Ron Paul is about half genius.

I'm sure I added The good news is that nonsense is far from what people want.

Perhaps you missed it.

No, I clearly included your caveat. Unlike some, I am not into misrepresenting others.

I am not so sure you are right on that. Many people want religion in schools, maybe not one religion, but religion in general.

Oh, and large multi-national corporations, who have more power than any of them aren't the majjor players in your "free market"?

Those who do more buying and selling obviously have more influence on the market. But, in a free market they exercise that right according to their productive capacities and ability to supply the needs of others. Our current system instead locks them in once they have earned the favor of government and further it encourages the accumulation of wealth into unproductive and inefficient mega corps through its tax system.

Well, I was not going to say it, but yes your question and the implied strawman were very dumb.

Oh sure .. that's why you were able to post all the successes of the gold standard and all the nations rushing to adapt it. :)

There was no request for that and you have not posted anything on its failures. The success... inflation was virtually non existent.

Here's your chance to really prove I don't know what I'm talking about .. just post all the nations on the gold standard and how wonderfully they're doing with it.

Ad Populum.

Then really show me up by explaining why most countries NOT on the gold standard avoided the great collapse, and why countries who quickly got rid of the gold standard suffered less damage than countries that stuck to it.

The US was the last to abandon the gold standard and that fact is largely why we are the dominant world power.

Who cares .. I don't put that stupid shit there.

This is normal for this site. Changing and altering the posts of others is normal tactics around here.

More than likely, you put it there .. so feel free to answer your own post.

It's in your original post, not in a quote of it. You are claiming someone else put it in there? If you say so, but they must have been quick about it.

I certainly did not put it there and you can take your accusation and put it in the place from where you pull your Paul smears. I am not sure how that can be done and don't really have any desire to learn.
Ron Paul supporters call it getting my ass kicked or whatever I don't give a rats ass. In any case I am swearing off of ron paul talk because it is a total waste. Come primary day, ron will still be sitting on his ass, instead of standing to accept a nomination.

Alfred E. Numan would stand a better chance.

Spin you wheels if you want.

Cool! I will have to start back in on the one Paul thread a day routine. It was getting boring tweaking ib1. But now that we have bac and usc to aggravate as well. :)
And just think, you have sooo many Americans who agree with you and Paul. His support is skyrocketing. You can tell that by the plethora of Ron Paul threads that keep popping up everyday. One can clearly determine by the thread poll that Ron Paul must be in the lead. I mean who else has as many threads as Paul?

People who are against him and think he's a creepy old man on the verge of Alzeimers just don't know how to calibrate these thread polls and factor them in as a new "metric."

They prove that the only people who know what's good for this country are his supporters. I'd be crazy to deny their immeasurable political prowess and acumen.


I think that Ron Paul is an interesting gadfly. We don't agree on much. I wouldn't want him to be president.

What about that steel cage match, huh? I wanna see it!
Cool! I will have to start back in on the one Paul thread a day routine. It was getting boring tweaking ib1. But now that we have bac and usc to aggravate as well. :)


This shit is fun .. AND .. at the end of it, it will be ib1, USC, me, and others like us who know what a lunatic he and many of his lemmings are that will still be laughing.

Have any doubts about that?

He who laughs last ....

No, I clearly included your caveat. Unlike some, I am not into misrepresenting others.

Sure, that's why you posted yet another dumb ass thread "BAC supports the war." .. DUMB

I am not so sure you are right on that. Many people want religion in schools, maybe not one religion, but religion in general.

Not only do you know little of the candidate you support, you don't seem to know much about the American people. Seen any clamoring for religion in schools from the majority of Americans?

I didn't think so.

Those who do more buying and selling obviously have more influence on the market. But, in a free market they exercise that right according to their productive capacities and ability to supply the needs of others. Our current system instead locks them in once they have earned the favor of government and further it encourages the accumulation of wealth into unproductive and inefficient mega corps through its tax system.

Like most Ronbots, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You simply latched onto a sound bite and took that as a good idea. There has never been an unristricted lassiez-fare system anywhere in the world, even in France from whence the term originates.

