You do understand Mr. penis head this is an open forum? That means that anyone can respond to your posts! If you want a private conversation you can start an invitation only thread, or send a PM.
Civil service employees as a whole are hard working people that are often malined because of a few lazy bastards. So the last thing they need is some obnoxious asshole bragging about how well off they are at tax payer expense.
This is most likely going over your head. But someone can explain it to you.
Mr. Asswipe, I could reason your elementary babble in elementary school, so no assistance is required. Btw, did you get tired of getting "bitch slapped" at DP? I remember a few that routinely put you in your place......)
And since my comments about salary etc. were made in a jesting response to a stupid comment by one of your trumpanzee idiotic buddies, get someone to "splain" sarcasm to you before chiming in and making yourself look more clueless.
That said, have a nice day......)