Romney is out


he has more legislative experience then hillary.. more substance on his ideas.. and more international experience. dont buy into the hillary bs.

Ya have me wrong I feel the same about Hillary...both of them are flamming socialists...and neither has real international nor legislative experience that counts!

Kind of reminds me of the nearly issueless bush campaign :D

What is with you always bringing GW into the mix...he is not running...did he ignore a letter you sent him long ago or what? Also you always rag about his war issues et he has made it clear enough as to what he (GW) was doing for you to bitch so much!:rolleyes:
I just find in funny BB that You are using some of the exact rationale I used against bush.
The international exerience thing too.
This is quite funny to me.
You have a link to those polls, uscitizen? Everything I have seen says that not as many women are supporting Hillary as you would think.
The market is celebrating Romney's departure:

The vote for McCain because he's the lessor of two evils line will not work and republicans are deluding themselves if they think being anti-Hillary is all they need to get elected.

Here's the reality .. America has changed.

You are standing in the midst of history.

Wake the fuck up.
The economy was the highest on everyones list of concerns on super tuesday polls. and we have not nearly hit bottom yet.