You are really attempting to ghettoize women. Your constant refrain of "Free free free" is an attempt to turn employee benefits into welfare...but only women's benefits. It's beyond offensive. You offend me and any thinking woman.
Health insurance is not "free stuff". It is paid for with a combination of cash contributions from the woman, and her labor. How dare you.
Further, you know nothing about birth control and your glib claim that any woman can walk into wal mart and get 9 dollar birth control shows this. Walmarts, IN SOME BUT NOT ALL STATES, offer a very limited choice of GENERIC birth control pills for 9 dollars. Most birth control pills are not covered by this. A woman often will go through two or three different kinds of pills, or more, before finding the one that works for her. Issues like breakthrough bleeding which is extremely common, or constant bleeding, often arise and her pill must be changed until she finds the one that works for her. This is between her and her doctor, is very often NOT generic, and YOU have nothing to say about it so keep your ill-informed nose out of it mister.
As far as nobody taking away my birth control... well you're never going to be able to take away either my birth control or my right to an abortion. Ain't going to happen. Ain't going to happen for the socio-economic class who the right wing elected pukes making these laws are screwing on the side either.
Now I do insist that my health insurance cover my birth control as they do other basic, preventative, health care. However, if you whackos got your way, I'd still have birth control. This is about the women who choose between birth control and enough food for their kids. We know that insurance companies providing full coverage for birth control saves money by lowering health care costs. We know this happens because women who do not have full coverage, who have to pay high copayments, choose to forgo birth control some months. Many of them get pregnant. So in fact your claim that no one wants to take away WOMEN'S birth control is absolutely untrue.
While you will cry and weep if gas goes to 5 dollars a gallon and have no problem understanding how this is placing a burden on working class people (working class men???) you pretend ignorance over how the cost of birth control is a burden on many women.
Your bullshit doesn't matter in a way, because again, this failed. We moved forward not backward, despite the best efforts of you and yours, full coverage for birth control is now a requirement. but it does matter because the woman-haters never stop. They never relent.
They keep coming.
And so you keep women busy fighting battles that have already been won. Maybe so we can't win new ones. You'd be surprised how much energy we have though. Don't count on it.