Rudy to get Swiftboated by NYC Firefighters

Gawds, there were many stories about exactly that. It's been nearly a year but I have constantly heard about the superior morals of the left, usually in the "left-handed" compliment style of producing something some R has done. Followed by some other poster saying, "At least the left doesn't put ourselves out as morally superior!"

Usually such attempts draw examples of activity from the left that was much the same and those draw comments like, "I love it when their defense is, the other side does it too! blah blah...."

Oh, this is all true, especially the part I bolded. Of course you are going to see that a lot, it's the truth.

I just meant, I never heard about any ascendancy of the religious left. And, I am definitely not the religious left, myself. But I could have missed it. I know there was a book out written by some religious liberal guy, maybe that's when it happened.
this is trash from a leftwing rag brought to us by a freaktard.
But since I want hillary to win, Cypress scour some more liberal European anti-american rags for some dirt on Mitt.
Oh, this is all true, especially the part I bolded. Of course you are going to see that a lot, it's the truth.

I just meant, I never heard about any ascendancy of the religious left. And, I am definitely not the religious left, myself. But I could have missed it. I know there was a book out written by some religious liberal guy, maybe that's when it happened.
Probably. It annoyed me. I already felt crowded in a place where you can't throw a rock without accidentally hitting a church... then to have both parties telling me how superior they were because they were the better christians....

this is trash from a leftwing rag brought to us by a freaktard.
But since I want hillary to win, Cypress scour some more liberal European anti-american rags for some dirt on Mitt.

Actually, this is a big story in New York, and it's making it's way nationally. Maybe if you got your head out of Kudlow's ass for five minutes, you'd know about it.
Oh I don't doubt these a lot of Union trash in uber liberal NY.
He cons use slime tactics, I need to adjust dems can use white trash like Cypress to smear the other side.
Oh I don't doubt these a lot of Union trash in uber liberal NY.
He cons use slime tactics, I need to adjust dems can use white trash like Cypress to smear the other side.

Yes...firefighters are known for being "ultra liberals". Turbo-libs even.

Gosh, I'd pay to see you to walk into a NYC fire house and call them trash.
I'm on there side like I said, I'm becoming more inclusive accepting of the workign class trash and their tactics.
I was mainly cailing Cypress trash for scouring anti american papers but I'll go with the Union trash too.
I'm on there side like I said, I'm becoming more inclusive accepting of the workign class trash and their tactics.
I was mainly cailing Cypress trash for scouring anti american papers but I'll go with the Union trash too.

Working class trash? Do you have any idea of how you sound?
this is trash from a leftwing rag brought to us by a freaktard.
But since I want hillary to win, Cypress scour some more liberal European anti-american rags for some dirt on Mitt.

Cypress scour some more liberal European anti-american rags

Ummm, this is from union Firefighters in NYC. Not from a liberal Euro rag.

Have you ever been to a union meeting? Steel workers? Firefighters? Coal Miners? I doubt you have. If you called those guys euro trash, they would pull the eyeballs out of their sockets, and piss in your skull.
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Cypress scour some more liberal European anti-american rags

Ummm, this is from union Firefighters in NYC. Not from a liberal Euro rag.

Have you ever been to a union meeting? Steel workers? Firefighters? Coal Miners? I doubt you have. If you called those guys euro trash, they would pull the eyeballs your of their sockets, and piss in your skull.

I wonder who here thinks that there is anyone on this board who needs an ass-kicking more than topper does? I would vote for him even over BB, seriously. I don't dislike topper, but the boy needs to have his ass kicked.
1. there isn't anyone on the board that could do it.
2. how left are you that a moderate mostly left dems gets you beside yourself.
3. I'm trying to teach you fellow turbo-libs, read a wall street journal or look at which are finance bibles and tell me where I'm wrong. Duhla
I wonder who here thinks that there is anyone on this board who needs an ass-kicking more than topper does? I would vote for him even over BB, seriously. I don't dislike topper, but the boy needs to have his ass kicked.

I'd like to take him along to a coal miner union meeting, and have him call them a bunch of euro trash wimps.

I'd give Topper ten seconds tops, before he was unconcious with a kicked in skull.
1. there isn't anyone on the board that could do it.
2. how left are you that a moderate mostly left dems gets you beside yourself.
3. I'm trying to teach you fellow turbo-libs, read a wall street journal or look at which are finance bibles and tell me where I'm wrong. Duhla

Your disgusting elitism, and contempt for people who you think "aren't of your class" is sickening, it has nothing to do with your political affiliation.

I'd like to know what class you think you're from, because that's not what I was taught.
I'm from the lower middle income class at birth.
Now I'm from the highest educated, highest earning, most valued class in society. Teaching morons how easy it is is not looking down on them.
Well looking down on you and Cypress anyway. LOL
I'm from the lower middle income class at birth.
Now I'm from the highest educated, highest earning, most valued class in society. Teaching morons how easy it is is not looking down on them.
Well looking down on you and Cypress anyway. LOL

Right...and "union trash" and working class trash".

You make yourself look like the kind of guy that a person will do anything to avoid at a party Top. You know those guys? No? Well that 's because at every party you've ever been to, you're that guy. You know what they say about poker? If you're playing, look around the table and if you don't see the sucker, you're it...yeah.
I not some phoney wanna be sophisticate prick like you Duhla I don't go to parties. I party at home with my wife.
Must be a bitch when you get rejected at all these parties, my guess is your showing spinter signs already. You man hater.
I not some phoney wanna be sophisticate prick like you Duhla I don't go to parties. I party at home with my wife.
Must be a bitch when you get rejected at all these parties, my guess is your showing spinter signs already. You man hater.


Did I finally touch a nerve Topper? It's about time.

The way you talk about people is wrong and disgusting. Whether or not I get rejected at parties or am showing "spinter" signs, whatever a spinter might be, is besides the point.
1. there isn't anyone on the board that could do it.
2. how left are you that a moderate mostly left dems gets you beside yourself.
3. I'm trying to teach you fellow turbo-libs, read a wall street journal or look at which are finance bibles and tell me where I'm wrong. Duhla

Over the span of decades and decades, Democrats better for stock market, economic growth, employment, poverty, wages, etc:

Looks like you need the education spinner: didn't you vote GOP most of your life?
"Now I'm from the highest educated, highest earning, most valued class in society. Teaching morons how easy it is is not looking down on them."

This is such a great statement.

Hey, toppy - you're a colossal idiot. I'm not talking down to you, though.
"Now I'm from the highest educated, highest earning, most valued class in society. Teaching morons how easy it is is not looking down on them."

This is such a great statement.

Hey, toppy - you're a colossal idiot. I'm not talking down to you, though.

I often wonder, is he serious? Does he act like this in real life?