Ron Paul is about half genius.

It hardly matters if Paul supporters agree with my perspective of him or not .. the only way he or his insane politics enter the White House is as a guest.

I am amazed, though not shocked, at the blindness and naivety of his supporters.

This kook is running as an anti-corporatist, when he's in fact the corporations best friend .. and in some cases their only friend.

Case in point .. H.R. 180: Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007, a bill establishes a list of those having "a direct investment in, or is conducting, business operations in Sudan's power production, mineral extraction, oil-related, or military equipment industries." It authorizes state and local governments to divest their (the state or local government's) assets from those persons. It also prohibits the federal government from awarding or renewing contracts to anyone on the list.

The bill passed 418 - 1

The ONLY dissenting vote .. Ron Paul.

His reason .. "We shouldn't tie the hands of corporations by limiting their business dealings."

Corporations making taxpayer money off genocide and we "shouldn't tie their hands."

Yet to his blind supporters, he's anti-corporatist.

The good news is that most of America is smarter than that.

We have overused the term koolaid drinker to the point that it became an ineffective tag. Which is a shame, because if ever there were koolaid drinkers it's the Paul supporters.
It hardly matters if Paul supporters agree with my perspective of him or not ..

Yeah, even if you got all of them to agree you would still be wrong. It's quite clear that you are misrepresenting the words you quote. Just as many religious fanatics misrepresent the words of our founders. In both cases, thwe words clearly state that there is an important role for religion in the culture and in both cases dishonest people try to twist that into meaning there is a role for religion in the government.

This kook is running as an anti-corporatist, when he's in fact the corporations best friend .. and in some cases their only friend.

He is not running as anti corporation and neither is he their best friend. Even if he were willing to take money from corps, he would not likely get much. Most corps are shopping for the special advantages Dems and Repubs supply. Most don't want free markets.

Case in point .. H.R. 180: Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act of 2007, a bill establishes a list of those having "a direct investment in, or is conducting, business operations in Sudan's power production, mineral extraction, oil-related, or military equipment industries." It authorizes state and local governments to divest their (the state or local government's) assets from those persons. It also prohibits the federal government from awarding or renewing contracts to anyone on the list.

The bill passed 418 - 1

The ONLY dissenting vote .. Ron Paul.

His reason .. "We shouldn't tie the hands of corporations by limiting their business dealings."

Yeah, even if you got all of them to agree you would still be wrong. It's quite clear that you are misrepresenting the words you quote. Just as many religious fanatics misrepresent the words of our founders. In both cases, thwe words clearly state that there is an important role for religion in the culture and in both cases dishonest people try to twist that into meaning there is a role for religion in the government.

He is not running as anti corporation and neither is he their best friend. Even if he were willing to take money from corps, he would not likely get much. Most corps are shopping for the special advantages Dems and Repubs supply. Most don't want free markets.


Sure, I know .. "he didn't say that"

"I'm misrepresenting his words"


"free market"???
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We have overused the term koolaid drinker to the point that it became an ineffective tag. Which is a shame, because if ever there were koolaid drinkers it's the Paul supporters.

Right, based on the hysterical hatred and distortions of a few morons that continuously support the warfare state while claiming otherwise.

And here is what Paul actually said...

HR 180, Darfur Accountability and Divestment Act, by US Rep. Ron Paul

Submitted by Staff on Mon, 2007-07-30 00:00. Finance Genocide Ron Paul

Madam Speaker, HR 180 is premised on the assumption that divestment, sanctions, and other punitive measures are effective in influencing repressive regimes, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth. Proponents of such methods fail to remember that where goods cannot cross borders, troops will. Sanctions against Cuba, Iraq, and numerous other countries failed to topple their governments. Rather than weakening dictators, these sanctions strengthened their hold on power and led to more suffering on the part of the Cuban and Iraqi people. To the extent that divestment effected change in South Africa, it was brought about by private individuals working through the market to influence others.

No one denies that the humanitarian situation in Darfur is dire, but the United States government has no business entangling itself in this situation, nor in forcing divestment on unwilling parties. Any further divestment action should be undertaken through voluntary means and not by government fiat.

HR 180 is an interventionist piece of legislation which will extend the power of the federal government over American businesses, force this country into yet another foreign policy debacle, and do nothing to alleviate the suffering of the residents of Darfur. By allowing state and local governments to label pension and retirement funds as state assets, the federal government is giving the go-ahead for state and local governments to play politics with the savings upon which millions of Americans depend for security in their old age. The safe harbor provision opens another dangerous loophole, allowing fund managers to escape responsibility for any potential financial mismanagement, and it sets a dangerous precedent. Would the Congress offer the same safe harbor provision to fund managers who wish to divest from firms offering fatty foods, growing tobacco, or doing business in Europe?

This bill would fail in its aim of influencing the government of the Sudan, and would likely result in the exact opposite of its intended effects. The regime in Khartoum would see no loss of oil revenues, and the civil conflict will eventually flare up again. The unintended consequences of this bill on American workers, investors, and companies need to be considered as well. Forcing American workers to divest from companies which may only be tangentially related to supporting the Sudanese government could have serious economic repercussions which need to be taken into account.
How crazy can Ron Paul be to argue that sanctions don't work?!? They killed millions in Iraq! Castro is going to die any moment!

