Ron Paul


Why are you registered Republican? Are you just trying to vote for the guy you KNOW can't win?

Well look how that worked out with Goldwater... Goldwater lost, but he largely begat Ronald Reagan and an entire worldwide conservative movement.
Somewhat, but a protest vote as well to the Republican party.
Pauls recently "stated" views I like a lot more then the current Neo power bloc anyway. I would much rather have him in there than McCain or Gigleoni.
The thing about our candidates it that they're all just political radicals trying to stir things up. They are unwilling to get down to reality and simply debate real issues. Aaron Russo's documentaries about how our rights are being destroyed have never really helped anything.
The thing about our candidates it that they're all just political radicals trying to stir things up. They are unwilling to get down to reality and simply debate real issues. Aaron Russo's documentaries about how our rights are being destroyed have never really helped anything.

Does denying the reality of our rights being eroded help anything?

BTW, did you ever get educated on the harm of fiat currency? You were quite ill-informed previously on the matter.