Are you really so dense as to BELIEVE that the modest gains made by AA are the equivilent of Jim Crow? Has your poor cracker ass been so discriminated against that you have become the equivilent of black americans? The REAL problem with this whole line is that it makes you and all the others on here that bemoan AA sound like whiney little pussies. I damn sure don't want you to have my back in a real fight because you might whine about how the other guys are bigger and they have more muscles and that shit is unfair. AA has had no effect even remotely the equivilent of the Institutionalized Racism practiced in this country from 1865 on when at least on paper, Black people became the constitutional equals of their white counterparts. It has been NOTHING more than a hand up after 300 years of having white feet on their necks. Like I have said before, AA has been the equivilent of physical therapy for an injured athlete. You would NEVER make someone go back out and compete on the field after a compound fracture of the leg without rehab. Same for soldiers, if a soldier gets his leg shattered from a bullet, they don't put it all back together and then say "back on the battlefield with you" without rehab. But you white whiners would. Once the actual break is healed you would say "fuck it. Get back out there and do your job. And don't whine about the fact that your leg still doesn't work right. We PUT pins in it."