Rural America is dying

Hello Flash,

Correct.That is why there are more poor people with lower educational levels. New immigrants have few skills or education although they are hard workers and get construction jobs and learn bricklaying, painting, etc.

My point was that the South is growing and getting more House seats and electoral votes. That growth is based on white, black, and Hispanics (race and ethnicity is irrelevant) to the growth of political power.

People who are willing to strive, and have strong family bonds, are able to avail themselves of quality education if it is provided, and to then contribute to making our economy strong and making America great.

Still I rise.
How many of those Latinos are white?
This might not be such great news for the Jews after all.

Really? there are Jews of every color, latino, black etc

Most Hispanics are classified as white by the Census Bureau.

The greatest growth will be among those over age 65. They will grow from 56 million to 98 million in 2060.

they aren't the cracka christian kulture , that is dying off
Many small towns saw the beginning of the end of small business when Walmart moved in. The number of people who got rich working at Walmart is a *very* short list.

Add to that the onslaught of mega-corporation agri-business industrialized farms displacing small family farms, and it's not hard to understand why young people saw no future in the country and fled to the big city in search of opportunity.

This is a very excellent point. it happened to my own small hometown as well as all the neighboring towns. walmart moved in 15 minutes away and half the stores in our town closed within 2 years.
Hello guno.

Many small towns saw the beginning of the end of small business when Walmart moved in. The number of people who got rich working at Walmart is a *very* short list.

Add to that the onslaught of mega-corporation agri-business industrialized farms displacing small family farms, and it's not hard to understand why young people saw no future in the country and fled to the big city in search of opportunity.

Small businesses are still doing pretty well here in our small towns and rural areas. Many have "Now Hiring" signs in front of their establishments and pay decent wages (considering our cost of living, which is much less than the shithole "big cities"). No, few here are getting rich, but that doesn't mean our quality of life is suffering. Most here are quite happy, our crime rates are substantially lower than in the big cities and our work ethic is far stronger.

The few young people leaving our rural areas for the cities are too lazy to keep the farms running anyway. To them, I say good riddance and stay there come retirement age, we don't want your lazy asses back. For the most part, the young people here aren't lazy like you and are keeping the small farms running. We teach our youth that self perseverance and hard work does pay off, and it shows in the quality of our locally grown and raised food, as well as general productivity and superior quality of the craftsmanship in the products produced here. Our communities are "close-knit," generous (in both charity and volunteering) and respect for others is far more evident here than in your large cities. The peace and tranquility, as well as the abundance of wildlife (which you city folk only read or see pictures of) that make for a relaxing and mental resolve after a good day's work. We are just as strong and thriving as we've ever been, and are still the backbone of America.
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You might ask, "Why is this happening?" Well, a number of reasons, beginning with the exodus of jobs and youth. For example, 73 percent of rural counties had more people move out than move in, and again this was most notable in the Northeast and Midwest. Of the 1,969 rural counties Pew Research studied, 1,197 have fewer people employed today than they did in 2010. Then there is also the issue of birthrates vs. death rates. Young people tend to move out of rural areas at a rate higher than people move in.

Rural areas are overwhelmingly white -- only 2.3 percent of the population in rural counties is foreign born, to nearly 15 percent in urban counties, according to census data. And then there is the issue of opioids. Higher death rates for 18- to 64-year-olds in rural counties are often attributed at least in part to the opioid epidemic, which has ravaged many rural areas in the U.S.

However, today it is sad to travel the eastern and southern parts of Arkansas and see so many storefronts boarded up and very little taking place in many of these small towns that were once thriving. Again, what is the answer? Well, from my perspective, it has to be education. Good schools are what people look for when they decide to move or relocate. The reason jobs and factories can't and won't locate in these communities is the lack of skilled labor.
(trump country)

no. it's bad trade deals.
Rural America is not dying fast enough.

We need to invent robot farmers.

Then nobody would have to live in those horrid, primitive places.

People living in civilized places don't vote for the likes of Trump.

Trump and his family were just about the only people in NYC to vote for Trump.
Hello StoneByStone,

Why should anyone care if it is bad for Jews? Why wish others ill will? Why not just live and let live. The world is an ever-evolving place. Diversity Makes America Great.

The Jews are behind Globalism in the West because, while it's bad for white people, it's good for Jews. That's why Guno wants America to become multiracial. That's also why letting Jews into America was a mistake. Americans and Jews have different interests, this being one example. We could just live and let live if Jews weren't helping themselves by harming us.

Multiracialism does not make any country great. Multiracialism is why Trump is president. The president is a joke because we let America become a joke.
Hello guno.

Many small towns saw the beginning of the end of small business when Walmart moved in. The number of people who got rich working at Walmart is a *very* short list.

Today Dollar Stores have taken that role. They can move into smaller areas that cannot support a Wal-Mart. There have been several articles about how that is changing the eating habits of small communities since Wal-Mart and local grocery stores carry fresh produce which Dollar Stores do not.

It is not Wal-Mart or Dollar Stores that ended the small businesses, it is consumers who made that choice.
Today Dollar Stores have taken that role. They can move into smaller areas that cannot support a Wal-Mart. There have been several articles about how that is changing the eating habits of small communities since Wal-Mart and local grocery stores carry fresh produce which Dollar Stores do not.

It is not Wal-Mart or Dollar Stores that ended the small businesses, it is consumers who made that choice.

and bad trade policy which incentivizes overseas slave labor, putting free people around the world out of work.
Hello StoneByStone,

The Jews are behind Globalism in the West because, while it's bad for white people, it's good for Jews. That's why Guno wants America to become multiracial. That's also why letting Jews into America was a mistake. Americans and Jews have different interests, this being one example. We could just live and let live if Jews weren't helping themselves by harming us.

Multiracialism does not make any country great. Multiracialism is why Trump is president. The president is a joke because we let America become a joke.

We never 'let Jews in.' They came like everybody else who isn't native American. We don't screen immigrants by religion. That is not what America is about. There are millions of Jewish Americans who are good Americans and only wish to share and contribute to our economy, our nation. They are not hurting us. Eliminating Jews will not end corporate oppression of Americans. Jews serve in the Armed Forces. Jews serve in every sector of society. They blend so well it is difficult to tell who is Jewish and who isn't. Jews are a part of America and their presence makes us stronger, not weaker.

We fought a pretty big war over hatred of Jews and we saved many of them from horrible conditions imposed on them by people who didn't think they belonged. Each of us is free to go out and make our own fortune. There are not any religions that hold us back from that. If you are not as successful as you wish to be, the only one who can change that is you. Advocating for the elimination of certain groups from our society will have no effect on your success. I would suggest that you focus on your own well-being, live and let live. You have no right to dictate who belongs and who doesn't. That is not what America is all about.

Diversity Absolutely Makes America Great. More perspectives = better brainstorming.
Hello StoneByStone,

We never 'let Jews in.' They came like everybody else who isn't native American. We don't screen immigrants by religion. That is not what America is about. There are millions of Jewish Americans who are good Americans and only wish to share and contribute to our economy, our nation. They are not hurting us. Eliminating Jews will not end corporate oppression of Americans. Jews serve in the Armed Forces. Jews serve in every sector of society. They blend so well it is difficult to tell who is Jewish and who isn't. Jews are a part of America and their presence makes us stronger, not weaker.

We fought a pretty big war over hatred of Jews and we saved many of them from horrible conditions imposed on them by people who didn't think they belonged. Each of us is free to go out and make our own fortune. There are not any religions that hold us back from that. If you are not as successful as you wish to be, the only one who can change that is you. Advocating for the elimination of certain groups from our society will have no effect on your success. I would suggest that you focus on your own well-being, live and let live. You have no right to dictate who belongs and who doesn't. That is not what America is all about.

