Ron Paul Joins The Race


Junior Member
He is in the running for President, he announced today.

SNOWBALL CHANCE............................

March 10, 2007, 6:52PM
Rep. Ron Paul to run for president

By JOE STINEBAKER Associated Press Writer
© 2007 The Associated Press

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HOUSTON — U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, a strict constitutionalist and fierce anti-war critic, will formally declare his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination Monday when he appears as a guest on a C-SPAN call-in program.

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good point Damo my bad. I should have said I hope he makes it thru the primary. for more than one reason,. It will open the eyes of the Republican party as well as guarantee a Demoncratic win in the fall.

I assumed he was running as a Libertarian, should have read the article.
good point Damo my bad. I should have said I hope he makes it thru the primary. for more than one reason,. It will open the eyes of the Republican party as well as guarantee a Demoncratic win in the fall.

I assumed he was running as a Libertarian, should have read the article.

What ... You dont think the Democrats can win on their own message?
I honestly believe that they will have to give more than, "We are not Republicans" in order to actually win.

Perhaps a bit more than that, but not much more.
Maybe "we are not republicans, so we are not quite as corrupt and won't invade a country based on mistakes/lies".
I believe the Democrats will need to royally screw up not to win the White House. The first potential screw up ... will be to nominate a decidedly left winger ..., the second major screw up will be to emphasize the need to raise taxes... taxes will be raised regardless of which party wins.. but Democrats will need to reword the language and make sure the hike is geared towards the wealthy of the wealthiest. They will have an easy time running against the War.. Bush has given this issue to them on a silver platter... but key is the messenger .. Clinton and Edwards need to exercise the power of fluent, forceful, and appropriate speech when outlining their change of position regarding this war. The Ball is in the Dems court.
Klaatu, do you think there are enough disillusioned Republicans that Ron Paul will make a noticible showing in the primary ?
Klaatu, do you think there are enough disillusioned Republicans that Ron Paul will make a noticible showing in the primary ?

I see Ron Paul much the same as I see Hagel.. right now he'll appeal to the fringe .. Should things continue to get ugly for Bush/Cheney ... and Pubs come to their senses.... he is an Alternative choice to Pro War choices McCain, Giuls and Romney... he could be the true alternative and saving grace for the Republican Primary ...
If he makes it to the general .. he then becomes the Fiscal Conservative
If he makes it to the general .. he then becomes the Fiscal Conservative

yeah if anyone still believes Republicans are fiscal conservatives....
If he makes it to the general .. he then becomes the Fiscal Conservative

yeah if anyone still believes Republicans are fiscal conservatives....

Ron Paul is a fiscal conservative.. he belongs to the Libertarian Wing of the Republican Party ....
tell me - what are his views on Social Security?

Deficit Spending and Social Security

"Congress [must] stop spending. When Congress outspends federal revenues, it raids Social Security funds to cover the difference. Unless Congress makes real cuts in spending — and stops spending Social Security taxes on completely unrelated programs — millions of Americans simply will not receive even a fraction of the money they paid into Social Security..."

"Under my [plan], your Social Security contributions are set aside in an interest-bearing account and cannot be spent. In other words, your Social Security account would be treated as your account and not a slush fund for Congress."