Romney v Clinton

For whom would you vote?

  • Mitt Romney (R)

    Votes: 2 11.8%
  • Hillary Clinton (D)

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • Other / 3rd Party

    Votes: 6 35.3%

  • Total voters
??? I'm the only person to say third party? Come on people these two are some of the worst the demopublicans have to offer. Romney is even more fake than H. Clinton if that can be done.
I don't care. My vote isn't going to make them win and isn't going to make Hillary or Romney win, either. If I'm going to vote there's no reason to vote dishonestly.
I figure right now any demoncrat beats any rebutliken as president or congressperson. At least until more balance is achieved.
My main goal for now is to get the NEOs out.
i dont think i will ever vote for anyone in either party anymore... i wont feed the system anymore, its too fat to hold its own anymore
I figure right now any demoncrat beats any rebutliken as president or congressperson. At least until more balance is achieved.
My main goal for now is to get the NEOs out.

then we will have created neocrats...:p
True Bob, true, it sucks, but if we don't vote it only gets worse. Of course with us voting it gets worse... american politics really sucks. I wonder from an outside historical view, how is recent/current American politics doing compared to times past ?

It is sort of hard to see the forest for the manure pile.

btw it is good to have ya back Bob. Maine even pretty much bailed out after Dixie left...
Strange love to hate relationship I guess. but then BB seem to be filling that void for Maine.
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If the choice is either, I'm going with other.

I'm an antiwar liberal but won't vote for Clinton under an circumstances
I'm not impressed with Hillary at all. As a matter of fact, I'm vehemently rooting against her in the primaries however the fact is that if it did come down to her versus any given republican I think I'd ultimately hold my nose and vote for her. Although, I think I may ultimately bring myself to vote 3rd party for the general election. I keep threatening to, but I think I may do it. The dems have really pis$ed me off with immigration and their buckling to Bush on funding the war.
I know, it is part of the great neoilluminati plan to piss voters off against Demoncrats.

They think the hispanic vote is going to be big. And the R's are losing them because of immigration. But see, they had them to lose in the first place. You know why? Many hispanics come from very Catholic countries, and they are very religious, and they are more than happy to shove that gay-bashing, women-bashing shit down my throat. Now, because it effects them, they are going to come running over to my party and the dems will be lining up to kiss their religious asses, which can only mean one thing, and that is that the D party moves even more to the right. Next thing you know you won't be able to find a politician who doesn't think gays aren't people, and women should be punished for having sex, and there is no such thing as evolution and sex eduction in school should consist of "if you let someone else touch it the devil is going to get your soul and if you touch it yourself, you'll go blind, so just sit there and pray till you burst" and birth control is evil, and fuck you is basically my answer.

I've about had it with the whole damned thing.
That's about where I am Darla. I really think I may end up voting 3rd party. The entire thing is getting to point of obsurdity. They are all getting on my nerves at this point and you're right. The dems are no better than the repubs in teh respect that they will sell out constituents just to get more votes.
The only one I'd definitely vote for at this point would be Gore. I don't support universal healthcare, Hillary is pretty much prowar, Biden's an in the closet racist (which is depressing since he was 1st choice) and everyone else is so-so. Maybe Kucinich.
They think the hispanic vote is going to be big. And the R's are losing them because of immigration. But see, they had them to lose in the first place. You know why? Many hispanics come from very Catholic countries, and they are very religious, and they are more than happy to shove that gay-bashing, women-bashing shit down my throat. Now, because it effects them, they are going to come running over to my party and the dems will be lining up to kiss their religious asses, which can only mean one thing, and that is that the D party moves even more to the right. Next thing you know you won't be able to find a politician who doesn't think gays aren't people, and women should be punished for having sex, and there is no such thing as evolution and sex eduction in school should consist of "if you let someone else touch it the devil is going to get your soul and if you touch it yourself, you'll go blind, so just sit there and pray till you burst" and birth control is evil, and fuck you is basically my answer.

I've about had it with the whole damned thing.
LOL. And that is what I've been saying about another party....
Ahh yes You gals do just what the Neos are planning that you do. Vote third party so that a Republican can win.
We would have had gore instead of bush if nader had not fouled that one up.
That's about where I am Darla. I really think I may end up voting 3rd party. The entire thing is getting to point of obsurdity. They are all getting on my nerves at this point and you're right. The dems are no better than the repubs in teh respect that they will sell out constituents just to get more votes.
The only one I'd definitely vote for at this point would be Gore. I don't support universal healthcare, Hillary is pretty much prowar, Biden's an in the closet racist (which is depressing since he was 1st choice) and everyone else is so-so. Maybe Kucinich.

I do support Universal health care, very much so. But Hillary has lost me on the war, and her BS. She is just so unreal. Gore is my first choice. I so much want a Gore/Obama ticket, I don't think it's beatable.