Romney delivers powerful message.

The ultimate message will be one term....

Romney would be running for reelection in 2024, when he is 77. If elected, he would serve until he is 83. He might not want another term. Or, he may have done the calculations, and decided this is his best bet. Almost everyone who has gotten to close to trump has been destroyed by his horrible nature.
Republicans are going to lose seats in 2020, and if you add in Romney caucusing with Democrats, that would almost guarantee Democratic control over the Senate. Or trump can let this go...

Either way, we get to find out how serious trump was about the "head on the spike" threat.

I have saved this dumb prediction. Take my bet Walt! Don't be a coward like your fellow leftist retards:
Romney would be running for reelection in 2024, when he is 77. If elected, he would serve until he is 83. He might not want another term. Or, he may have done the calculations, and decided this is his best bet. Almost everyone who has gotten to close to trump has been destroyed by his horrible nature.

You could never confuse Mutt as being close to Trump. He was a major neverttumper.
I have saved this dumb prediction.

The only prediction I made was that Republicans will lose Senate seats in the 2020 election. That is almost certainly true, so yes, I would like to take a bet on that. You still have not delivered on your bet that trump has an MBA. Remember, if trump does not have an MBA, you have to vote against him.

Now if trump pushes Romney out of the Republican Party, I did spell out why that would be very bad. The balance in the Senate is very close.
"Romney to vote to convict Trump on charge of abuse of power, becoming the first Republican to break ranks"

"Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) sealed a place in history Wednesday with his announcement that he will to vote to convict President Trump of abuse of power, becoming a rare lone voice in a Republican Party that otherwise has marched in lockstep with the president throughout the impeachment proceedings."

To which the world yawns. Romney is the worst kind of politician. An opportunist who has no backbone.
Republicans will lose Senate seats in the 2020 election. That is almost certainly true, so yes, I would like to take a bet on that.

I'll place this in the bet thread and I'll take it.

You still have not delivered on your bet that trump has an MBA. Remember, if trump does not have an MBA, you have to vote against him.

I never made a bet about that. I asked you to prove he didn't have one. ;)

Now if trump pushes Romney out of the Republican Party, I did spell out why that would be very bad. The balance in the Senate is very close.

Trump doesn't need to push Romney out; his voters will when his term is up. It looks like Romney has decided to go the route McCain went. Burn bridges behind him in his last term in office.
He goes through cabinet members on a weekly basis. Can anyone remember all the careers he has destroyed?

Your claim was: "Almost everyone who has gotten to close to trump has been destroyed by his horrible nature."

List the people Trump has destroyed or admit that you are nothing more than a low IQ, lying leftist loser whop bloviates stupidly without facts.
To which the world yawns. Romney is the worst kind of politician. An opportunist who has no backbone.


To which the world yawns. Romney is the worst kind of politician. An opportunist who has no backbone.

:) Hah!
He's the only one to admit to the actual facts of the matter rather than shutting his eyes and claiming 'Fake News'.