Ron Paul Mr. StormFront In Chief

It's not a double standard and I pointed out to you, with the rehab analogy why it is is not. But rather than debate me on that, which you obviously can't, you call names and come back with what you percieve to be witty one liners.

You haven't pointed out shit. Or made a compelling case in any way. I've debated you over and over and you always end up running away.

AA is racial discrimination, and, as such, is illegal and morally repugnant.
He's actually worse than a$$munch. He's made several disgusting and overtly racist posts to me too on the other board. I've had him on IA since I got here and I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before he pulls out his plantation, maid, etc jokes. Consider yourself warned.

I think I quoted them once for BAC when CK first got here, pretending to not be a racist. I didn't have to say anything, CK's words did all the talking.
I have much respect for Lady T and I judge you on what YOU have to say.

She is most definately, most assuredly, not a moron by any stretch of the imagination and not getting along with you does not make her one.

A bit of decorum in how you address women posters might go a long way in how you are percieved by others.

I just saw CKs accusation saying I was lying about him being overtly racist. Judge for yourself.

And that was just a casual search on the site. I keep him on IA here so I really have no clue what he's saying now.
Seriously though, he says the same $hit over and over. I can't even take him seriously anymore.

Kind of like you guys with "ron paul is a racist" threads? You refuse to interact with me because you can't win. Your position is untenable. So you just sit back and name call. You're pathetic.
I just saw CKs accusation saying I was lying about him being overtly racist. Judge for yourself.

And that was just a casual search on the site. I keep him on IA here so I really have no clue what he's saying now.

There's plenty more than that too. The cotton picking, the fried chicken....

Yeah, he's a total fool.

And I saw that you put AHZ on IA. Couldn't handle the skewerings?
and it is also...........

It's nice that you've aligned yourself with the most blatent, straight-forward racist on the site. Now you can drop your pretend act that you're against racism.

comical that you align yourself with socialist and patronize the same for what goal or end result?...a 'lei' (lay for mainlanders) in the hay or popularity? C'mon get real 'BAC' is the biggest racist on this board and darla is the biggest sexist on this board...ya are an embarrassment to both the normal male and females who post on this board...what a limp dick you are!:rolleyes:
You haven't pointed out shit. Or made a compelling case in any way. I've debated you over and over and you always end up running away.

AA is racial discrimination, and, as such, is illegal and morally repugnant.
You've not debated shit. You rarely EVER post anything over three lines long that you didn't cut and paste from someone decrying ZOG and Naugahide. You can't debate. you just repeatedly say "it's racism it's racism it's racism and that is it." You have no argument against the analogy because you have none. You are an ignorant white supremacist cry baby pussy that does not have the intellectual capacity to debate if the debate isn't on some other website where you can cut and past and call it your own. You run around typing "White Pride World Wide" and try to pretend that is not a battle cry that came from the same people who came up with RaHoWa and Whitepower. I am as white as you are and have NEVER been affect by AA. I don't believe anyone with HALF A FUCKING BRAIN has ever been affected by AA. You can't point to a SINGLE adverse effect that AA has had on our society or even how it has affected you. You just hate black people and you hate that they have finally been able to achieve some equality with you. Without AA that would have NEVER happened because universities like UT Austin and Univ of Alabama would have figured out more covert ways of dicriminating against black applicants. Shit even by 1966 the University of Kentucky Basketball program REFUSED to allow black players on the team. That was what made Texas Western's (UTEP now) defeat of them so sweet, that they defeated Rupp's racists views of sports. THis is the world you live in and you think that by calling people who support AA racists you will make them go away. Well you won't, so keep yelling WPWW everywhere you go and pretend it is the others that are racists and you are just looking out for the poor put upon white man.
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I just saw CKs accusation saying I was lying about him being overtly racist. Judge for yourself.

And that was just a casual search on the site. I keep him on IA here so I really have no clue what he's saying now.

