Lots. Even legal Americans don't like to pay taxes. Do you really think anyone that works for tips gives a strict accounting of their income?
Why do you start with the homeowner paying someone to mow his lawn to Walmart? Do you work for a corporation that employs illegals, Althea?
Then change the law instead of advocating breaking it. If you break a law in employing illegals, than why can't someone else break a law by dating 17 year olds? Once you break the line between advocating legal and advocating illegal, then you are no better than any other criminals such burglars, carjackers or snake oil salesmen pushing HCQ as a COVID cure.
You're starting to stray. The immigration issue is the main wedge issue for Republicans, which is why they will never allow it to be addressed. Without it, they have no platform.
There is no law against paying cash. I get lots of cash from certain customers. I break no laws by accepting cash unless I try to hide it during tax time. Which is what millions of American construction/gig workers are doing.
What you are stuck on is immigration status, due to a system that makes it extremely hard to survive while the years pass and nothing changes. These people want to work. If 1000 people are shipped from Fla/Texas to some northern city each week, then find work for them. There are tens of thousands of jobs that need filling. If it entails temporary work visa status, so be it.
The loudest screeching re. illegals usually includes some lies about how they're getting public assistance, clogging our hospitals, and using our schools.
A big part of the Obama era bipartisan immigration bill that Republicans in the House killed, entailed military service as part of a comprehensive plan to gain citizenship.
The crimes that affect the nation the most are typically committed by the wealthiest in the nation. The term 'illegal immigrant worker' is way down on the list of pressing issues.
If you don't like illegals, simply change their status. It seems pretty easy to do.