I figure right now any demoncrat beats any rebutliken as president or congressperson. At least until more balance is achieved.
My main goal for now is to get the NEOs out.
I figure right now any demoncrat beats any rebutliken as president or congressperson. At least until more balance is achieved.
My main goal for now is to get the NEOs out.
I know, it is part of the great neoilluminati plan to piss voters off against Demoncrats.
LOL. And that is what I've been saying about another party....They think the hispanic vote is going to be big. And the R's are losing them because of immigration. But see, they had them to lose in the first place. You know why? Many hispanics come from very Catholic countries, and they are very religious, and they are more than happy to shove that gay-bashing, women-bashing shit down my throat. Now, because it effects them, they are going to come running over to my party and the dems will be lining up to kiss their religious asses, which can only mean one thing, and that is that the D party moves even more to the right. Next thing you know you won't be able to find a politician who doesn't think gays aren't people, and women should be punished for having sex, and there is no such thing as evolution and sex eduction in school should consist of "if you let someone else touch it the devil is going to get your soul and if you touch it yourself, you'll go blind, so just sit there and pray till you burst" and birth control is evil, and fuck you is basically my answer.
I've about had it with the whole damned thing.
LOL. And that is what I've been saying about another party....
LOL. And that is what I've been saying about another party....
That's about where I am Darla. I really think I may end up voting 3rd party. The entire thing is getting to point of obsurdity. They are all getting on my nerves at this point and you're right. The dems are no better than the repubs in teh respect that they will sell out constituents just to get more votes.
The only one I'd definitely vote for at this point would be Gore. I don't support universal healthcare, Hillary is pretty much prowar, Biden's an in the closet racist (which is depressing since he was 1st choice) and everyone else is so-so. Maybe Kucinich.