History would be a splendid thing for you to explore.

There was no request for that and you have not posted anything on its failures. The success... inflation was virtually non existent.

Yeah, I requested it KNOWING that you couldn't answer. If you had an answer you would have posted it.

Ad Populum.

Very popular Ronbot response .. along with "ad hominem" and "red herring".

You guys must be taking classes on how to use inane obselete phrases while pretending you know what you're talking about. :)

The US was the last to abandon the gold standard and that fact is largely why we are the dominant world power.

Sure glad I wasn't having a cup of coffee when I read this piece of complete ignorance. Dude, you have ZERO sense of history.

It's in your original post, not in a quote of it. You are claiming someone else put it in there? If you say so, but they must have been quick about it.

You can whine about it .. I'm not bothered by it. It's how posters roll around here and its allowed by the administration here. Does it appear that I would put anything the least bit flattering about Paul in any of my posts?

This shit is fun .. AND .. at the end of it, it will be ib1, USC, me, and others like us who know what a lunatic he and many of his lemmings are that will still be laughing.

Have any doubts about that?

He who laughs last ....


I don't know. I'm starting to get scared. What with all of the straw polls and the caravans of 8 die-hards touring the country.
I don't know. I'm starting to get scared. What with all of the straw polls and the caravans of 8 die-hards touring the country.

Yeah, and the thread polls continue to rise.

According to the US Department of Thread Polls, another one pops up on American message boards every 12 seconds.

I hear the the elderly are preparing for homelessness, employess at the CIA, FBI, FEMA, FDA, CDC, HUD, Energy, Labor, and Education are all preparing their resumes to work at McDonalds, and Paul's inauguration will be hosted by Enron.

Sunshine in America.
Yeah, and the thread polls continue to rise.

According to the US Department of Thread Polls, another one pops up on American message boards every 12 seconds.

I hear the the elderly are preparing for homelessness, employess at the CIA, FBI, FEMA, FDA, CDC, HUD, Energy, Labor, and Education are all preparing their resumes to work at McDonalds, and Paul's inauguration will be hosted by Enron.

Sunshine in America.

It just goes to show what 12 really committed people, who haven't yet been committed, can do! Only in America folks!

Sure, that's why you posted yet another dumb ass thread "BAC supports the war." .. DUMB

It's a headline and I explained in the post that I was applying your premise to the issue. That is what your premise suggests.

Not only do you know little of the candidate you support, you don't seem to know much about the American people. Seen any clamoring for religion in schools from the majority of Americans?

I didn't think so.

Uhh, yeah. Lots were pissed off concerning that under God ruling. Besides, where was the clamoring for the removal of religion from schools in the first place? There was none. It was done by the courts and more than likely against the majorities wishes.

Like most Ronbots, you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You simply latched onto a sound bite and took that as a good idea. There has never been an unristricted lassiez-fare system anywhere in the world, even in France from whence the term originates.

History would be a splendid thing for you to explore.

The fact that it's implementation has been imperfect is not a reason to reject it.

Yeah, I requested it KNOWING that you couldn't answer. If you had an answer you would have posted it.

No, originally you did not or I did not notice one. Now that you have I gave you an answer. No real response from you. You are quickly proving a total waste of time with these non-responsive bs posts.

blah blah blah ...
Sure glad I wasn't having a cup of coffee when I read this piece of complete ignorance. Dude, you have ZERO sense of history.

You want to actually make a point instead of posturing? We broke all ties to the gold standard in I believe 71 (maybe 70). The rest of the developed world abandoned it after WWI.

You can whine about it .. I'm not bothered by it. It's how posters roll around here and its allowed by the administration here. Does it appear that I would put anything the least bit flattering about Paul in any of my posts?

WTF, who is whining? I asked you to clarify the quote, you claim it was not yours, okay.

I have seen where people changed the words in text that they quoted. I have not seen them change original posts. If you say it is being done, fine.
Still waiting for your history lesson on gold bac. Or is this just another of the threads you are going to abandon? You claim I am ignorant of history and yet you offer nothing to counter my statements.