Rudy to get Swiftboated by NYC Firefighters

"I often wonder, is he serious? Does he act like this in real life?"

I know quite a few wealthy, successful individuals. I don't know anyone who speaks anything like he does.

I often wonder the same thing.
I notice Cypress has to rely on a room full of goons as he knows he's not man enough for the job.
Duhla, I like all the fellow whimpy male dems I'm trying to teach, guys call it razzing. Your too much of a man hater to get it.
Onedumbass, no two rich people are alike.
"I often wonder, is he serious? Does he act like this in real life?"

I know quite a few wealthy, successful individuals. I don't know anyone who speaks anything like he does.

I often wonder the same thing.

Onceler, you live in NY right? He was bragging about his 135k last week. That's far from wealthy in these parts, maybe it's something down south. But the way he talks, I was thinking, 300k or more. So wealthy...ok. Even so, I've never heard anyone making any amount of money who speaks like him either.
I notice Cypress has to rely on a room full of goons as he knows he's not man enough for the job.
Duhla, I like all the fellow whimpy male dems I'm trying to teach, guys call it razzing. Your too much of a man hater to get it.
Onedumbass, no two rich people are alike.

Top, just because a woman thinks you're a dick, doesn't mean she hates men.

And, frankly? I hardly know anybody who isn't making 135 thou. You should get out into the real world. But then, your reflection would shrink like a penis hitting ice water, wouldn't it?
$135K a year? NY, that's not exactly cause for bragging rights.

But, yeah - usually wealthy people feel secure with at least their wealth, and don't go blabbing around about it all the time. Trump is kind of a well-known exception to that, but not a personality I would seek to emulate...
Duhla, never claimed I made more salary than that. Are you in NY, I just bought a 1,800 sq ft new home in Covington for 230m
Oh, I match my salary in investent gains so that's were the denero's are coming from.
Duhla, never claimed I made more salary than that. Are you in NY, I just bought a 1,800 sq ft new home in Covington for 230m
Oh, I match my salary in investent gains so that's were the denero's are coming from.

Ohhh. Here, nobody invests.
Top, just because a woman thinks you're a dick, doesn't mean she hates men.

And, frankly? I hardly know anybody who isn't making 135 thou. You should get out into the real world. But then, your reflection would shrink like a penis hitting ice water, wouldn't it?

My guess is most people making $135k in NY can barely afford a 2 bedroom apartment let alone trying to purchase a Manhattan condo.
My guess is most people making $135k in NY can barely afford a 2 bedroom apartment let alone trying to purchase a Manhattan condo.

You could swing the apartment, but you wouldn't be running around making many impulse purchases after that.
Oh Duhla your a man hating spinster alright. All your tassles with guys you always bring up the thing you lack the most.
130,000 puts you in the top 3%, you fools in NY just have way higher cost of living for that shithole
Yeah, you've gotta at least be literate to be able to succeed in NYC.

You wouldn't stand a prayer, tops. Stick to the boonies...
I don't even want to visit that pile of shit, only when my wife drags me to the US open.
Yeah those recent immagrant in all those cold calling jobs sure make your point onedumbass.