Runaway Food Prices Driving Some Americans to Dollar Stores for Groceries

Since 1973? Why do you keep saying stupid shit?

He's probably under the mistaken impression that the electronics industry pretty well left the United States about that time, due to ecology laws being pushed by Democrats.
Some still remains, but manufacturing primarily has moved offshore.

Most went to Japan, which makes sense, since Japan has been good with lens manufacturing for some time (Zeiss lenses are some of the best in the world). Electronics and lenses (and later lasers) fit hand in glove.
Today, most electronics is manufactured in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan (which specializes in custom processors, used in game console, automotive use, etc).

China manufacturers electronic mechanicals (primarily computer cases and associated hardware), solar panels, batteries (particularly lithium oxide), LEDs, and PC boards. They also do final assembly work (such as, until recently, iPhones).

China does provide shipping service for much of the eastern Asian coast. Another big shipper (though not as big as China's) is South Korea.

Japan manufacturers displays, stock electronics (including standard chips, resistors, inductors, and capacitors, transistors, memory, transducers, connectors, and switches), and batteries (particularly nickel-cadmium and dry cell, and small lithium oxide such as coin batteries or N batteries). South Korea manufactures displays, linear custom chips, memory, some vacuum tubes (yes, they are still used!), transducers, transistors (particularly power transistors), some switches, and connectors.

Other products of China include textiles, fireworks, steel, machine tools, power tools, custom hand tools, chemicals, and of course, shipping containers and ships.
Other products of Japan include textiles, fireworks, precision tooling, video games (Nintendo, Sony, Atari), consumer electronics (Sanyo, Yamaha, Sony, Fuji), automobiles (Toyota, Subaru, Honda), kitchen appliances and knives, motors, and personal robotics).
Other products of South Korea include textiles, consumer electronics (LG), automobiles (Hyundai), precision tooling, and motors.

The States are big manufactures of textiles, food, lumber, trucks and other automobiles (Honda, Ford, GM, Subaru, etc), software and cloud services, industrial robotics, memory, chip design services, stock chips (microprocessors and other LSI primarily), medical technology, equipment, and supplies, plastics, and video games (Microsoft, Nvidia, Steam), fireworks, and medicines.

There is a general opinion that the States don't manufacture anything anymore. That is quite untrue.
Let me say this: I am very insulated from food price inflation as we have mostly stopped going to restaurants again, as I refuse to set foot in Seattle, and as the Oly and Tacoma restaurants continue to die and degrade. WIFE does all the shopping (she likes it). But I notice things were the price has about doubled in 3-4 years, boxes that are a lot smaller now, and foods that are no where near as good as they used to be because the recipes have been cheapened.

Taken all together this is a disaster.

Learn to cook. I might also recommend that you grow your own garden vegetables and spices, where you have space.
The chances of ANY number the government gives you of being right is about zero.

Just as journalists once upon a time tried to paint a full unbiased picture our government once tried to provide truthful numbers that represented reality. That started to end around 1970.
Just as journalists once upon a time tried to paint a full unbiased picture our government once tried to provide truthful numbers that represented reality. That started to end around 1970.

I can't recall ANY journalists painting a full unbiased picture of our government in the history of the United States. All journalists are biased. They are people, just like you and me. We all have our opinions that are injected into our writings.

Do journalists still report the news? Sure. Events such as harsh weather, road accidents, crime, and the announcement of some government program or law still occurs. Not much at CNN or MSNBC, of course. They write more fiction than news these days.

Yet despite the bias you find in the Associated Press, the LALA Times, the Washington Compost, and the New York Slime, they do still contain real news of events.

Every time you see an opinion piece or a poll 'result', that is not news. It doesn't matter if it comes from any news source, including FOX.

The bias is pretty bad with the AP, New York Slime, the LALA Times, and the Washington Compost. CNN is a joke. It is dying as a result. MSNBC, ABC, and CBS are also very biased. ALL of these are owned and operated by Democrats.

There are some sources that are biased toward conservatives as well, including FOX to some degree, Epoch Times, a few independent newspapers, and even NotTheBee (which writes articles about real news events in a satirical way).

But ALL are biased.
That is an example of bad numbers. Chances are zero? That says things about you and they are not good. Statistics for the Government are kept by highly qualified mathematicians and statisticians.

Mathematics is not government. Government routinely commits math errors. Government is not data either.

Lots of people (including government agencies) just throw numbers around. I don't accept any data just because someone throws numbers around.

Before I accept ANY numbers as possibly valid 'data', I must:
* know who collected the data.
* why the data was collected.
* when the data was collected.
* where the data was collected.
* the method of collection.
* if instruments are used, the calibration method of those instruments.
* the data must be openly published (no paywalls or other restrictions).

If a summary is given, it must:
* use raw unbiased data (no cooked data).
* result from a selection by randN from the dataset (which must satisfy all earlier requirements).
* be normalized by paired randR.
* have the variance must be declared and justified, and the margin of error must be calculated.
* have both average and margin of error given.
* all work must be shown.

Any conclusion must be drawn from the data only. No conclusions from conclusions.

See my requirements in the Data Mine.

These are perfectly reasonable restrictions, particularly in this day and age when everyone is just tossing out numbers is if they were scripture or something.
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Do not forget that there is a very high chance that a global famine is developing, this has been widely predicted ever since America's war in Ukraine started. That plus the Anti-Human WOKE CULTS "Save the planet program" almost could not have any other result.
Inflation in Egypt increased considerably in March, hitting 33.9%, the Egyptian government said on Monday. The increase exceeded that of the previous month and follows the Egyptian Central Bank raising interest rates to no avail.

Annual headline inflation nearly tripled year-on-year, from 12.1% in March of 2022. Inflation is largely being driven by rising food prices. Food and beverage prices increased 62.7% on the year during March, according to the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics.

I think I remember the other day reading that the official UK food inflation number is over 16% y-o-y.
The Revolution will ship our food around the world and let Americans go can bet your paycheck on it.
Our overlords are sure that we eat too much and too becoming much more expensive and scarce not only works to save the planet but it also will work to increase their control over us as they take possession of the food and decide who gets it, and at what price. It is much like our open borders, which is still being called a crisis or a problem when it is exactly what our owners (Carlin) designed and want as they drive to even more power over us.