RIP Neal Peart

Agree about the vocals. I could never really get past that. Rock is vocal centric, so that musician must be good (IMO)
I know it's subjective. I also hate it when bands sound great on record but can't actually pull it off on stage,
and it's usually the vocalist(s) who can't pull their weight.

Why is Micawber banned. Could somebody tell me what thread or reply got that person banned? Having gotten that person banned must mean it is worth reading.
Peart was a great drummer and no mistake but John Bonham was a sheer genius in my opinion. Witness the way Jimmy Page and he interact on Kashmir. The drumbeat is in 4/4 and the strings play in 3/4, this gives an edgy unresolved quality to the sound which only resolves itself on every 12th beat where the strong beat of the strings align with the strong beat of the drums.
I saw Led Zep 5 times live. Bonham was the best at syncopated time keeping