road bikes

I do my cardio on the indoor track or occasionally the pool. And as for sharing the road, I do. They have the sidewalk. I don't drive on that, they don't ride on my road. And if you DO ride on my road, follow the rules of said road. Applicable speed limits, all your safety equipment, stopping at stop signs and lights, use hand signals to turn, etc. I NEVER see any bike rider around here do any of that. All they do is take up space and prevent me from passing. Luckily for my blood pressure, I have a loud speaker in my car now.

apparently you live in a state with no bike designated lanes or bike rules of the road....pity

as to the asshole cyclists who ignore the rules of the road, yeah, screw them, i've nearly hit two dozen of them..

i bet though, your state allows cyclists more freedom on the roads than you think
apparently you live in a state with no bike designated lanes or bike rules of the road....pity

as to the asshole cyclists who ignore the rules of the road, yeah, screw them, i've nearly hit two dozen of them..

i bet though, your state allows cyclists more freedom on the roads than you think
Legally speaking no, they're pretty strict on it here. But cops don't enforce it. And no, we don't have bike lanes around here. Most roads are 40+ mph and 5 over is considered standard driving procedure for everyone.
I do my cardio on the indoor track or occasionally the pool. And as for sharing the road, I do. They have the sidewalk. I don't drive on that, they don't ride on my road. And if you DO ride on my road, follow the rules of said road. Applicable speed limits, all your safety equipment, stopping at stop signs and lights, use hand signals to turn, etc. I NEVER see any bike rider around here do any of that. All they do is take up space and prevent me from passing. Luckily for my blood pressure, I have a loud speaker in my car now.

Most states ban bikes from riding on the sidewalk.
waterdork, Yurt is a professional. $1,000 is chump change to him. You 20 somethings don't need cardio. You keep your tiny asses are still just like your BF likes them.
For anybody 35 and up, if you haven't tried serious cycling Mott is right about the benefits. Granted I started about 7 years ago cuase the hottie I was chasing was doing it.
waterdork, Yurt is a professional. $1,000 is chump change to him. You 20 somethings don't need cardio. You keep your tiny asses are still just like your BF likes them.
For anybody 35 and up, if you haven't tried serious cycling Mott is right about the benefits. Granted I started about 7 years ago cuase the hottie I was chasing was doing it.
Bullshit I don't need cardio. It's the worst fucking thing on the planet but it's what keeps my endurance high for other things, like drinking.
Dude my Ballys membership only costs $350 a year. I mean I'm not disparaging you for being a bike rider or spending that much, but a gym membership at a good gym can be a fuck load cheaper. Oh and stay the fuck off the road. That's what sidewalks are for :)

It is illegal to ride bicycles on the sidewalks in most states. Side WALKS are for pedestrians.
Its the law.
that doesn't make it less retarded. It actually makes it more retarded. Almost Jarod-esque.

It is far more likely that a person on foot be injured by a cyclist on the sidewalk than it is a cyclist being injured by a car on the road.
Sorry, I don't see it. A pedestrian is far more able to avoid the slightly faster and similar sized cyclist, than the cyclist is to avoid a 5,000 lbs car capable of speeds that no cyclist can comprehend. Further, cyclists are really not going to impede pedestrians, unlike on a fucking road, where they hold up traffic for miles upon miles.
that doesn't make it less retarded. It actually makes it more retarded. Almost Jarod-esque.

Sorry, I don't see it. A pedestrian is far more able to avoid the slightly faster and similar sized cyclist, than the cyclist is to avoid a 5,000 lbs car capable of speeds that no cyclist can comprehend. Further, cyclists are really not going to impede pedestrians, unlike on a fucking road, where they hold up traffic for miles upon miles.
Well you're wrong. You ride a bike at 20 mph on a sidewalk you're going to kill someone. You're also under a serious misconception. Our access roads were not created for the exclusive use of automobile owners. They were created for the use of ALL citizens. As long as you obey they traffic laws all vehicles have access to them. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, horse drawn carriages, bicyclist, etc. If you don't like it, tough shit cowboy, go drive on a limited access road. I'm a tax payer and I have just as much right to use that road on my bike as you do your car.
Well you're wrong. You ride a bike at 20 mph on a sidewalk you're going to kill someone. You're also under a serious misconception. Our access roads were not created for the exclusive use of automobile owners. They were created for the use of ALL citizens. As long as you obey they traffic laws all vehicles have access to them. Cars, trucks, motorcycles, horse drawn carriages, bicyclist, etc. If you don't like it, tough shit cowboy, go drive on a limited access road. I'm a tax payer and I have just as much right to use that road on my bike as you do your car.
The bolded parts are here to illustrate my point. Firstly, as I've previously mentioned, 20pmh is already 10 miles UNDER the speed limit on nearly all residential roads in my area, and at least 15 under all commercial roads (usually 20 miles under). You don't have a right to hold up every other vehicle on the road, because guess what? I pay taxes too and have just as much right to use the road, and my doing so does not impede anyone else on their journey. The second part, about obeying traffic laws, goes to further enforce my point about speed limits and also about what I said earlier. Stopping at stop signs, turning signals, lights are night, safety equipment (the last part I don't really agree with but if I have to have a seat belt, you have to wear a fucking helmet).
The bolded parts are here to illustrate my point. Firstly, as I've previously mentioned, 20pmh is already 10 miles UNDER the speed limit on nearly all residential roads in my area, and at least 15 under all commercial roads (usually 20 miles under). You don't have a right to hold up every other vehicle on the road, because guess what? I pay taxes too and have just as much right to use the road, and my doing so does not impede anyone else on their journey. The second part, about obeying traffic laws, goes to further enforce my point about speed limits and also about what I said earlier. Stopping at stop signs, turning signals, lights are night, safety equipment (the last part I don't really agree with but if I have to have a seat belt, you have to wear a fucking helmet).


The bolded parts are here to illustrate my point. Firstly, as I've previously mentioned, 20pmh is already 10 miles UNDER the speed limit on nearly all residential roads in my area, and at least 15 under all commercial roads (usually 20 miles under). You don't have a right to hold up every other vehicle on the road, because guess what? I pay taxes too and have just as much right to use the road, and my doing so does not impede anyone else on their journey. The second part, about obeying traffic laws, goes to further enforce my point about speed limits and also about what I said earlier. Stopping at stop signs, turning signals, lights are night, safety equipment (the last part I don't really agree with but if I have to have a seat belt, you have to wear a fucking helmet).
If you're driving on an access road you have the legal right do drive at what ever speed you want as long as you don't exceed the posted speed limit. You have the right to walk on that road if you want or drive tractors or other farm equipment which is what most access roads were built for anyways. If you were talking about a limited access road you would be right but on an access road if you don't like how slow someone is going, try passing them. If you can't pass at that moment, try waiting till you can. Don't worry, you'll still get to our destination even if you have been delayed by 10 or 20 seconds. You'll live.
Good post. Once a police officer in a small town was going to write me a citation for riding in the middle of the road but I argued that I was traveling at the posted speed limit of 25 mph and that made it legal. He agreed. I've also gone through towns with 35 mph speed limits drafting behind a truck but I wouldn't recommend anyone trying that unless they have a lot of experience drafting.