Diversity Absolutely Makes America Great. More perspectives = better brainstorming.

how many jew dicks do you suck in a given day?

and it's the bill of rights that makes america great.
Hello Flash,

Today Dollar Stores have taken that role. They can move into smaller areas that cannot support a Wal-Mart. There have been several articles about how that is changing the eating habits of small communities since Wal-Mart and local grocery stores carry fresh produce which Dollar Stores do not.

It is not Wal-Mart or Dollar Stores that ended the small businesses, it is consumers who made that choice.

Yes, we got lower prices because we got lower pay. How can it be a good thing for small communities to have large corporations come extract wealth out of small localities and send it all to very rich people? While providing fewer well-paying jobs. Lower prices chasing lower wages chasing fewer work hours chasing lower prices? It's a race to the bottom. And guess where the bottom is? Take a look at the living conditions of the people who build the products America buys. That's where it's headed. As long as they build the products in a repressed economy and sell them in a less repressed economy and pocket the difference, jobs will be going away. And as long as any manual task can be automated jobs will be going away. That's unabated capitalism. Eliminating labor expense. We need a big strong and powerful government to stand up to big money and corporate power, to properly regulate capitalism for the good of society. Without proper regulation, capitalism is a race to the bottom for workers. We just need to determine how low we are going to let things slide before we act.
Hello Flash,

Yes, we got lower prices because we got lower pay. How can it be a good thing for small communities to have large corporations come extract wealth out of small localities and send it all to very rich people? While providing fewer well-paying jobs. Lower prices chasing lower wages chasing fewer work hours chasing lower prices? It's a race to the bottom. And guess where the bottom is? Take a look at the living conditions of the people who build the products America buys. That's where it's headed. As long as they build the products in a repressed economy and sell them in a less repressed economy and pocket the difference, jobs will be going away. And as long as any manual task can be automated jobs will be going away. That's unabated capitalism. Eliminating labor expense. We need a big strong and powerful government to stand up to big money and corporate power, to properly regulate capitalism for the good of society. Without proper regulation, capitalism is a race to the bottom for workers. We just need to determine how low we are going to let things slide before we act.

just leaving totalitarian slave nations out of the global economy would work wonders.
Hello Flash,

Yes, we got lower prices because we got lower pay. How can it be a good thing for small communities to have large corporations come extract wealth out of small localities and send it all to very rich people? While providing fewer well-paying jobs. Lower prices chasing lower wages chasing fewer work hours chasing lower prices? It's a race to the bottom. And guess where the bottom is? Take a look at the living conditions of the people who build the products America buys. That's where it's headed. As long as they build the products in a repressed economy and sell them in a less repressed economy and pocket the difference, jobs will be going away. And as long as any manual task can be automated jobs will be going away. That's unabated capitalism. Eliminating labor expense. We need a big strong and powerful government to stand up to big money and corporate power, to properly regulate capitalism for the good of society. Without proper regulation, capitalism is a race to the bottom for workers. We just need to determine how low we are going to let things slide before we act.

Those small business that went under when Wal-Mart or Dollar Stores came to town did not pay any higher wages and employed far fewer people with (often) less benefits.

What can big government do? Should it prohibit Wal-Mart or Dollar Stores from building in communities restricting consumers to the higher prices charged by local businesses? It is often volume purchasing and not lower wages that give these businesses an advantage which is especially beneficial to low income consumers.
Those small business that went under when Wal-Mart or Dollar Stores came to town did not pay any higher wages and employed far fewer people with (often) less benefits.

What can big government do? Should it prohibit Wal-Mart or Dollar Stores from building in communities restricting consumers to the higher prices charged by local businesses? It is often volume purchasing and not lower wages that give these businesses an advantage which is especially beneficial to low income consumers.

restrict trade with China. cheap goods mean shit when you have no job.