Irish Exit
Verified User
I'm sure you're well aware that a good lot of SNAP recipients are not (D) voters; some statistics show that 25% of our military families (who seldom vote (D)) receive benefits. Many others live in the South, or rural areas, and are white. In other words, your hope that it will be mostly (D) voters who will become angry when their benefits are cut off is not based on facts.
My hope is that Nancy does what is right, but so far she continues to do what is wrong. There is no way to know how military people vote, especially considering most are neither party registered. Nobody has said a thing about race except you--guess that class warfare card is hard to put away. California has more people on welfare than some states have people, so your po white southern trash card is meaningless. In the mean time, Trump has offered to try to negotiate a resolution. Nancy and Chuck have not.