When you are too old to get it up you need to pack it in and realize it's over. In your case, if it happens prematurely, quit drinking. But if it's not premature, just give in gracefully. Viagra is not a cure-all. My friend was with this guy on it, and the way she describes it, had us cracking up. It's a lot of work you know, hardly worth it for the girl, when they are popping up all over the place with no help!
Nursing homes use viagra to keep the old farts from rolling out of bed.
F*ck that, I'm not giving up! You don't see Hugh Hefner giving up and you won't see me giving up. Plus by the time it hits me there will be better products on the market. And I'm going to laugh at you when I'm 100 and my unit is still working and they ask my secret and I say alcohol.
Nursing homes use viagra to keep the old farts from rolling out of bed.
When you are too old to get it up you need to pack it in and realize it's over. In your case, if it happens prematurely, quit drinking. But if it's not premature, just give in gracefully. Viagra is not a cure-all. My friend was with this guy on it, and the way she describes it, had us cracking up. It's a lot of work you know, hardly worth it for the girl, when they are popping up all over the place with no help!
Heck you do not need a hard weenie to run around in a bathrobe with plastic women. Just the money and mystique. who says Heffner gets any at all ?
I may live long enough to where eye candy and a wet weenie are differnet things , but not for now.
Oh man Im going to steal that one.
Now a two year old story? Come on Desh. Trying to give legs to Rush's deafness is just sad.http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/06/27/national/main1753947.shtml
which one caused his deafness the oxycontin or the viagra?
Who says Hef's getting any? Are you kidding???
Who says Hef's getting any? Are you kidding???
He maybe old...but I would bet dollars to donuts he gets more than you!
That was my bad I'm meant to say who said he is NOT getting any. Hugh's getting laid more than most men on this Earth right now.
all part of the image. Truth might be quite differnet.
all part of the image. Truth might be quite differnet.
Unless the girls who are sleeping with him are lying the dude is getting plenty. Do you have some info that states he isn't?
Nope and don't really give a rats ass. I get plenty and that is all that matters to me. I don't think I have bought a playboy since Raquel Welsh was in there.
the image keep the money rolling in for him though, if he was impotent it would be a more closely guarded secret than Bush and Cheneys pup tent camping trip.
Has he gone deaf yet?