Ron Paul Mr. StormFront In Chief

While I have no opinion for this thread itself, I have noticed that middle-class white women are the most likely to be offended by racism-- apparently I missed the memo that made that demographic into the race police.

EDIt: Also, LOL at Stormfront.
While I have no opinion for this thread itself, I have noticed that middle-class white women are the most likely to be offended by racism-- apparently I missed the memo that made that demographic into the race police.

EDIt: Also, LOL at Stormfront.

They're mentally malleable, and are likely to have attended college, and are too sheeplike to think for themselves, they absorb the anti-white agenda more than any other demographic. They scare me with the levels of hate they spew and their total denial of it. In fact, they feel it makes them seem cool and "sophisticated". In their perverse universe a white person proves his worthiness by his willingness to discriminate against other whites.
Is this a witty rejoinder, or a defense of your racist ass?

More like a brushing off of your usual rhetoric which is delusional, paranoid, repetitive and devoid of anything new, insightful, or even somewhat interesting. Just about every post you make is the same. You accuse either myself, BAC, darla, Cypress, Dungheap, etc of being racist, or you'll make an overtly racist joke or you mention something anti-Semitic or completely misogynistic. It’s old. Everyone is over it. You have nothing new and insightful to add. The only thing that's slightly amusing about you is the fact that you are under the gross misapprehension that you usually make good points and even that amusement expired about 300 racist/misogynist posts ago. You are lonely bitter closeted ho mo$exual who clearly has issues with women and who will undoubtedly be alone for a long time. Just so that you're aware, taking that out on us will not solve anything. I just hope that one day you'll come to grips with the fact that you are g ay and that you will be a much happier and grounded person.

And with that, you are on IA.

Good luck, good bye and remember, there is nothing wrong with being g ay.
Tianabautre aka LadyT goes about crying wolf calling everybody else a racist when it is she who blatantly tries to smear people by calling others racist....

They were all just ghost written and he had no idea what was being said in a publication that carried his name on it.

Tell me that's satire.

Ity was IMPOSSIBLE for him not to knoiw what was in HIS newsletter .. and when he was challenged on it during an election, he stood by the words in the newsletter.

Only when it further became a problem did he suggest that they weren't his words .. FIVE YEARS AFTER HE WAS CHALLENGED ON IT.
Tell me that's satire.

Ity was IMPOSSIBLE for him not to knoiw what was in HIS newsletter .. and when he was challenged on it during an election, he stood by the words in the newsletter.

Only when it further became a problem did he suggest that they weren't his words .. FIVE YEARS AFTER HE WAS CHALLENGED ON IT.

But you openly espouse racial discrimination. Ron Paul does not. Look in the mirror, hypocrite.

The discourse on race in america is so warped and mangled that a white person can only be considered moral if he agrees to discriminate against other whites. This will be undone shortly, and justice will be restored to the land.
Tianabautre aka LadyT goes about crying wolf calling everybody else a racist when it is she who blatantly tries to smear people by calling others racist....


That's a long ass way from truth.

I find your alliance with AHZ strange for someone who supposedly opposes racism .. make that REAL racism, not the "old white man longing for the days of yore" racism.
But you openly espouse racial discrimination. Ron Paul does not. Look in the mirror, hypocrite.

The discourse on race in america is so warped and mangled that a white person can only be considered moral if he agrees to discriminate against other whites. This will be undone shortly, and justice will be restored to the land.

Fuck you Sir Cadaver.

Your incessant whinings are the death throes of a shrinking man. Quite pleasant hearing the sound of overt racism dying like a stuck pig I might add.

Get ready .. you might have a black president .. and the most powerful woman in America might be a black woman, Oprah, whose support has seemed to propel Obama into the lead.

Damn it's good to hear your pain.
Stop advocating racial discrimination. Look in the mirror and realize that you and your ilk are the only ones still seeking to racially discriminate. As long as you're pointing fingers, mine will be in your face. Get used to it, racist hypocrite. There's nothing you can do about it.
Are you really so dense as to BELIEVE that the modest gains made by AA are the equivilent of Jim Crow? Has your poor cracker ass been so discriminated against that you have become the equivilent of black americans? The REAL problem with this whole line is that it makes you and all the others on here that bemoan AA sound like whiney little pussies. I damn sure don't want you to have my back in a real fight because you might whine about how the other guys are bigger and they have more muscles and that shit is unfair. AA has had no effect even remotely the equivilent of the Institutionalized Racism practiced in this country from 1865 on when at least on paper, Black people became the constitutional equals of their white counterparts. It has been NOTHING more than a hand up after 300 years of having white feet on their necks. Like I have said before, AA has been the equivilent of physical therapy for an injured athlete. You would NEVER make someone go back out and compete on the field after a compound fracture of the leg without rehab. Same for soldiers, if a soldier gets his leg shattered from a bullet, they don't put it all back together and then say "back on the battlefield with you" without rehab. But you white whiners would. Once the actual break is healed you would say "fuck it. Get back out there and do your job. And don't whine about the fact that your leg still doesn't work right. We PUT pins in it."
Blackascoal dont get fooled by LadyT she is a moron simple enough....

