Rosie O'Donnell bribe

And yet, when Donald J. Trump PUBLICLY asked the Russians if they could find the Hillbag's 33,000 deleted emails, ... it was NOT a joke??? :palm:
Or when he PUBLICLY announced he could shoot someone in the street, ... it was NOT a joke??? :palm:

How interesting that you can't tell the difference between a TV comedy person, and someone running for President of the United States. Shouldn't there be slightly different standards for the two?
How interesting that you can't tell the difference between a TV comedy person, and someone running for President of the United States. Shouldn't there be slightly different standards for the two?

You mean ... like a "Double Standard".


Corporation are obviously and clearly not people. That is a stupid construct of the plutocrats and put in place illegally by the Supreme Court. Looked through the obits today, and no corporation died. None get sick. They don't have children. They don't have feelings. The whole concept is insulting. It was done to give them more rights than a company should have.

Corporations are a group of people. Tony the Tiger is a mythical creature. :palm:
Not correct. A corporation is a legal entity that exists in legal status, not real life. The people are something separate. ? A corporation is paperwork only.
Not correct. A corporation is a legal entity that exists in legal status, not real life. The people are something separate. ? A corporation is paperwork only.

And that paperwork represents the interests of many people, i.e. a group.

The corporation (Tony the Tiger) is out to get you and fuck you over ... good grief :palm:

IIRC, the SCOTUS gave corporations limited personhood status back in the 1870's. But you're so much smarter than any Supreme court justice :palm:
That's true. You *did* choose a game show host to be POTUS. Never mind.

If not for double standards, the Left would have no standards at all.

If poor, weak little Rosie can't take the heat, then she needs to get the fuck out of the kitchen.
Does that mean anything? try English. Rosie was not offering a bribe. it was a show business type move. There was no bribe and could be no bribe. How could a politician, even a Republican one, accept a bribe offered on national TV. It was just a show by Rosie to demonstrate how money impacts your politicians.
Does that mean anything? try English. Rosie was not offering a bribe. it was a show business type move. There was no bribe and could be no bribe. How could a politician, even a Republican one, accept a bribe offered on national TV. It was just a show by Rosie to demonstrate how money impacts your politicians.

so you're saying that it was a desperate move to try to regain the popularity she had when she was in show business?.....
The Supremes gave personhood in Santa Clara railroad case in 1896. The chief justice said the case would not deal with corporate personhood. The court reporter, who was a railroad exec, added it into the decision, and it stuck. So the start of personhood was a lie.

You really don't know much, do you?
Nope. I did not say that. But she knows that offering a bribe in public, makes it, not offering one at all. The act of public notice, makes it impossible to accept. There is no bribe, just noise .
Nope. I did not say that. But she knows that offering a bribe in public, makes it, not offering one at all. The act of public notice, makes it impossible to accept. There is no bribe, just noise .

It is a bribe offer .. and she got caught. And it's a dog whistle to fellow Demcratics to really, really, up their bribery game.

If you had taken the time to listen to some of Donald J. Trump's speeches, he confirmed to us, we the people, that if you donate to politicians, you get their ear.

That's completely the opposite of the Hillbag's "trust me" message.
Does that mean anything? try English. Rosie was not offering a bribe. it was a show business type move. There was no bribe and could be no bribe. How could a politician, even a Republican one, accept a bribe offered on national TV. It was just a show by Rosie to demonstrate how money impacts your politicians.

English??? ... coming from a member of the Orwellian socialist pig party that redefines words to strengthen their political power over the people? :palm: