Road rager

pretty good story but does it top mine? I literally was prepared to let a guy actually die. It was exhiliarating:

It's also one of my most favorite posts i've ever made on JPP.
I wouldn’t brag the guy was obviously a poor driver. For the sake of argument let’s say the two cars have comparable power. He gets on your tail pulls to the left to pass you, and goes full throttle. If at that time you go full throttle he’s not getting around you.

Now let’s change that a little. Let’s say he gets on your tail upshifts into overdrive, and drifts back into your draft, then let’s your draft pull him back towards your tail “what’s called “floating” when you’re drafting, but before he gets on your tail and loses down force he down shifts, goes full throttle and executes the pass. Short of wrecking him(and yourself) or unless you have a massive power advantage, he’s passing you and there’s not much you can do about it short of wrecking him.

That’s just racing 101 and it applies to virtually any form of racing going greater than 15 mph. Face it, the guy sucked. A good driver wouldn’t let him get in his draft. Which you did, by your own account, twice.
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Probably a good idea. I tend to get a little pissy with unreasonable dolts. But only a little.

To me, it's all about freedom. I want to be free to drive at the speed that is comfortable for me. My goal is to get to my destination quickly, safely, and without drama. If someone wants to drive like an ass, all I ask is that they don't do it near me.
Now this is a real Hot Rod not a wimpy Cobra. :)


Do you own it? Have you even driven it?
I own my Cobra and let me tell you a 2350 lb. car with 515 HP is wicked fast, not to mention it handles like it's on rails.[/QUOTE]

RB chill out pal I'm just pulling your chain. I know how much you love the Cobra, just like I love my Ram 4X4.
Shopping has become a little like driving, where folks are passing through the same points trying not to bang into one another, some trying to get through as efficiently as possible and others intent on obstructing the flow of traffic. I note the same rude behavior when shoppers block isles with their carts instead of parking them neatly to the side that they are on as they stop and make decisions on purchases.
Shopping has become a little like driving, where folks are passing through the same points trying not to bang into one another, some trying to get through as efficiently as possible and others intent on obstructing the flow of traffic. I note the same rude behavior when shoppers block isles with their carts instead of parking them neatly to the side that they are on as they stop and make decisions on purchases.
That's why I dress as a Trump supporter when I go shopping. It does wonders for clearing the aisles. ;)