APP - @Rune: Estate taxes should be severely reduced

I think this issue has gotten lost in a bunch of rhetoric. I strongly support a strong, and in fact, outright confiscatory estate tax. But not on small or medium of even large estates. I am not talking about someone's 1 million dollar home, or 10 million dollar estate. I am talking about the kind of estates passed down that have created a small number of families who own our political system and are a clear and present danger to democracy.

What's more, today's 1%'ers are the robber barons of yesteryear...the bankers, hedge fund managers, etc. They are going to pass down their new wealth to their descendants and we are racing towards an oligarchy. Nobody cares about your family farm or Aunt Edna's old apartment that turned condo in a now-gentrified area and is worth 3 million.

This is about democracy and our system of government.

bill gates, warren buffet, john kerry, kennedys, soros....
I think this issue has gotten lost in a bunch of rhetoric. I strongly support a strong, and in fact, outright confiscatory estate tax. But not on small or medium of even large estates. I am not talking about someone's 1 million dollar home, or 10 million dollar estate. I am talking about the kind of estates passed down that have created a small number of families who own our political system and are a clear and present danger to democracy.

What's more, today's 1%'ers are the robber barons of yesteryear...the bankers, hedge fund managers, etc. They are going to pass down their new wealth to their descendants and we are racing towards an oligarchy. Nobody cares about your family farm or Aunt Edna's old apartment that turned condo in a now-gentrified area and is worth 3 million.

This is about democracy and our system of government.
Does our system of government not call for equal treatment under the law ?
Off the top of my head, Gates and Buffet both support the estate tax, not sure about the rest. What's your point?

you said: What's more, today's 1%'ers are the robber barons of yesteryear

i was merely showing you that you are fact...obama is a 1% person. it is clear you have class envy.
Do you know what the stamp tax of 1797 was? It wasn't just any tax.

of course i do and it is the stamp act, not the stamp tax of 1797. tell long did the act last and what was the purpose of the act. i honestly don't think you know what is or how long it last, because if you did, i can't see why you think it is a big deal and has any relevance to thread. please enlighten me on why you think it is relevant. thanks.
of course i do and it is the stamp act, not the stamp tax of 1797. tell long did the act last and what was the purpose of the act. i honestly don't think you know what is or how long it last, because if you did, i can't see why you think it is a big deal and has any relevance to thread. please enlighten me on why you think it is relevant. thanks.

It taxed assets upon death. Any reading of the history of the estate tax in this country begins there. In 1797. You know, before income taxes.
And since I was the one to bring it up, of course I know its purpose. But you had to google it and don't think I don't know that.

sure...that is why you had the name wrong...and didn't need to google it...and if you know what it is about...what relevance does it have to this thread. it was to fund a war and only lasted a few wasn't about oligarchy issues like you seemingly claimed it was. therefore, i don't see its relevance to this thread.
It taxed assets upon death. Any reading of the history of the estate tax in this country begins there. In 1797. You know, before income taxes.

but the purpose of the tax had nothing to do with estates, it was to fund a war and it was soon thereafter repealed
sure...that is why you had the name wrong...and didn't need to google it...and if you know what it is about...what relevance does it have to this thread. it was to fund a war and only lasted a few wasn't about oligarchy issues like you seemingly claimed it was. therefore, i don't see its relevance to this thread.

I didn't have the name wrong, it was a tax. This thread is about the estate tax, and if you had read anything on the estate tax other than what you found on google, you'd know that it's pointed to by both supporters and foes, as the first estate tax in this country. In 1797. Let's think, who was President at the time? Couldn't have been one of the founders right? Because estate taxes are "not what this country was founded on".
I didn't have the name wrong, it was a tax. This thread is about the estate tax, and if you had read anything on the estate tax other than what you found on google, you'd know that it's pointed to by both supporters and foes, as the first estate tax in this country. In 1797. Let's think, who was President at the time? Couldn't have been one of the founders right? Because estate taxes are "not what this country was founded on".

yet...the name is not estate tax of 1797....the actual name is estate act of 1797. if you can't name something correctly, it does look good for you. words have meaning....

but do continue to focus on insulting me with your dumb google claim. you can't have a civil debate. you're too full of hate.
So the founders were for the estate tax but only under certain circumstances?

Why is it that you are against the tax again?

please read this thread again darla. i'm not against it. i stated quite clearly in the OP i believe in a flat 15% estate tax. would you get over your irrational hate and focus on the discussion. thanks..... and why can't you answer my questions?

imo, it had nothing to do with estates. it was just simply something they taxed to pay for the war and then it was repealed a few years later. if they were concerned about oligarchy issues like you claim.....why was it created to fund a war and then repealed?