Ron DeSantis to hold Florida businesses accountable for employing illegal immigrants


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This should be done in all states. No jobs and they will leave

On Friday, the Director of Communications and External Affairs for Florida's Department of Economic Opportunity, Rose Hebert, sent out a press release announcing that his office sent letters to six companies telling them that they would face legal consequences if they continued to employ illegal immigrants.

"Florida is cracking down on the unlawful employment of unauthorized aliens," said Bryan Griffin, the press secretary for Governor Ron DeSantis. "Companies that have not affirmed that all employees have passed E-Verify and are authorized to work in the United States are given an opportunity to cure the issue and so affirm."Florida's Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) informed the companies that they have one final chance to send documentation to the state proving that they are in compliance with Florida’s E-Verify laws, which is a web-based system "that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States."
Quote Originally Posted by Dutch Uncle View Post
Dear Dumbass; why didn't Trump make it illegal to hire, harbor or otherwise support illegals in the US?

I expect it was because he thought it was smarter to keep the illegals out of the country........ya'think?.....
Agreed. Arrest those who hire, harbor or otherwise entice illegals to come to the United States.
So.....we complain about meat prices because there aren't enough workers in meat processing plants.

Same for other supply chain issues. I'm not sure where all the workers went in this nation? All we hear about is a lack of labor.

It's always been U.S policy to grant temp. visas for workers who come here for seasonal work. Why not put these people to work if there is such a labor shortage?
So.....we complain about meat prices because there aren't enough workers in meat processing plants.

Same for other supply chain issues. I'm not sure where all the workers went in this nation? All we hear about is a lack of labor.

It's always been U.S policy to grant temp. visas for workers who come here for seasonal work. Why not put these people to work if there is such a labor shortage?
ILLEGAL workers.

Why have a law if it's not enforced? The Liberals keep passing gun laws every time there's a shooting but, as you are suggesting, by not enforcing those laws, it doesn't solve anything.

Even GW Bush recognized that American immigration policy needs to be revamped. He specifically mentioned the work visa program. Why didn't the Democrats support that idea?

President Bush's Plan For Comprehensive Immigration Reform
2. We Must Hold Employers Accountable For The Workers They Hire

In A Sharp Break From The Past, The Administration Is Addressing The Illegal Employment Of Undocumented Workers With A Tough Combination Of Criminal Prosecution And Forfeitures. Previously, worksite enforcement relied on a combination of administrative hearings and fines. The fines were so modest that some employers treated them as merely a cost of doing business, and employment of undocumented workers continued unabated.

The Number Of Arrests In Worksite Enforcement Cases Has Increased Dramatically During The President's Time In Office. There were more than 4,300 arrests in worksite enforcement cases for 2006, more than seven times the arrests in 2002. In addition, the two largest worksite enforcement actions in U.S. history were conducted last year by ICE.
In Fall 2005, The President Signed A Bill Doubling Federal Resources For Worksite Enforcement. In addition,the Administration has launched law enforcement task forces in 11 major cities to dismantle criminal rings that produce fake documents.
DHS Has Issued A Proposed "No-Match" Regulation To Assist Employers In Ensuring A Legal Workplace And To Help The Government Identify And Crack Down On Employers Who Knowingly Hire Illegal Workers. In cases in which an employer has ten or more employees with inaccurate information, the Social Security Administration (SSA) sends the employer a "No-Match" letter. DHS's proposed "No-Match" regulation clarifies that employers may be held civilly and criminally liable when a letter is sent and employers ignore the discrepancies between SSA databases and the information provided about their employees.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Must Include The Creation Of A New, Tamper-Proof Identification Card For Every Legal Foreign Worker So Businesses Can Verify The Legal Status Of Their Employees. A tamper-proof card would help us enforce the law and leave employers with no excuse for violating it. We will also work with Congress to expand "Basic Pilot" – an electronic employment eligibility verification system – and mandate that all employers use this system.

