Romney is out

Mccain said in his speech at the convention today that he and Romney had talked before Romney decided to "suspend" his bid.
What is it with suspend anyway ?
I guess negotiaons are ongoing, or a cooling off period for Romney supporters ?

It means that Romney technically still controls the delegates he won. He can release them to vote for whoever they want or "suggest" they vote for who he endorses. Not much of a reward for blowing millions.
i just listened to parts of Willard's withdrawl. More right wing scare tactics clap trap a vote for dems is a vote for surrender. And now here will come all the other righties to defend him and extoll the "reality" of his bullshit statement. Anyone that exersizes their right to vote for anyone but a republican is surrendering to terrorism. Same basic line that has been played for the last 8 years. Republicanism is not just conservative, it is stagnant. I expected better this time and Romney has failed.