Rudy to get Swiftboated by NYC Firefighters


Will work for Scooby snacks
Swiftboating couldn't happen to a nicer guy:

Firemen douse Rudy’s image as 9/11 hero

Union bid to halt White House run
Sarah Baxter, New York

FIRE battalion chief Jim Riches brought up his son to be one of New York’s “bravest”, like him. The young Jim followed his father into the New York fire department and died at the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

What followed turned his heartbroken father into a relentless opponent of Rudy Giuliani, then mayor of New York. With other families of 9/11 victims, Riches has vowed to torpedo Giuliani’s prospects of winning the White House by attacking his greatest source of strength, his reputation as a hero that day.

“We’re going to follow him around the country,” said Riches. “We want all of America to know he is not the man he says he is.”

Helped by the firefighters’ union, Riches and his friends are preparing to “swiftboat” Giuliani, borrowing the tactics of the Vietnam veterans, under the title Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, who pierced the Democratic nominee John Kerry’s seemingly armour-plated credentials as a decorated war hero during the 2004 presidential campaign.
Desh, I'm not from NYC, so I'm not really familiar with what happended that day.

All I remember, is that Rudy gave a couple press conferences, where he looked reasonably calm and collected. I mean, is THAT what he's a hero for?

Well, being calm and collected I guess looks good, in comparison to Bush that day - who spent the day running, ducking for cover, and barely talking to the american people.
For it to be swiftboating him it would have to be lies?

I dont think these are lies

I guess that technically, that's true. But other than that, it has a lot in common. It's using their methods, with the added benefit, of truth.

And, it couldn't happen to a nicer guy, I agree with that.
Desh, I'm not from NYC, so I'm not really familiar with what happended that day.

All I remember, is that Rudy gave a couple press conferences, where he looked reasonably calm and collected. I mean, is THAT what he's a hero for?

Well, being calm and collected I guess looks good, in comparison to Bush that day - who spent the day running, ducking for cover, and barely talking to the american people.

What they're saying about the radios is true, and it was another show of gross incompetence. In more ways than people know, Rudy is another bush.
His biggest foulup was putting the command center in the towers.

He was told NOT to do that by all concerned.

For some reason he insisted
I'm with desh, its not really swiftboating if its the truth. That's just, 'the truth'.
I find it interesting that the Rebutlikens have caused the invention of a new verb.
Considering what it means, that fact alone has some significance, Negative significance, but significance.
Desh, I'm not from NYC, so I'm not really familiar with what happended that day.

All I remember, is that Rudy gave a couple press conferences, where he looked reasonably calm and collected. I mean, is THAT what he's a hero for?

Well, being calm and collected I guess looks good, in comparison to Bush that day - who spent the day running, ducking for cover, and barely talking to the american people.
They're talking about incidents that happened months after 9/11.
I find it interesting that the Rebutlikens have caused the invention of a new verb.
Considering what it means, that fact alone has some significance, Negative significance, but significance.
Right. Like getting a nice Monica. ;)

Verbing a noun is done in all circles all the time. One can pull a "Clinton" as well as a "Bush" depending on who is talking. Or even worse, somebody can pull a "Carter" like Bush has done.
Right Damo but the demoncrats have not claimed to be the moral right hand of god so to speak.
Rubbish. The "Religious Left" on the ascendancy crap was spouted all over this board and others. We constantly hear how they are so much closer to "jeebus" or whatever...

I remember just a week or so ago, a poster we both know talking about the "gotcha politics" and bemoaning their usage. That is where "verbing the noun" comes from.
Right. Like getting a nice Monica. ;)

Verbing a noun is done in all circles all the time. One can pull a "Clinton" as well as a "Bush" depending on who is talking. Or even worse, somebody can pull a "Carter" like Bush has done.

HaHa. Random but we had a guy in our in our fraternity with the last name Hargis and he was a big mooch. It ultimately became a verb to tell people "don't Hargis my beer".
HaHa. Random but we had a guy in our in our fraternity with the last name Hargis and he was a big mooch. It ultimately became a verb to tell people "don't Hargis my beer".
Exactly it happens everywhere.

If you suddenly started putting up stuff that ruined threads to get back at somebody I might say you were "pulling a Dixie" and most people here would know what I was talking about.
Right Damo but the demoncrats have not claimed to be the moral right hand of god so to speak.

So what? Democrats claim to be more caring and compassionate than others. What does that matter when you are 'verbing a noun' or whatever its called?
Rubbish. The "Religious Left" on the ascendancy crap was spouted all over this board and others. We constantly hear how they are so much closer to "jeebus" or whatever...

I remember just a week or so ago, a poster we both know talking about the "gotcha politics" and bemoaning their usage. That is where "verbing the noun" comes from.

religious left???? What kind of commie NWO stuff have you been reading ?
yep "the party of personal responsibility" term has taken on new meaning in recent years as well :)

translates to we talk out our butts and will never admit to mistakes.
Rubbish. The "Religious Left" on the ascendancy crap was spouted all over this board and others. We constantly hear how they are so much closer to "jeebus" or whatever...

I remember just a week or so ago, a poster we both know talking about the "gotcha politics" and bemoaning their usage. That is where "verbing the noun" comes from.

I never saw anyone tout the "ascendancy fo the religious left" on this board.

And of course, Jesus was a big believer in keeping health care away from the poor, and give aways to the rich. Who can forget his touching Sermon, which later became known "The Sermon On The Mount Of Wall Street", where he said "yeah, the poor man willith go to heaven as fast as a camel will go through the eye of a needle" and "what you do to the most amoung you, you do to me" and "the first shall go first class, and the last shall go to the fires".

I just got a tear in my eye. No wonder we still quote him all these years later.
religious left???? What kind of commie NWO stuff have you been reading ?
Oh, please. It was all over the boards how "Jesus is a Liberal" and so forth...

Then while the RR seems to have gained temp control of a party it is generalized that all republicans are RR....

don't be deliberately obtuse.

People are constantly attempting to say that their team is morally superior.
I never saw anyone tout the "ascendancy fo the religious left" on this board.

And of course, Jesus was a big believer in keeping health care away from the poor, and give aways to the rich. Who can forget his touching Sermon, which later became known "The Sermon On The Mount Of Wall Street", where he said "yeah, the poor man willith go to heaven as fast as a camel will go through the eye of a needle" and "what you do to the most amoung you, you do to me" and "the first shall go first class, and the last shall go to the fires".

I just got a tear in my eye. No wonder we still quote him all these years later.
Gawds, there were many stories about exactly that. It's been nearly a year but I have constantly heard about the superior morals of the left, usually in the "left-handed" compliment style of producing something some R has done. Followed by some other poster saying, "At least the left doesn't put ourselves out as morally superior!"

Usually such attempts draw examples of activity from the left that was much the same and those draw comments like, "I love it when their defense is, the other side does it too! blah blah...."