try to implement fascism and communism. Any man that speaks out against The Oligarchy is politically imprisoned and persecuted.

They hate society. They advocate open crime in the cities and 'catch and release' programs for criminals that are caught. They defund and demoralize police.

They hate the Constitution. They use semantic fallacies to try to change what it is. The hate the constitutions of the various States the same way. All this to replace a republic with an oligarchy or even a dictatorship.

They hate the free market. It is in direct conflict to the socialism they want to force upon people.

The left think of themselves as The Elite. They care only about themselves.
Left-wing totalitarians tend to ignore the mote in their own eye so they can point out the splinter in the eye of another. They'll be directly exclusive while touting their "inclusivity", they'll call others rigid even while trying to cancel another because they have a different opinion, because outside ideas are "intolerant"... They'll ignore the meaning of the word tolerant while literally being intolerant... They'll shout down a speaker while screaming about freedom... They'll ignore the rights of the religious, while touting the 1st Amendment...

It's crazy. It takes deliberate obtuseness to get to this level. Some guy tolerating their neighbor is called "homophobic" because they are not celebrating their neighbor... That is not what tolerating something means..

They literally reject the actual meaning of words and then use the negative to describe others. Totalitarians from the left are the worst. I've believed that every one of them knew what they were doing, but nowadays I wonder, it takes a special kind of self-ignorance to hold these opinions...

They'll yell at someone trying to help someone else through their church because they are not doing it through government and call them unkind because they are doing something that isn't what the leftist will demand. They almost always will say the literal opposite of what is happening, then attribute that same function to those they call "Authoritarian" because they do not do what the leftist wants. Being a libertarian doesn't make one authoritarian, it just means we understand that government is usually the worst path to "help" another.

You'll see them calling someone literally feeding the poor "unkind" because they should be working to get government to do that instead... It's obscene.
Yeah baby...you be AWAKE brother.
The left doesn't care about anyone but themselves.

They hate children. The advocate murdering them for convenience and with government blessing. The have turned education into indoctrination centers. They advocate exposing children to sexual deviancies and encourage them to mutilate themselves over 'gender choice'. Children a mere pawn to further their objectives.

They hate women. They counsel them to murder their own offspring. They counsel them to deny their special heritage and abandon their families and motherhood. They use men to compete in women's sports.

They hate men. They take away their livelihood to try to implement fascism and communism. Any man that speaks out against The Oligarchy is politically imprisoned and persecuted.

They hate society. They advocate open crime in the cities and 'catch and release' programs for criminals that are caught. They defund and demoralize police.

They hate the Constitution. They use semantic fallacies to try to change what it is. The hate the constitutions of the various States the same way. All this to replace a republic with an oligarchy or even a dictatorship.

They hate the free market. It is in direct conflict to the socialism they want to force upon people.

The left think of themselves as The Elite. They care only about themselves.
Another AWAKE individual who gets it!
There aren't any. Authoritarianism is left-wing. Individual liberties and representational republic are right-wing.

Like the TDS-infected? They're all leftists. Like those who want to imprison all who don't fall for the Global Warming hoax? They're all leftists. Like those who wish to force We the People to be the subjects of medical experiments? Those are all leftists.

Leftists are the authoritarian fuckers.

Nobody cares.
Cheering section for the AWAKE.....
derp derp

the state is a monopoly. That is axiomatic. make no mistake - you can't have a state without authority, but power corrupts

conservatives understand this dynamic more than libtards do, just not to the degree libertarians understand the slippery slope of authoritarianism

I am much more concerned with left wing authoritarians. They prevent us from even voting with our feet as they nationalize everything
One typically votes with their minds, or at least they should. That probably doesn’t apply to you. Or the right.

Left wing authoritarians? Find some. We already know the right wing one(s).
One typically votes with their minds, or at least they should. That probably doesn’t apply to you. Or the right.

Left wing authoritarians? Find some. We already know the right wing one(s).
Deciding what other people are allowed to eat is pretty fucking authoritarian.
One typically votes with their minds, or at least they should. That probably doesn’t apply to you. Or the right.

Left wing authoritarians? Find some. We already know the right wing one(s).
to be left wing requires increased authoritarianism

from the very start, you deny charity and individualism and force it on the populace though social programs.
Just as I though. Unable to identify any left wing authoritarians.
You libtards don't understand that globally, America is on the right. You are just communist lite to me but the actual leftists in the world don't respect your claims of being on the left - you are still a capitalist pig to them

you are an authoritarian - I name you. I name every democratic governor that used covid to shut down the economy and schools. I name Fauci who claims HE IS THE SCIENCE
Since I designed it, I looked at it before posting it. And, no, it doesn't show that, and you obviously don't know how to read a 3-dimensional graph.
You obviously don't know how to make a graph ... or you don't understand political ideologies. Ask for help next time.