She and I dont get along so she makes up fake stories of racism to smear me....Doesnt work....

Dont believe her little PMs trying to be friends...She is a Lieberman Democrat...

Are you really so dense as to BELIEVE that the modest gains made by AA are the equivilent of Jim Crow? Has your poor cracker ass been so discriminated against that you have become the equivilent of black americans? The REAL problem with this whole line is that it makes you and all the others on here that bemoan AA sound like whiney little pussies. I damn sure don't want you to have my back in a real fight because you might whine about how the other guys are bigger and they have more muscles and that shit is unfair. AA has had no effect even remotely the equivilent of the Institutionalized Racism practiced in this country from 1865 on when at least on paper, Black people became the constitutional equals of their white counterparts. It has been NOTHING more than a hand up after 300 years of having white feet on their necks. Like I have said before, AA has been the equivilent of physical therapy for an injured athlete. You would NEVER make someone go back out and compete on the field after a compound fracture of the leg without rehab. Same for soldiers, if a soldier gets his leg shattered from a bullet, they don't put it all back together and then say "back on the battlefield with you" without rehab. But you white whiners would. Once the actual break is healed you would say "fuck it. Get back out there and do your job. And don't whine about the fact that your leg still doesn't work right. We PUT pins in it."

That's right and blacks who complained about discrimination were just pussy negroes who needed to get back to work and quit whining, right racist?
Tell me that's satire.

Ity was IMPOSSIBLE for him not to knoiw what was in HIS newsletter .. and when he was challenged on it during an election, he stood by the words in the newsletter.

Only when it further became a problem did he suggest that they weren't his words .. FIVE YEARS AFTER HE WAS CHALLENGED ON IT.
Of course it is satire BAC.
That's right and blacks who complained about discrimination were just pussy negroes who needed to get back to work and quit whining, right racist?
No more than likely they were actual victims of REAL racism. YOu just don't like it that your side lost starting in 1865 and then went on to lose with desegregation and voting rights. You would have to be STUPID to think that AA has acted in anyway remotely resembling Jim Crow and Segregation. COMPLETELY STUPID. And you would still sound like a whiney little wussie.
Blackascoal dont get fooled by LadyT she is a moron simple enough....

She and I dont get along so she makes up fake stories of racism to smear me....Doesnt work....

Dont believe her little PMs trying to be friends...She is a Lieberman Democrat...


I have much respect for Lady T and I judge you on what YOU have to say.

She is most definately, most assuredly, not a moron by any stretch of the imagination and not getting along with you does not make her one.

A bit of decorum in how you address women posters might go a long way in how you are percieved by others.
No more than likely they were actual victims of REAL racism. YOu just don't like it that your side lost starting in 1865 and then went on to lose with desegregation and voting rights. You would have to be STUPID to think that AA has acted in anyway remotely resembling Jim Crow and Segregation. COMPLETELY STUPID. And you would still sound like a whiney little wussie.

You've correctly summed it up .. he is completely stupid.
I have much respect for Lady T and I judge you on what YOU have to say.

She is most definately, most assuredly, not a moron by any stretch of the imagination and not getting along with you does not make her one.

A bit of decorum in how you address women posters might go a long way in how you are percieved by others.

Like I said this aint a high school popularity contest and the rules of decorum dont apply on the Internet...

So take a chill pill.

I have much respect for Lady T and I judge you on what YOU have to say.

She is most definately, most assuredly, not a moron by any stretch of the imagination and not getting along with you does not make her one.

A bit of decorum in how you address women posters might go a long way in how you are percieved by others.

Don't defend her ignorant racism. Are you swooping in to save her? She must be weak.
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No more than likely they were actual victims of REAL racism. YOu just don't like it that your side lost starting in 1865 and then went on to lose with desegregation and voting rights. You would have to be STUPID to think that AA has acted in anyway remotely resembling Jim Crow and Segregation. COMPLETELY STUPID. And you would still sound like a whiney little wussie.

There is real racism going on now. Against white people.

I never said it was jim crow. I said it was wrong. Just as wrong as jim crow.

I'm on the side that's against racial discrimination. You're still for it. You're intellectually and morally bankrupt.