Ron Paul says Rush's apology was about $

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You are really attempting to ghettoize women. Your constant refrain of "Free free free" is an attempt to turn employee benefits into welfare...but only women's benefits. It's beyond offensive. You offend me and any thinking woman.

Health insurance is not "free stuff". It is paid for with a combination of cash contributions from the woman, and her labor. How dare you.

Further, you know nothing about birth control and your glib claim that any woman can walk into wal mart and get 9 dollar birth control shows this. Walmarts, IN SOME BUT NOT ALL STATES, offer a very limited choice of GENERIC birth control pills for 9 dollars. Most birth control pills are not covered by this. A woman often will go through two or three different kinds of pills, or more, before finding the one that works for her. Issues like breakthrough bleeding which is extremely common, or constant bleeding, often arise and her pill must be changed until she finds the one that works for her. This is between her and her doctor, is very often NOT generic, and YOU have nothing to say about it so keep your ill-informed nose out of it mister.

As far as nobody taking away my birth control... well you're never going to be able to take away either my birth control or my right to an abortion. Ain't going to happen. Ain't going to happen for the socio-economic class who the right wing elected pukes making these laws are screwing on the side either.

Now I do insist that my health insurance cover my birth control as they do other basic, preventative, health care. However, if you whackos got your way, I'd still have birth control. This is about the women who choose between birth control and enough food for their kids. We know that insurance companies providing full coverage for birth control saves money by lowering health care costs. We know this happens because women who do not have full coverage, who have to pay high copayments, choose to forgo birth control some months. Many of them get pregnant. So in fact your claim that no one wants to take away WOMEN'S birth control is absolutely untrue.

While you will cry and weep if gas goes to 5 dollars a gallon and have no problem understanding how this is placing a burden on working class people (working class men???) you pretend ignorance over how the cost of birth control is a burden on many women.

Your bullshit doesn't matter in a way, because again, this failed. We moved forward not backward, despite the best efforts of you and yours, full coverage for birth control is now a requirement. but it does matter because the woman-haters never stop. They never relent.

They keep coming.

And so you keep women busy fighting battles that have already been won. Maybe so we can't win new ones. You'd be surprised how much energy we have though. Don't count on it.
See Damo....told you so! LOL
Just ours, not his Mott! Menz earns theirs. Bitches are getting it for free!

LMAO... whatever. Again, your war on religion is noted. No one is allowed to believe anything unless you pre-approve it.

Kick em! Go ahead! ;)

I think the religious have been kicked enough by you. No need to continue.

Seriously, I'm done banging my head against the wall here today. It's very interesting to me though, I really see how certain men are just impervious to facts on this and other women's issues. Also right wing religious whacked out women. But with the men, it's very interesting to note, most of them are NOT religious or not christian. SF is an agnostic, Grind is an atheist, and Damo is a Buddhist. Or fat Buddha as Top likes to call him, lol. I have noticed that a large number of so-called "Libertarian" men, even secular ones, are very hostile to women's rights when it comes to the sex. Thus my signature, and I believe, thus the sausage fest at Ron Paul gatherings. News flash; women make up half the population. And the right wing religious whacked out ones are too busy salivating over the Jesus preachers. Which leaves the Libertarian movement shit out of luck and chock-full of sausages. Get em while they're hot!

Please... highlight for us who is 'hostile to women's rights when it comes to sex'???

You are fucking making shit up to project your own hostility towards those you disagree with onto us. The religious groups have every right to state their objections. Women have every right to continue buying birth control and using it should they choose.

No one has the right to force others to accept their views. That is why the founders set this country up with freedom of religion. If a woman (or a man) doesn't agree with the views of the Catholic church, she doesn't have to work for them. Or she can choose to work for them and pay for the birth control on her own. You seem to want to pretend that they were telling you that birth control would not be allowed to be used.
So you're basically going to just ignore everything I wrote, claim you aren't ignoring it and then reassert the same thing that you said before. OK. Knock yourself out.

By the way, the GOP is losing on this one and badly. It'd be a whole lot smarter to just get on board.
No shit. This is a run...don't walk....but run as fast as you can on this issue. Darla is right. The GOP is committing right wing suicide on this issue. This will alienate a lot of women voters and as close as the political calculus is in this country they can ill afford to do that.
LMAO... whatever. Again, your war on religion is noted. No one is allowed to believe anything unless you pre-approve it.

I think the religious have been kicked enough by you. No need to continue.

Please... highlight for us who is 'hostile to women's rights when it comes to sex'???

You are fucking making shit up to project your own hostility towards those you disagree with onto us. The religious groups have every right to state their objections. Women have every right to continue buying birth control and using it should they choose.

No one has the right to force others to accept their views. That is why the founders set this country up with freedom of religion. If a woman (or a man) doesn't agree with the views of the Catholic church, she doesn't have to work for them. Or she can choose to work for them and pay for the birth control on her own. You seem to want to pretend that they were telling you that birth control would not be allowed to be used.

Once again, for the cheap seats:

"The original mandate already exempted churches and institutions whose purpose is “the inculcation of religious values” and that hire and serve primarily those of the same religious faith.

