Rough Sleepers

Oh really you are all for that huh? First of all, my solution to any problem would never include the words "round them up"...well except maybe for my solution to the conservative problem.

We have a severe mental health crisis in this country, (of which you might be a victim but that is another issue), and we have pathetic mental health access. That is one huge issue. Another big issue is that with all of the cuts to state, city, county, and town budgets (and now federal!), shelters and food programs are sorely underfunded, and private donations are not keeping up. So you may be "all for something" but as a fiscal conservative, those are just words.

Libertarians have ways told me people and corporations will do the right thing once government stops, but I find this to be a big lie.
Oh really you are all for that huh? First of all, my solution to any problem would never include the words "round them up"...well except maybe for my solution to the conservative problem.

Ok... so you aren't going to force them into a mental institution. Are you going to force them into a home?

We have a severe mental health crisis in this country, (of which you might be a victim but that is another issue), and we have pathetic mental health access. That is one huge issue. Another big issue is that with all of the cuts to state, city, county, and town budgets (and now federal!), shelters and food programs are sorely underfunded, and private donations are not keeping up. So you may be "all for something" but as a fiscal conservative, those are just words.

Yet the government continues overall spending at higher and higher levels. Yet it is your Democrats who have controlled the purse strings since 2007... they had complete control in 2009-1010... yet no improvement. Hmmm...

Being fiscally conservative does not mean 'no funding'. It means we eliminate the waste from the government spending and we limit spending to the revenue rather than saddle future generations with more debt (something you want us to do). What do you suppose will happen to future funding if the government revenue has to pay for the deficit spending you support?
Libertarians have ways told me people and corporations will do the right thing once government stops, but I find this to be a big lie.

when has the government ever gotten out of the way long enough for the case to be made?

Also... corporations are not people, they are paper.
Libertarians have ways told me people and corporations will do the right thing once government stops, but I find this to be a big lie.

Of course they take the easy road.

Does a one of them take the hard road and LEAD by example?

Nope...they just sit around and make excuses for not changing the way they do things.
The point is that human beings die of many things. We cannot protect ourselves from ourselves 100% of the time.

What is your solution? Round them up and force them to stay in homes? Put them in mental facilities and inject them with medications?

I am all for having shelters and food programs to help those that want them. But you cannot force them into it just for the sake of making yourself feel better.

This ^ is the part that to many people refuse to understand.
Shelters usually restrict the amount of belongings you can keep with you, no drinking, no drugs, no aggressive behavior, etc.
There was a local story, last year, about a guy who said he won't go to the shelters; because they won't let him bring his 6 dogs in with him.
Ok... so you aren't going to force them into a mental institution. Are you going to force them into a home?

Yet the government continues overall spending at higher and higher levels. Yet it is your Democrats who have controlled the purse strings since 2007... they had complete control in 2009-1010... yet no improvement. Hmmm...

Being fiscally conservative does not mean 'no funding'. It means we eliminate the waste from the government spending and we limit spending to the revenue rather than saddle future generations with more debt (something you want us to do). What do you suppose will happen to future funding if the government revenue has to pay for the deficit spending you support?

Did you notice that in her post, that she used a lot of "good feeling" catch phrases; but never really offered anything in the way of a solution.
Does this mean that you are for forcing people to take their prescribed meds, or what is your solution for those that refuse?

Well, it would depend on what their illness is, but in most cases, hospitalisation might be the best option. While in the mental hospital, they would be forced to take the meds, they would get better, and since they're better, they continue to take their meds upon release from the hospital. It is not really a good state of affairs to have psychotics on the street.
Well, it would depend on what their illness is, but in most cases, hospitalisation might be the best option. While in the mental hospital, they would be forced to take the meds, they would get better, and since they're better, they continue to take their meds upon release from the hospital. It is not really a good state of affairs to have psychotics on the street.

Unfortunetly what you propose, doesn't work.
Due to the UCLA; it is against the person's rights, to force them to take medication, unless it is shown that they are a danger to themselves or others.
Even when you can get a court order, to force them to take their meds; once they're stabilized, they then become eligible for to be released and then they usually stop taking the meds again.
It becomes a circle.
I hope people read this. It really shows something important about the American soul, which I think is diseased.

Since the report is about the UK it probably shows something about some other island's soul than the American soul...