Russian Spy- trump has been the perfect asset for 40 YEARS

Read the first half of the Mueller report. There were lots of connections between Trump's people and Russians. What do you think Manafort, Popadopous ane the others were convicted of..jaywalking? Mueller said his departmental rules kept him from charging collision. So he listed all the incidents and assumed Congress would do its job. He overestimated the power of patriotism in the Reds.

Mafia State U.S.A.

For the entire duration of the Trump-Russia crime spree, the people who spoke out hardest – and paid the worst price – have been women. That trend continued this week with the testimony of national security advisor Fiona Hill, who reconfirmed what Gaslit Nation already knew (that Putin had been interested in Trump for ages) and paid the price with death threats.
Keep your friends close. Keep your enemies closer.
Problem is, Biden will be blindly kissing China's ass

Yeah, you just can't prove it, just like your dear leader's claims.

Biden never praised or wanted the US to be just like China.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Teabaggers cheer for communist China.

Kissing China's ass?

The only one to do that was Dotard, signing a trade agreement INCREASING trade with China by $200 billion?

"The agreement says China will increase purchases of U.S. manufacturing, energy and agricultural goods and services by at least $200 billion over two years".

Dumbass Dotard got playing again.
Of course, proven by teabaggers/Q NUTS but believe the California wildfires were caused by Jewish lasers.

Even worse, believe their, lying, orange, dear leader.

What's with this Jewish laser shit? You smokin' opium?
Read the first half of the Mueller report. There were lots of connections between Trump's people and Russians. What do you think Manafort, Popadopous ane the others were convicted of..jaywalking? Mueller said his departmental rules kept him from charging collision. So he listed all the incidents and assumed Congress would do its job. He overestimated the power of patriotism in the Reds.

Russia is a regional power that does a much better job at exporting its influence and aggression beyond its own region to cases in point, Brexit and Donald Trump.

Both elections were won with help from the Kremlin from sweeping bot campaigns spreading disinformation to dark money and traitorous proxies like Nigel Farage and Aaron Banks in the UK and Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Rick Gates and a whole host of other traitors in the US including the Trump Crime Family.

When compared to Iran, Russia tends to be better at asymmetrical warfare with greater impact on Western States within their own borders, while the Kremlin weaponized our own corruption against us, propping up far-right groups and leaders, infiltrating useful idiots and complicit actors like the NRA. The Obama Administration, with the noble goal of trying to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power, spread itself too thin with the Iran Deal, and in the process gave Syria up to Russia and Iran and gave Iraq up to Iran. The world needs to eradicate nuclear weapons but the reality is when you're juggling several crises, prioritize the one that faces an immediate danger to your country. In this case, asymmetrical warfare by the Kremlin was the immediate danger because it was so effective, as we've seen in the rise of Brexit and Trump.
Russia is a regional power that does a much better job at exporting its influence and aggression beyond its own region to cases in point, Brexit and Donald Trump.

Both elections were won with help from the Kremlin from sweeping bot campaigns spreading disinformation to dark money and traitorous proxies like Nigel Farage and Aaron Banks in the UK and Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Rick Gates and a whole host of other traders in the US including the Trump Crime Family.

When compared to Iran, Russia tends to be better at asymmetrical warfare with greater impact on Western States within their own borders, while the Kremlin weaponized our own corruption against us, propping up far-right groups and leaders, infiltrating useful idiots and complicit actors like the NRA. The Obama Administration, with the noble goal of trying to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power, spread itself too thin with the Iran Deal, and in the process gave Syria up to Russia and Iran and gave Iraq up to Iran. The world needs to eradicate nuclear weapons but the reality is when you're juggling several crises, prioritize the one that faces an immediate danger to your country. In this case, asymmetrical warfare by the Kremlin was the immediate danger because it was so effective, as we've seen in the rise of Brexit and Trump.

According to you Russia was winning when your God the low work prick Obama was in charge.

Which is true but I need to hear you admit that Obama did not get the job done.

And that the reason is that he sucks.

Yeah, you just can't prove it, just like your dear leader's claims.

Biden never praised or wanted the US to be just like China.

March 3 2018

U.S. President Donald Trump praised Chinese President Xi Jinping Saturday after the ruling Communist party announced it was eliminating the two-term limit for the presidency, paving the way for Xi to serve indefinitely.

“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great,” Trump said, according to audio of excerpts of Trump’s remarks at a closed-door fundraiser in Florida.
“And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” Trump said to cheers and applause from supporters.

Teabaggers cheer for communist China.

Kissing China's ass?