It was the religious hospitals and universities that were not exempted. SO, Obama made a compromise based on the Hawaii model which exempts these institutions from paying for the birth control, but mandates that the insurance company offer it to the woman for free and without raising premiums."

Churches were always exempt. It's very interesting that you and Damo continue to pretend not to understand this, in your zeal to cover up the radical redefining of the employee/employer relationship you support. FOR WOMEN ONLY.

You are like two helmet-wearing retards.

You can't understand simple English, I suggest you look into a class action suit against whichever universities gave both of you degrees.
Which again doesn't change that this particular entity chooses to follow their religion, you can attempt to negotiate that from them but they will refuse because it is a basic central precept to their belief system. You can choose employment elsewhere, you have many options, including paying for the commodity yourself. This didn't curtail your "right" to get this stuff any more than not compelling employers to give me a gun curtails my right to own and bear arms.

That you have a right to something does not mean your "right" is curtained when you don't compel others to give it to you for "free".

The school didn't expel her for taking it, they just refused to pay in full or in part for that particular commodity.
What's this "free" shit? It aint free. Where do you get off on call what people haver worked to ear "Free"? They have EARNED THIS! It is part of the compensation package they have negotiated with their employer that the law enforces rules against discrimination. Hiding behind religion so an employer can deny an employee compensation they have earned for their basic preventative health care needs it fundamentally represhensible!
Once again, for the cheap seats:

"The original mandate already exempted churches and institutions whose purpose is “the inculcation of religious values” and that hire and serve primarily those of the same religious faith.

It was the religious hospitals and universities that were not exempted. SO, Obama made a compromise based on the Hawaii model which exempts these institutions from paying for the birth control, but mandates that the insurance company offer it to the woman for free and without raising premiums."

Churches were always exempt. It's very interesting that you and Damo continue to pretend not to understand this, in your zeal to cover up the radical redefining of the employee/employer relationship you support. FOR WOMEN ONLY.

You are like two helmet-wearing retards.

You can't understand simple English, I suggest you look into a class action suit against whichever universities gave both of you degrees.

LMAO... so tell us Darla, if the Churches were 'always exempt' and the religious hospitals were 'always exempt'... then do tell us what it was the religious organizations were upset about???

Please, explain it to us helmet wearing retards... what were they upset about?
No shit. This is a run...don't walk....but run as fast as you can on this issue. Darla is right. The GOP is committing right wing suicide on this issue. This will alienate a lot of women voters and as close as the political calculus is in this country they can ill afford to do that.

I can't wait. I am going to laugh and laugh.

Apparently these morons here haven't bothered looking at polling. Why would this surprise me when their own posts show they don't even understand what the damned mandate says! They keep bleeping about NAMBLA, and they have not even the smallest clue how they're getting slaughtered. I guess the problem is very few women have the benefit of Damo and SF mansplainin this to them. Lucky me huh?!

If only all of the women in the land could get birth control personally mansplained to them by SF and Damo, then we wouldn't have these problems!
LMAO... so tell us Darla, if the Churches were 'always exempt' and the religious hospitals were 'always exempt'... then do tell us what it was the religious organizations were upset about???

Please, explain it to us helmet wearing retards... what were they upset about?

Because they wanted church-owned business entities (hospitals, universities and the like) to be exempt in addition to the church.

Side note: Religious hospitals weren't always exempt and Darla never said otherwise.
LMAO... so tell us Darla, if the Churches were 'always exempt' and the religious hospitals were 'always exempt'... then do tell us what it was the religious organizations were upset about???

Please, explain it to us helmet wearing retards... what were they upset about?

Ask them. Or better yet, instead of laughing at me for simply relaying the facts of the matter, go read up on them for yourself before hauling your ass in here and mansplainin the situation to me. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about here, but that's never stopped you before. Now it's my fault that NAMBLA...err, I mean the bishops freaked the fuck out over nothing.

I already gave you my explanation SF: men are hostile to women's sexual rights.

You didn't like that one. So I suggest you do some research and find out what the Bishops have to say! You may have to pull them off of a 13 yo alter boy first though!

Edit to say that I did not notice SF slipping a claim in there I never made; that religious hospitals were always exempt. That's a lie. Go look at my earlier posts on this very thread. Nice try.
Because they wanted church-owned business entities (hospitals, universities and the like) to be exempt in addition to the church.

Side note: Religious hospitals weren't always exempt and Darla never said otherwise.

Exactly. So apparently my posts are not so hard to understand. Or, DH is just a lot smarter than SF and Damo. A possibility I don't discount.
LMAO... whatever. Again, your war on religion is noted. No one is allowed to believe anything unless you pre-approve it.
LMAO... whatever. Again, your war on women is noted. No one is allowed to believe anything unless a man approves it.

I think the religious have been kicked enough by you. No need to continue.
I think women have had enough of being kicked by the likes of you. It has better stop!

Please... highlight for us who is 'hostile to women's rights when it comes to sex'???
Apparently you are.

You are fucking making shit up to project your own hostility towards those you disagree with onto us. The religious groups have every right to state their objections. Women have every right to continue buying birth control and using it should they choose.
Yea, as long as men like you get to approve how it's financed their free to choose all they want.

