I have never seen a HS without a Philosophy class.C'mon damo. You know the republican candidates are not talking about a "philosophy" class. I never even had a philosophy class in high school. I doubt more than 5% of american high school students take a philosophy class.
I just googled. Google is rife with examples of McCain saying he is comfortable with intelligent design being taught in public schools (though he personally accepts evolution). This is code word, for saying that the TheoCons can have their whacked out scientific views taught alongside other academic subjects, and put forth as an "alternative" view to evolution.
It is spin for "I wouldn't object to it being taught in philosophy class."
I'd readily admit that they are working to get that "special" vote, but know that they are not insane and when pressed they will constantly say "not necessarily in science" but... and so forth.
Therefore, you can attempt to make it mean that "not necessarily in science class" means that it would have equal billing as a Theory, but that too is spin.
They attempt to regulate their answers to gain more of their "base", I agree. But saying they support it being taught as science when, even in that debate, they constantly say "not necessarily as science" (code for, only in religion or philosophy classes) is also deliberate spin on your part.