Honestly, buttflake, it's not as bad you openly espousing racial discrimination as a form of justice.
She is akin to darla...........

There's plenty more than that too. The cotton picking, the fried chicken....

Yeah, he's a total fool.

And I saw that you put AHZ on IA. Couldn't handle the skewerings?

they can dish it out but have a real hard time taking the proverbial heat...real limp wristed femme bots!;)
He's actually worse than a$$munch. He's made several disgusting and overtly racist posts to me too on the other board. I've had him on IA since I got here and I'm sure it will only be a matter of time before he pulls out his plantation, maid, etc jokes. Consider yourself warned.

Worse than AssMunch?

That would be quite an accomplishment.

Plantation and maid jokes don't work here and I'd have great fun with anyone that completely dumb to use them.

Fun aside, anyone that dumb doesn't really warrant serious debate.
You've not debated shit. You rarely EVER post anything over three lines long that you didn't cut and paste from someone decrying ZOG and Naugahide. You can't debate. you just repeatedly say "it's racism it's racism it's racism and that is it." You have no argument against the analogy because you have none. You are an ignorant white supremacist cry baby pussy that does not have the intellectual capacity to debate if the debate isn't on some other website where you can cut and past and call it your own. You run around typing "White Pride World Wide" and try to pretend that is not a battle cry that came from the same people who came up with RaHoWa and Whitepower. I am as white as you are and have NEVER been affect by AA. I don't believe anyone with HALF A FUCKING BRAIN has ever been affected by AA. You can't point to a SINGLE adverse effect that AA has had on our society or even how it has affected you. You just hate black people and you hate that they have finally been able to achieve some equality with you. Without AA that would have NEVER happened because universities like UT Austin and Univ of Alabama would have figured out more covert ways of dicriminating against black applicants. Shit the University of Kentucky Basketball program REFUSED to allow black players on the team. That was what made Texas Western's (UTEP now) defeat of them so sweet, that they defeated Rupp's racists views of sports. THis is the world you live in and you think that by calling people who support AA racists you will make them go away. Well you won't, so keep yelling WPWW everywhere you go and pretend it is the others that are racists and you are just looking out for the poor put upon white man.

I have debated you. You lost. you even admitted it's wrong to classify people into race based groups, yet you refuste to acknowledge that that's how affimative action operates. That's when beefy pronounced you "skewered". Your long winded rants don't make you more right. in fact, they prove you have no case. It's amazing you're a lawyer and are this unfamiliar with truth or justice.

I'm against racial discrimination. You're for it. That's the bottom line. You're busted, hater. Accept it and change your racist views.
There's plenty more than that too. The cotton picking, the fried chicken....

Yeah, he's a total fool.

And I saw that you put AHZ on IA. Couldn't handle the skewerings?

LOL yeah, that was it. I may eventually take him off. CK and a couple of others will remain on for good.
I just saw CKs accusation saying I was lying about him being overtly racist. Judge for yourself.

And that was just a casual search on the site. I keep him on IA here so I really have no clue what he's saying now.


Yet he pretends he stands on principle and calls others "lieberman democrats."

Truly amazing.
I have debated you. You lost. you even admitted it's wrong to classify people into race based groups, yet you refuste to acknowledge that that's how affimative action operates. That's when beefy pronounced you "skewered". Your long winded rants don't make you more right. in fact, they prove you have no case. It's amazing you're a lawyer and are this unfamiliar with truth or justice.

I'm against racial discrimination. You're for it. That's the bottom line. You're busted, hater. Accept it and change your racist views.
Once again the be all and end all of your argument against affirmative action. Fucking Pathetic.
You've not debated shit. You rarely EVER post anything over three lines long that you didn't cut and paste from someone decrying ZOG and Naugahide. You can't debate. ............. Well you won't, so keep yelling WPWW everywhere you go and pretend it is the others that are racists and you are just looking out for the poor put upon white man.

Now THAT'S a skewering.