Ron Paul Mr. StormFront In Chief

Once again the be all and end all of your argument against affirmative action. Fucking Pathetic.

And you have no rebuttal.

There is an impact.
This graphic shows the dramatic downward trend in federal hiring of non-preferred groups (white males and others) from 2000 to the present. This graphic shows the dramatic upward trend in federal hiring of preferred minorities from 2000 to the present.
Adversity.Net's analysis is based on the U.S. Office of Personnel Management's annual report "Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program".

This year's OPM report -- covering federal Fiscal Year 2006 -- among other things boasts that the feds hired 6,912 new minorities last year while at the same time "dis-hiring" or "retiring" 6,280 white males and other non-preferred groups.
As always, the OPM report is confounding in two regards. First, the OPM defines "women" as minorities which category includes women of all races including "white". Second, the OPM continues to refuse to publish any data whatsoever regarding employment of white males, and studiously avoids presenting data which depicts the decrease in employment of white males and other non-preferred groups.

See additional FY 2006 Racial Mania:

From FY 2001 through FY 2006 a net total of 48,033 new minority employees have been hired by the feds. During the same period there has been a net decrease of 3,960 white male employees in federal jobs. See table and graphic, below:
I have debated you. You lost. you even admitted it's wrong to classify people into race based groups, yet you refuste to acknowledge that that's how affimative action operates. That's when beefy pronounced you "skewered". Your long winded rants don't make you more right. in fact, they prove you have no case. It's amazing you're a lawyer and are this unfamiliar with truth or justice.

I'm against racial discrimination. You're for it. That's the bottom line. You're busted, hater. Accept it and change your racist views.

Wow! This is some blue ribbon skewering right here!
comical that you align yourself with socialist and patronize the same for what goal or end result?...a 'lei' (lay for mainlanders) in the hay or popularity? C'mon get real 'BAC' is the biggest racist on this board and darla is the biggest sexist on this board...ya are an embarrassment to both the normal male and females who post on this board...what a limp dick you are!:rolleyes:

Haha! BB finally getting a decent jab in for once. It still lacks sense, but at least he called me 'limp dick' and 'an embarassment' somewhere in there. This from a guy who yesterday was crying about how 'over the top' I was. Quit crying... Hillary!

Yet he pretends he stands on principle and calls others "lieberman democrats."

Truly amazing.

Oh, like beefy pointed out it was the tip of the iceburg. I'm sure if you really cared enough of about the retarded pissant you could do a casual search on fried chicken and a host of other stuff and find the same thing. I don't recommend it, but its out there. Since he's on my IA you won't find me refuting much of what he says unless someone quotes it, but if tries to come off as anything other than the racist canuk he is, don't buy it.
Oh, like beefy pointed out it was the tip of the iceburg. I'm sure if you really cared enough of about the retarded pissant you could do a casual search on fried chicken and a host of other stuff and find the same thing. I don't recommend it, but its out there. Since he's on my IA you won't find me refuting much of what he says unless someone quotes it, but if tries to come off as anything other than the racist canuk he is, don't buy it.

you could do a casual search on fried chicken

LOL - I ain't doing a search on "fried chicken". I know what CK did and said. Yes, he is a racist. I remember that crap.

And yes, Asshat is like a broken record.
you could do a casual search on fried chicken

LOL - I ain't doing a search on "fried chicken". I know what CK did and said. Yes, he is a racist. I remember that crap.

And yes, Asshat is like a broken record.

When you guys bring up the topic, my positions will be reiterated as well. this is called INTERACTION. Get used to it, nutsuck.
I never cry...except at sad movies............

Haha! BB finally getting a decent jab in for once. It still lacks sense, but at least he called me 'limp dick' and 'an embarassment' somewhere in there. This from a guy who yesterday was crying about how 'over the top' I was. Quit crying... Hillary!

You are never over the are always under the table...D&D(Dumb and Dumber):rolleyes:
And you have no rebuttal.

There is an impact.
So show me where the federal government's hiring of preferred minorities has led to a systematic and institutional discrimination against the white man. Show me where it has hurt the employment status of white men across the country. AA was created to counter the century of Jim Crow racism and the institutionalized affects of that racism. You have to really not know shit about history and jim crow and racism to equate AA with Jim Crow. They aren't in the same ballpark, they aren't even the same game.
Thanks for acknowledging the truth, beefy. It's a breathe of fresh air in this era of lies and hate.
YOu guys should get together so you can 69 eachother and toss eachothers salads for real instead this cyber circle jerk you engage in. Hell invite BB and he can be the pivot man.