No one has the right to force others to accept their views. That is why the founders set this country up with freedom of religion. If a woman (or a man) doesn't agree with the views of the Catholic church, she doesn't have to work for them. Or she can choose to work for them and pay for the birth control on her own. You seem to want to pretend that they were telling you that birth control would not be allowed to be used.
That's a straw man. No one is forcing anyone to accept any views. If Churches are going to engage in civil business then they are required to adhere to the law. I mean we don't exactly hear you going out their and defending Muslims and Mormon's rights to polygomy, do we?
Ask them. Or better yet, instead of laughing at me for simply relaying the facts of the matter, go read up on them for yourself before hauling your ass in here and mansplainin the situation to me. You don't know what the fuck you are talking about here, but that's never stopped you before. Now it's my fault that NAMBLA...err, I mean the bishops freaked the fuck out over nothing.

I already gave you my explanation SF: men are hostile to women's sexual rights.

You didn't like that one. So I suggest you do some research and find out what the Bishops have to say! You may have to pull them off of a 13 yo alter boy first though!

Edit to say that I did not notice SF slipping a claim in there I never made; that religious hospitals were always exempt. That's a lie. Go look at my earlier posts on this very thread. Nice try.

So, you mean you don't like others claiming you said something that you didn't? Yet you continue to do so to others? Why so hostile Darla?

My stance on this issue is not 'hostile towards women'. Your stance however IS hostile towards the religious groups. If the Catholics own and run a hospital and don't want to perform abortions or have birth control covered under their insurance etc... they have that right. You do not have to work for them. You can still get birth control elsewhere should you choose to work for them.

The government should not be mandating what is and is not covered under PRIVATE companies plans. Why do you want the government coming between you and your doctor?

I am laughing at you because you continue to pretend that those who support religious freedom in this country are somehow 'hostile towards women'.

It is a fucking retarded position to take. You again, DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO FORCE THEM TO COVER IT. You do have the right to say you won't work for anyone who doesn't cover it. As a business owner, do you have a plan for your employees? If so, then you are the one deciding what the group coverage will entail. Most companies are going to look at insurance from a cost analysis basis. As you stated, birth control lowers costs... so guess what most companies are going to do Darla? Yes, you might have a religious person decide not to cover birth control (you pretend that it would only be religious men). But they are going to be the minority and again... not covering birth control doesn't stop ANYONE from buying the birth control on their own. So pretending they are attacking women is nonsense.
Exactly. So apparently my posts are not so hard to understand. Or, DH is just a lot smarter than SF and Damo. A possibility I don't discount.

Or it could just be I was returning the favor seeing that you continue to misrepresent what my position is and what my comments have been on the matter. But I guess you aren't intelligent enough to pick up on that. I know Dung isn't. He is a parrot, little more.
LMAO... so tell us Darla, if the Churches were 'always exempt' and the religious hospitals were 'always exempt'... then do tell us what it was the religious organizations were upset about???

Please, explain it to us helmet wearing retards... what were they upset about?
Actually I think that's what the Women want to know. Why are they upset? It's none of their fucking business after all.
Apparently, this requires repeating one more time: the student pays for the insurance, the school does not.

And again, the school didn't stop her from paying for insurance with that coverage. The church argued against coverage that they pay for (their employees) not coverage that they don't pay for. In this case, does the school pay a portion of any of her coverage? If not, then the school had no objection to what she purchased, their objection was the requirement to pay for coverage of that particular commodity for others, which was against their religion.
That or he simply holds women in higher regard.

This really has nothing to do with my regard for women. I disagree with the church, but I support their right to believe differently than me, I believe in those rights we held so dear that we actually enumerated and included them in our constitution.

The idea that the government can force people to go against their religion because they want to provide a specific commodity to others for "free" is what I object to.
And again, the school didn't stop her from paying for insurance with that coverage. The church argued against coverage that they pay for (their employees) not coverage that they don't pay for. In this case, does the school pay a portion of any of her coverage? If not, then the school had no objection to what she purchased, their objection was the requirement to pay for coverage of that particular commodity for others, which was against their religion.

No, the school does not pay for coverage for anyone. It offers insurance to its students as a plan sponsor. It doesn't want to sponsor a plan that covers birth control. You're claim that the school objects to paying for coverage (like your argument that people want some thing for "free") is baseless.
And again, the school didn't stop her from paying for insurance with that coverage. The church argued against coverage that they pay for (their employees) not coverage that they don't pay for. In this case, does the school pay a portion of any of her coverage? If not, then the school had no objection to what she purchased, their objection was the requirement to pay for coverage of that particular commodity for others, which was against their religion.
And why would that be any of their business?
This really has nothing to do with my regard for women. I disagree with the church, but I support their right to believe differently than me, I believe in those rights we held so dear that we actually enumerated and included them in our constitution.

The idea that the government can force people to go against their religion because they want to provide a specific commodity to others for "free" is what I object to.
But that's a strawman as has been demonstrated umpteen times. The government made an acceptable compromise so that religous organizations don't have to pay but they are still opposing womens access to contraception via employer provided health insurance.