Further proof.
Haw, haw...............................haw.
how are you liking Zalensky now comrade? lol
Further proof.
Haw, haw...............................haw.
Russian strikes on Lviv raise fears of Ukraine war spreading west
Aircraft plant hit as Russia claims to be ‘tightening noose” around south-eastern port city of Mariupol
Russian missiles hit aircraft plant near Lviv airport in western Ukraine
Russia-Ukraine live news: Deaths as several cities bombarded
Russian strikes hit Kyiv, Lviv in the west, and Kharkiv and Kramatorsk in the east, Ukrainian officials say.
I notice that there are almost no reports on the competence of the Russian Forces, which almost certainly means that they are doing an awesome job.
Unlike American Generals now I figure that the Russian Generals know how to fight.
Yep. Took Russia about 2 days to win.
This thread has aged more poorly than Darth's 61 thread. I wonder if Covid got Darth. Could have easily happened.
Moon was obviously eagerly anticipating an easy Russian victory, with Ukraine submitting within a matter of days.
Which brings up an interesting point..... how are Ukraine and Afghanistan different? There are some obvious differences, but there are also many similarities. Why did the Afghan Army and leadership just roll over instead of fighting? Sorry for the digression, but this is one case where past was not prologue. If Zelensky had fled the country, I doubt we would be where we are today.
My sense is that Afghans were not willing to die for a hopelessly corrupt government.
I suppose tribal loyalties are at least as important in multi-ethnic Afghanistan as national loyalty.
Ukrainians are fighting for something they believe in. Ukrainian sovereignty and independence. Those are potent ideas which penetrate deeply into the Ukrainian consciousness. Ukrainian identity and nationalism has been a potent force since the 19th century at least.
Ukrainians are fighting for something they believe in. Ukrainian sovereignty and independence. Those are potent ideas which penetrate deeply into the Ukrainian consciousness. Ukrainian identity and nationalism has been a potent force since the 19th century at least.
Moon was obviously eagerly anticipating an easy Russian victory, with Ukraine submitting within a matter of days.
Russia neutralizes Ukraine's air defences, command posts, communications.
That didn't age well.
Surely you are thus also advocating Palestinians just give up dreams of resistance and independence, and just submit to their fate under the better armed Israelis.How much simpler and more humane it would have been. Still, Western arms dealers and Russophobes, such as yourself, thought that 6 million people displaced, infrastructure obliterated and hundreds of thousands of people dead was a better option.
In your own words- which you had the fucking effrontery to level at ME- you are a shameless wanker over corpses and destruction .
Perhaps you should now just stfu.