Rs tell us about your guns

Ass clinger who threatens people over democratically imposed laws he doesn’t like

and who have i threatened ? what law did I break please provide a name or the law I have broken ? Well well it appears your 20.00 mouth is unable to do that because I have not now have I ?

This isn't Nazi America or Stalin's America or china or Saddam's America where people can be punished because they dont like a law or because of something you think they think or because they own a gun or have a different political faith or religion .
As much as you and your fellow democrats would like it to be a socialist dictatorship controlled by socialist scum its not .
I bet your mom loves you even though you have shamed her with your racist ideas

She is in a very small group of Americans

74 % of Americans say they don’t want all guns banned

I’m one of the 74%


when was the last time you heard from them in public


then why is the democrat party working so had to ban guns ? we all know they want to.
I'm a hard left progressive liberal who owns firearms and believes in the 2nd Amendment.
I support the confiscation of AR15s and other paramilitary weapons that have no business in civilian life.
I'm a hard left progressive liberal who owns firearms and believes in the 2nd Amendment.
I support the confiscation of AR15s and other paramilitary weapons that have no business in civilian life.

Would you want this confiscated?


Or this?

Would you want this confiscated?


Or this?


Yes they would because those are "weapons of war". They had to make up a word to erode the Second Amendment: "assault weapon".

This is not a weapon of war:

This is a weapon of war and mine probably have been used in one:
Yes they would because those are "weapons of war". They had to make up a word to erode the Second Amendment: "assault weapon".

This is not a weapon of war:

This is a weapon of war and mine probably have been used in one:

No. The bolt action is certainly ok, The autoloader has a small clip and is probably ok too,
No. The bolt action is certainly ok, The autoloader has a small clip and is probably ok too,

Then why seek to ban either? Clinton banned the semi-automatic and Obama labeled it a "weapon of war". It's Democrat bullshit.

What do you think is the most common fatal use of a firearm and how many rounds, on average, are fired?

Suicide. One shot. A fucking musket pistol ordered through the mail would do it but the Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade method is cheaper, less messy and just as effective. Where are the Democrats on banning neckties and rope?

If Democrats really wanted to save lives they'd focus on the 40,000+ Americans who commit suicide every year. Most from Depression just like the three celebrities above.
Then why seek to ban either? Clinton banned the semi-automatic and Obama labeled it a "weapon of war". It's Democrat bullshit.

What do you think is the most common fatal use of a firearm and how many rounds, on average, are fired?

Suicide. One shot. A fucking musket pistol ordered through the mail would do it but the Robin Williams, Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade method is cheaper, less messy and just as effective. Where are the Democrats on banning neckties and rope?

If Democrats really wanted to save lives they'd focus on the 40,000+ Americans who commit suicide every year. Most from Depression just like the three celebrities above.

Assault rifles were banned, not semi-autos with small clips, walnut stocks, and hunting scopes. Then the military-type weapons were un-banned for no sane reason.

As for suicides, people know when they've had enough.
They're usually people whose parents had no business being breeders in the first place.
Unless you're pretty sure that your offspring is all lined up to have a pretty good life, what business do you have bringing innocent souls onto this horseshit planet?
Assault rifles were banned, not semi-autos with small clips, walnut stocks, and hunting scopes. Then the military-type weapons were un-banned for no sane reason.

As for suicides, people know when they've had enough.
They're usually people whose parents had no business being breeders in the first place.
Unless you're pretty sure that your offspring is all lined up to have a pretty good life, what business do you have bringing innocent souls onto this horseshit planet?

Too bad your dam and sire were allowed to breed.
Outdoor activities like hiking, camping, fishing, and hunting are very accepted recreational avenues in the United States,

although like the diseased, pig-fucking orangutan, sadly,

I always preferred a manicured golf course when I desired fresh air. (I'm partial to being in proximity with indoor plumbing.)

Nobody is looking to outlaw sporting arms (I hope this concession doesn't inspire speculation about my johnson), even among us non-hunters.

Assault rifles are too unlike what was available when the Second Amendment was written to be considered protected, however.

There is no reason for civilians to own them unless they conspire to criminal activity.
Assault rifles were banned, not semi-autos with small clips, walnut stocks, and hunting scopes. Then the military-type weapons were un-banned for no sane reason.

As for suicides, people know when they've had enough.
They're usually people whose parents had no business being breeders in the first place.
Unless you're pretty sure that your offspring is all lined up to have a pretty good life, what business do you have bringing innocent souls onto this horseshit planet?

"Assault rifles" have been banned (exception being those with the proper permits) since the thirties, you stupid fuck.