Run this simulator 20 times, tell me if Trump wins once!

The simulator isn't very accurate I think. For instance, I got that Arizona would go blue but New Hampshire would go red. This is really unlikely.

it is probably totally accurate for the 15% chance that was programmed into it......not sure why anyone would bother playing with simulator rigged to have a 15% chance, but hey.....anything to allow the libs to overcome their fears......
there is no real path

he can only win if Americans don't vote
Sure there is. Florida is Trumps most critical State. If you look at the results of the simulation Trump when Trump wins sometimes he wins Ohio, sometimes he doesn't but all scenarios begin with him winning Florida. That would give him two of the four most populous States in the nation and would shore up the electoral vote disadvantage he currently has against Clinton. He'd still be in a hole but he'll have gone one big step towards digging himself out of the hole.
NO, but I am starting to wonder what type of October Surprise HRC has up her sleeve, if she can kill more than 20 people and not once be investigated for murder, and single handedly cause so much corruption and disorder, she must be able to come up with an October surprise.

Despite her corruption, crookedness, murders, illegal dealings, cover ups, etc. SHe still has libtards out canvassing for her. Do they not fucking care that she sell out to the highest bidder?

This women could literally be the big banks spokesperson that the left claims to hate.
If you pay attention there have been a string of stories about pollsters and their difficulty in tweaking their models to reflect this highly unusual race.
Recently they are wondering about turnout from sporadic and others that do not typically vote at all.

HRC may have to have a dead girl or live boy to sink him.
Tells you she has pinned her hopes on running the clock.
But her fade is picking up speed and inertia.

I do agree she is trying to run out the clock and I think she will have to change that strategy. I still believe strongly in Trumps ability to step in it again without her help.
NO, but I am starting to wonder what type of October Surprise HRC has up her sleeve, if she can kill more than 20 people and not once be investigated for murder, and single handedly cause so much corruption and disorder, she must be able to come up with an October surprise.

What people has she killed? Other than Vince Foster and Ron Brown, that is?
I just don't know why Trump doesn't just concede the election before a single vote is cast. Damned funny leftist denial going on here.