How crazy is he to argue that pensions should not be utilized as political tools but rather should remain objective and seek returns for their invesotrs!

Koolaid drinking Paul supporters!
That's a source for his vote not his words. I believe I know where your source for that was, an ugly diatribe on some crappy website. Your credibility is quickly approaching zero. You are so filled with hatred you are willing to latch on to any lie or smear you can come across.

You're a complete moron and I feel REAL to say that I've got every bit as much if not more credibility around here as you do .. and even safer to say that I've got more credibility than you in life.

Who in the fuck cares what your "credibility" quotent is?
You're a complete moron and I feel REAL to say that I've got every bit as much if not more credibility around here as you do .. and even safer to say that I've got more credibility than you in life.

Who in the fuck cares what your "credibility" quotent is?

Oh I don't even read RS' posts, seriously.

He is such a caricature I can't even believe he's real. What a pompous ass he is. And nowhere near as smart as he has been convinced.
That's a source for his vote not his words. I believe I know where your source for that was, an ugly diatribe on some crappy website. Your credibility is quickly approaching zero. You are so filled with hatred you are willing to latch on to any lie or smear you can come across.

Umm votes count more than words.
If one does not walk their talk....
You're a complete moron and I feel REAL to say that I've got every bit as much if not more credibility around here as you do .. and even safer to say that I've got more credibility than you in life.

Who in the fuck cares what your "credibility" quotent is?

Blah blah hate blah blah venom...

No answer for another of your apparent distortions. Where is you source, for the words you claim he spoke? What in his REAL comments above make it appear that his concern is SOLELY for the interest of corporations?
Amazingly he linked to the actual words of R. Paul and they were nothing at all like what you said, BAC.

I find that the norm rather than the rarity.
Oh I don't even read RS' posts, seriously.

He is such a caricature I can't even believe he's real. What a pompous ass he is. And nowhere near as smart as he has been convinced.

I'm taking your advice and skipping over that moron's posts henceforth.
Umm votes count more than words.
If one does not walk their talk....

??? His vote matches his words. The lefties who railed against sanctions in Iraq and Cuba are the hypocrites here, not Paul. You just prefer to make up your own mind about his motivations, which is small minded and indicative of a koolaid drinker.
Amazingly he linked to the actual words of R. Paul and they were nothing at all like what you said, BAC.

I find that the norm rather than the rarity.

You can find it whatever you like .. but I heard him say that in a radio interview when talking about his upcoming debate with Tavis Smiley.

Don't worry, I've already got you down in the "he didn't say that" category.

Skip right past the known reality of his vote .. right into denial mode. I find that to be the norm.
You can find it whatever you like .. but I heard him say that in a radio interview when talking about his upcoming debate with Tavis Smiley.

Don't worry, I've already got you down in the "he didn't say that" category.

Skip right past the known reality of his vote .. right into denial mode. I find that to be the norm.
Don't worry, I know how to read... all of a statement.

I don't skip past his known vote. I just disagree with your exaggerated and simplistic "Why? Because blah, blah... <insert whatever you think other people will believe if they didn't actually look it up>."
Don't worry, I know how to read... all of a statement.

I don't skip past his known vote. I just disagree with your exaggerated and simplistic "Why? Because blah, blah... <insert whatever you think other people will believe if they didn't actually look it up>."

So you think this is all he's had to say on the subject?

It's not possible that if he was asked why he voted against the bill that he would ever say such a thing. "HR 180 is an interventionist piece of legislation which will extend the power of the federal government over American businesses" .. but no, he would never say "We shouldn't tie the hands of corporations by limiting their business dealings."

My god .. who would ever believe the propaganda being put out about Ron Paul?

No criticism of his vote, just criticize the messenger.

Stop whining .. I've marked you down in the correct category and knew your response even before you gave it.
So you think this is all he's had to say on the subject?

It's not possible that if he was asked why he voted against the bill that he would ever say such a thing. "HR 180 is an interventionist piece of legislation which will extend the power of the federal government over American businesses" .. but no, he would never say "We shouldn't tie the hands of corporations by limiting their business dealings."

My god .. who would ever believe the propaganda being put out about Ron Paul?

No criticism of his vote, just criticize the messenger.

Stop whining .. I've marked you down in the correct category and knew your response even before you gave it.
And I yours. Link me to the supposed other statement. As far as I can tell I used the actual words of his speech, you have nothing but suggestive ranting that seems to be based on how you "feel" he would respond.
You can find it whatever you like .. but I heard him say that in a radio interview when talking about his upcoming debate with Tavis Smiley.

Don't worry, I've already got you down in the "he didn't say that" category.

Skip right past the known reality of his vote .. right into denial mode. I find that to be the norm.

Who is skipping past his vote? He should have voted against it.

The only onw denying reality here is you, as you clearly do on the quote concerning religion and the founders.

Funny, you recall it exactly as it appears this feloow did, which is the only source I can find...

An inaccurate diatribe. For instance, this guy claims Paul supports a 23% sales tax. He does not and has spoken repeatedly and consistently against such reforms from supposed free marketers that absolutely miss the point.