Romney's "Christian" America

Another perfect example of how little conservatives care about the less fortunate...

Fox News host mocks food stamps: ‘Do you know how fabulous I’d look? I’d be so skinny’

Fox News host Andrea Tantaros on Wednesday seemed to be mocking the millions of hungry Americans who are forced to used food stamps when she suggested that the program would make for a great diet plan.

During a Thanksgiving-eve segment on Fox Business, host Stuart Varney noted that Newark Mayor Cory Booker had accepted a challenge to live on food stamps for a week.

“Could you like on 133 bucks a month for food?” Varney asked Tantaros, who co-hosts Fox News’ The Five.

“I should try it because, do you know how fabulous I’d look?” she replied. “I mean, the camera adds ten pounds. It really does. I would be looking great.”

According to the USDA, 50.1 million Americans lived with food insecurity in 2011. Over 57 percent of those households participated in federal food assistance programs.

Raw Story (

Only a moron would say that conservatives don't care about the less fortunate. A statement like that reveals deep ignorance. You obviously are ignoranct of all the food pantrys run by churches and inner city missions that feed thousands in big cities every day.
We have to realize Christians are just regular folk with their faults and foibles, their desires and their weaknesses. And while the Lord may fill their heart there is a need only a woman can fill. Take Pastor David Love, for example.

(Excerpt) "Deadly Affairs" told the real-life story of Teresa Stone and her pastor, David Love. Both were married, yet they carried on a secret affair for ten years that ended in murder.

Stone conspired with Love to murder her husband, Randy Stone. Randy had considered David, his pastor too, a trusted friend, which made the betrayal even worse. “If Randy had a spat with Teresa ... He’d let David know about that and ask what he should do ... It’s the biggest betrayal because Randy trusted David so much that he shared his deepest, darkest secrets with him, and the whole time he’s looking at my uncle knowing he’s sleeping with his wife,” Stone's niece Shelly Ridge said.

The motive for their murder was that Teresa wanted to collect her husband's $800,000 life insurance policy. She gave Love the combination to a safe that held Randy’s gun, and Love shot him in the head.

And, unbelievably, KSDK reports Love eulogized Randy Stone at his funeral. After killing him. (End)

Even after carrying on an affair with the Mr. Stone's wife for 10 years and then killing him he had nice things to say about Randy Stone.
Another shining example of how Christians and Christianity makes America better...

Christian attorney indicted on federal child pornography charges

Christians make up about 80 % of the US population......

Does it ever occur to you pinheads and morons that a hell of a lot of them are liberals and Democrats

How the hell do you think Obama got elected twice ?...Do you imagine is was the Muslim vote or something ?

How can this be even remotely about Romney, a participant in a election that he lost
Christians make up about 80 % of the US population......

Does it ever occur to you pinheads and morons that a hell of a lot of them are liberals and Democrats

How the hell do you think Obama got elected twice ?...Do you imagine is was the Muslim vote or something ?

How can this be even remotely about Romney, a participant in a election that he lost

That's what you and hundreds of other phony "Christians" tried to tell the country before the election...that good Christians don't vote for Obama.

Not unless they want to go to Hell.
80% I doubt it. Whatever it is it's dropping that's for sure. Obama got more of the evangelical vote this time than last.
So Mormonism and Christianity are nothing alike...except they both consider the Bible their Holy Book.

Both religions worship the Holy Trinity...

Both religions believe in the 10 Commandments...

And Noah..

And the Last Supper...

And the Crucifixion of Jesus...

Golly, you are right...they are nothing alike.

Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers. Mormons believe everyone can become a god. Actually there is a vast difference. You're just a loudmouthed ignorant asswipe who seems able to impress other ignorant asswipes with bullshit.
Mormons believe Jesus and Satan were brothers. Mormons believe everyone can become a god. Actually there is a vast difference. You're just a loudmouthed ignorant asswipe who seems able to impress other ignorant asswipes with bullshit.

But, are we not ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS created our Heavenly Father?

Jesus, Satan, and all humanity share God the Father as their spiritual sire. However, moral agency led Jesus to obey God the Father perfectly and share fully in the Father's divine nature and power. The same agency led Satan to renounce God, fight Jesus, and doom himself to eternal damnation. The remainder of God's children—all of us—have the choice to follow the route chosen by Satan, or the path to which Christ invites us and shows the way.

Like other Christians, Mormons believe Jesus is the divine Son of God. Satan is a fallen angel.

As the Apostle Paul wrote, God is the Father of all. That means that all beings were created by God and are His spirit children. Christ, however, was the only begotten in the flesh, and we worship Him as the Son of God and the Savior of mankind.
But, are we not ALL BROTHERS AND SISTERS created our Heavenly Father?

Jesus, Satan, and all humanity share God the Father as their spiritual sire. However, moral agency led Jesus to obey God the Father perfectly and share fully in the Father's divine nature and power. The same agency led Satan to renounce God, fight Jesus, and doom himself to eternal damnation. The remainder of God's children—all of us—have the choice to follow the route chosen by Satan, or the path to which Christ invites us and shows the way.

Like other Christians, Mormons believe Jesus is the divine Son of God. Satan is a fallen angel.

As the Apostle Paul wrote, God is the Father of all. That means that all beings were created by God and are His spirit children. Christ, however, was the only begotten in the flesh, and we worship Him as the Son of God and the Savior of mankind.

You have enough knowledge about Christianity and mormonism to confuse ignorant people.

Jesus was not created. Angels were created and humans were created. Dumb ass.
You have enough knowledge about Christianity and mormonism to confuse ignorant people. Carry on.

And yet you can't/didn't refute one thing I just claimed.

Claiming that Mormons belief that Jesus and Satan are brothers as proof of the "vast differences" between Christianity and Mormonism isn't going to cut it.
And yet you can't/didn't refute one thing I just claimed.

Claiming that Mormons belief that Jesus and Satan are brothers as proof of the "vast differences" between Christianity and Mormonism isn't going to cut it.

I couldn't care any less if you paid me that there are differences between the LDS church and Christianity. Absolutely none of them matter to me at all. We could speak all day on the differences between Hindus and Christians too, or shoot, we could speak for years on the differences in Buddhist sects, but none of them matter at all. Zero. Nada. Zilch.
And yet you can't/didn't refute one thing I just claimed.

Claiming that Mormons belief that Jesus and Satan are brothers as proof of the "vast differences" between Christianity and Mormonism isn't going to cut it.

They also claim that Heavenly Father is a physical being, Original Christianity teaches the Father is a spiritual being. A big difference between the two religions. There are other major differences in their teachings, but hey, Billy Graham removed them from his "cult" list, so they are making progress!
"Remember that God, our heavenly Father, was perhaps once a child, and mortal like we ourselves, and rose step by step in the scale of progress, in the school of advancement; has moved forward and overcome, until He has arrived at the point where He now is" (Apostle Orson Hyde, Journal of Discourses, 1:123)
And yet you can't/didn't refute one thing I just claimed.

Claiming that Mormons belief that Jesus and Satan are brothers as proof of the "vast differences" between Christianity and Mormonism isn't going to cut it.

Yes, I did refute what you just said. You said Jesus, Satan and humans are all God's creation. Jesus was not created, dumb ass.