3. To Secure Our Border, We Must Create A Temporary Worker Program

America's Immigration Problem Will Not Be Solved With Security Measures Alone. There are many people on the other side of our borders who will do anything to come to America to work and build a better life. This dynamic creates tremendous pressure on our border that walls and patrols alone cannot stop.

As We Tighten Controls At The Border, We Must Also Address The Needs Of America's Growing Economy. The rule of law cannot permit unlawful employment of millions of undocumented workers in the United States. Many American businesses, however, depend on hiring willing foreign workers for jobs that Americans are not doing.

To Provide A Lawful Channel For Employment That Will Benefit Both The United States And Individual Immigrants, The President Has Called For The Creation Of A Temporary Worker Program. Such a program will serve the needs of our economy by providing a lawful and fair way to match willing employers with willing foreign workers to fill jobs that Americans have not taken. The program will also serve our law enforcement and national security objectives by taking pressure off the border and freeing our hard-working Border Patrol to focus on terrorists, human traffickers, violent criminals, drug runners, and gangs.

The Temporary Worker Program Should Be Grounded In The Following Principles:

American Workers Must Be Given Priority Over Guest Workers. Employers should be allowed to hire guest workers only for jobs that Americans have not taken.
The Program Must Be Truly Temporary. Participation should be for a limited period of time, and the guest workers must return home after their authorized period of stay. Those who fail to return home in accordance with the law should become permanently ineligible for a green card and for citizenship.
Participation Should Fluctuate With Market Conditions. When the economy is booming, and there are not enough American workers available to help businesses grow, the program should be open to more participants. But when times are tough and Americans struggle to find jobs, the economy cannot and should not support as many guest workers.
I believe it is a law in most states that is not enforced. Remember when you needed to show an SS card to get hired?
Not all, but I agree there are a lot of laws that are not properly enforced. Part of that is funding; We the People can't keep cutting taxes and expect the same results of enforcement.

Every employer should be required to use E-verify, and the Feds/States need to beef up that system. Same for renting or selling homes, apartments or other places to live.

I agree with the Broken Window theory on crime; by making laws and not enforcing them, we encourage people to break other laws.

Stem workers hold nearly 1/4 of the high tech jobs in the US. From 2000 to 2019 the percentage grew by 44%. Economically this is good for the US but from a security standpoint this is bad for the US. And no there is no evidence illegals are filling these positions.
DeSantis seems a clown to me - too extremis for my tastes.
Plus, he appears to be spending like a drunken Liberal.

But I see nothing wrong with this policy.

If businesses stopped hiring illegal aliens?
And the left stopped, handing out welfare to them?
They simply would have little reason to come here.

I do NOT hate or blame illegals 'for America's troubles', like the right do.
That is just xenophobic nonsense.
America has fundamental problems that go FAR deeper than simply 'illegals'.

But, the fact remains...they ARE 'illegals'.
And they do not belong here.
Not legally or morally.

Once again, I DESPISE, both parties.
Dear Dumbass; why didn't Trump make it illegal to hire, harbor or otherwise support illegals in the US?

It already is illegal to hire non-citizens. What's happening is:

1. Employers aren't being held accountable for illegal practices or;

2. Undocumented workers purchase false documents that give them the appearance of being citizens.
ILLEGAL workers.

Why have a law if it's not enforced? The Liberals keep passing gun laws every time there's a shooting but, as you are suggesting, by not enforcing those laws, it doesn't solve anything.

Even GW Bush recognized that American immigration policy needs to be revamped. He specifically mentioned the work visa program. Why didn't the Democrats support that idea?

President Bush's Plan For Comprehensive Immigration Reform
They aren't illegal. They're asylum seekers. If you put them to work, of course they would be processed first and given SS numbers, etc..

I'm not talking about having them work on construction crews doing your roof...which is rampant in this nation. Those actually ARE jobs that are being taken from Americans.

Meat packers, not so much.