Road rager

That's pretty good, being able to do a supercharger for that. A kit for my Pentastar-equipped Jeep, now being developed, modified from te Challenger upgrade, is $6k for the delivered box of parts. :palm:

I spent about $3500 on the supercharger intercooler kit. What would be hardly noticeable on a 3500# car makes a big difference on this little car.
I spent about $3500 on the supercharger intercooler kit. What would be hardly noticeable on a 3500# car makes a big difference on this little car.

In the Challenger, the Vortex kits increase output 35-40%.

My '12 Grand Cherokee weighs in at about 4500# and has 290HP with the Pentastar. It goes pretty good but not a rocket ship by any stretch. Still, I wouldn't mind 425 HP in it.

The great thing about the Pentastar is that it has a table-flat torque curve for a huge RPM range.
^Yep, still there, all by yourself. Sucks to be you, doesn't it?


The children are impressed with the power of your silly car.

What a man.
In the Challenger, the Vortex kits increase output 35-40%.

My '12 Grand Cherokee weighs in at about 4500# and has 290HP with the Pentastar. It goes pretty good but not a rocket ship by any stretch. Still, I wouldn't mind 425 HP in it.

The great thing about the Pentastar is that it has a table-flat torque curve for a huge RPM range.

That's why I went with a supercharger instead of a turbo charger. The supercharger has a linear power band compared to the turbo charger which is more consistent with how the Miata's inline four is supposed to operate. I could have gotten a little more HP with a turbo charger but you have the lag and the power band only comes into play at high RPM.
That's why I went with a supercharger instead of a turbo charger. The supercharger has a linear power band compared to the turbo charger which is more consistent with how the Miata's inline four is supposed to operate. I could have gotten a little more HP with a turbo charger but you have the lag and the power band only comes into play at high RPM.

I literally have a foot of open space between my cooling fan and serpentine belt, so a belt driven compressor makes much more sense than a turbo or two, especially on a V6.
I did a lot of driving last week and part of that was the new I73 south of High Point. Late morning so little traffic. Speed limit 65, and I've got my cruise set at 7 over, making good time.

I catch up with a guy in the left lane doing about 3 or 4 over, and he's "pacing" the guy in the right lane, so I have to slow done and then get behind him by about 2 seconds. He's in an older Toyota SUV, probably a 4 Runner or something like that, back when they were small. I had one for a very short while, I got in a trade, and its anemic 4 cylinder engine was a joke.

S l o w l y he passes the guy, then speeds up. I hit "resume" and I match his speed, now 5 over, about 3-4 seconds behind him.

He approaches another car in the right lane, and again, slows down, and e v e r s o s l o w l y, passes him, then, like before, speeds up to 5 over.

Seeing a pattern here, I move over to the right lane and accelerate back up to 7 over, then 8, then 9, then 10. Leftists reacts to this by speeding up along with me, attempting to box me in a third time as we approach another car on the right. So I pick it quickly to 80 and get in front of him.

At this point I am doing 15 over, kept at it for a minute or so, and there isn't a car in sight ahead of me. Leftist is far behind me now. So I hit "resume" and once again settle into 7 over.

But I'm not moving from the left lane.

About a minute passes and Leftist has finally caught up with me. Instead of 5 over like he was driving he's decided to match my speed of 7 over. All well and good, but he has his front bumper practically buried in the back of my Jeep.

I ignored him, stayed in the left lane the entire time, and this went on for 50 miles.

pretty good story but does it top mine? I literally was prepared to let a guy actually die. It was exhiliarating:

It's also one of my most favorite posts i've ever made on JPP.
I ran into a road rager a few weeks back. He tried pulling a Grind stunt on me. I was driving back from the other side of the State in my little Miata. I’m on a rural road with lots of curves and having a blast driving around 70. Somewhere along the way a Chevy Silverado pulls out onto the road. Before he can get up to speed I’m right behind him in his slip stream so I down shift and execute the pass about 50 ft from a double switch back set of curves. Mr. Silverado stomps on the gas and starts leaning on his horn heading into the curves trying to prevent me from passing him. Which didn’t work out well for him as he about drove off the road trying to cut me off.

So I just blow by him on the curve and accelerate to 80. This guy keeps leaning on his horn and and accelerates up to about a car length behind me. So I keep accelerating just to see how fast he was willing Gail me. So I took it up too 100 before he dropped back. About that time we came up on another curve and again he about drove his truck off the road trying to close the gap. This guy proceeds to repeat this over the next 20 miles when we hit a t intersection and I dropped him.

But I was impressed by how much getting passed pissed him off.

keyword is the guy tried a grind stunt. the real thing would have had you killed. I am unbeatable.
I did a lot of driving last week and part of that was the new I73 south of High Point. Late morning so little traffic. Speed limit 65, and I've got my cruise set at 7 over, making good time.

I catch up with a guy in the left lane doing about 3 or 4 over, and he's "pacing" the guy in the right lane, so I have to slow done and then get behind him by about 2 seconds. He's in an older Toyota SUV, probably a 4 Runner or something like that, back when they were small. I had one for a very short while, I got in a trade, and its anemic 4 cylinder engine was a joke.

S l o w l y he passes the guy, then speeds up. I hit "resume" and I match his speed, now 5 over, about 3-4 seconds behind him.

He approaches another car in the right lane, and again, slows down, and e v e r s o s l o w l y, passes him, then, like before, speeds up to 5 over.

Seeing a pattern here, I move over to the right lane and accelerate back up to 7 over, then 8, then 9, then 10. Leftists reacts to this by speeding up along with me, attempting to box me in a third time as we approach another car on the right. So I pick it quickly to 80 and get in front of him.

At this point I am doing 15 over, kept at it for a minute or so, and there isn't a car in sight ahead of me. Leftist is far behind me now. So I hit "resume" and once again settle into 7 over.

But I'm not moving from the left lane.

About a minute passes and Leftist has finally caught up with me. Instead of 5 over like he was driving he's decided to match my speed of 7 over. All well and good, but he has his front bumper practically buried in the back of my Jeep.

I ignored him, stayed in the left lane the entire time, and this went on for 50 miles.

I would've been tempted to set my cruise control to 6 over and later to 5 over.
pretty good story but does it top mine? I literally was prepared to let a guy actually die. It was exhiliarating:

It's also one of my most favorite posts i've ever made on JPP.

Yeah I don't play that shit. My basic rule is that I strive to never let others affect my driving decisions. If they want to go faster, then fine, but do it far ahead of me. I never want anyone near me on the highway, especially in my blind spots.

Back when I use to ride, I had two methods of getting rid of tailgaters. I have a three second rule between me and the car I'm following, and another three seconds between me and the car behind. If a guy behind me violated my rule, I'd make it seven seconds between the guy in front of me and the guy behind me. The extra second was for additional reaction time for me to have to make decisions based on not just one, but on what both cars would be doing.

If that didn't do the trick, or there was no one in front of me, then I would do a reverse pass to get rid of a tailgater. I'd gradually ratchet up the speed to 15 over, and if the asshole was still too close I'd move over to the oncoming lane, slow down quickly and watch the guy speed by me on the right.
keyword is the guy tried a grind stunt. the real thing would have had you killed. I am unbeatable.
I doubt it. The battle was over when I down shifted and came out of his slip stream to pass. The only way he could have prevented me from passing was to block me. Once he let me get into his slip stream it was all over. I just used his aero-push to sling shot around him. I didn't even have to accelerate that much to pass him. His big ass truck did most of the work for me.