The only one to do that was Dotard, signing a trade agreement INCREASING trade with China by $200 billion?

"The agreement says China will increase purchases of U.S. manufacturing, energy and agricultural goods and services by at least $200 billion over two years".

Dumbass Dotard got playing again.

In case you haven't noticed yet, Trump in no longer president.
And no, we conservatives do not cheer Communist China.
Russia is a regional power that does a much better job at exporting its influence and aggression beyond its own region to cases in point, Brexit and Donald Trump.

Both elections were won with help from the Kremlin from sweeping bot campaigns spreading disinformation to dark money and traitorous proxies like Nigel Farage and Aaron Banks in the UK and Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Rick Gates and a whole host of other traitors in the US including the Trump Crime Family.

When compared to Iran, Russia tends to be better at asymmetrical warfare with greater impact on Western States within their own borders, while the Kremlin weaponized our own corruption against us, propping up far-right groups and leaders, infiltrating useful idiots and complicit actors like the NRA. The Obama Administration, with the noble goal of trying to stop Iran from becoming a nuclear power, spread itself too thin with the Iran Deal, and in the process gave Syria up to Russia and Iran and gave Iraq up to Iran. The world needs to eradicate nuclear weapons but the reality is when you're juggling several crises, prioritize the one that faces an immediate danger to your country. In this case, asymmetrical warfare by the Kremlin was the immediate danger because it was so effective, as we've seen in the rise of Brexit and Trump.
Russia had squat to do with BREXIT or Trump. People arent stupid, they arent swayed by FB bots
or even dezinformatsiya.

Our political campaigns have a year of candidate exposure, and Brexit had all kinds of debate,

The one thing Russia does well is highlite our fuck ups -but that's on us.

PS. Syria is a blood soaked desert.They can have it
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first off all this is before he was POTUS; but trying to repair Russian relations is the SAME THING OBAMA DID
with his "Russian Reset"

I wont even go into the geopolitics of why bettering Russian relations helps against China (triangulation) either.

Look what Trump ID to Russia with massive sanctions, funding the Donbass war and trying to undercut Nordstream 2

Not even close, Dotard has been a Russian asset/money launderer for years, so has his family.

For example, according to a Bloomberg investigation into Trump World Tower, which broke ground in 1998, “a third of units sold on floors 76 through 83 by 2004 involved people or limited liability companies connected to Russia and neighboring states.”
"Trump World Tower sales agent Debra Stotts told Bloomberg that they had “big buyers from Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan.” New York real estate broker Dolly Lenz sold “about 65 units in Trump World Tower […] to Russian buyers looking for real estate.” Lenz is quoted as saying “I had contacts in Moscow looking to invest in the United States […] what do you have to recommend?’
"They all wanted to meet Donald. They became very friendly.” In 2002, “the push to sell units in Trump World to Russians expanded,” when Sotheby’s International Realty reportedly teams up with Kirsanova Realty, a Russian company".

"Russian fertilizer magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev’s 2008 purchased of one of Trump’s mansions in Palm Beach for $53 million more than Trump had paid for it four years earlier".


On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the . It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset" but actually was the word for "overload".

Additionally, the button switch was the type commonly used as an emergency stop on industrial equipment. Hillary Clinton was later praised by the Russian diplomats for resolving the issue politely, stating her team's good intentions. Lavrov and Clinton pushed the button simultaneously.

Prior to the reset, US-Russia relations had been hurt by the 2008 Russo-Georgian diplomatic crisis in Ossetia and the Russo-Georgian War, leading to Immediate Response 2008 by the Bush administration. In private, several Obama administration officials expressed doubts about the reset and were concerned that it was overly optimistic, particularly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and U.S. ambassador to Russia John Beyrle.[4]

In July 2009, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev announced that U.S. forces and supplies could pass through Russian airspace on their way to Afghanistan. On 17 September 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. was dropping the Bush Administration's plan to build a missile defence shield in Eastern Europe. Russia had viewed the planned missile shield as a military threat. Vladimir Putin said the decision was "correct and brave". In March, 2010, the U.S. and Russia agreed to reduce their nuclear arsenals.

Hmm, Sergey Lavrov, that name sounds familiar.

Photos of President Donald Trump‘s meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office on Wednesday raised eyebrows as well as security concerns when the pictures were released by the Russian government rather than the White House.

The images show the president laughing and looking chummy with Russian Foreign Minister SERGEY LAVROV and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. U.S. reporters and photographers were shut out. The meeting, Politico reports, occurred at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a recent phone call with Trump.

Oh' that's right, Dotard invited Sergey into the oval office at Vlad's request.
What's with this Jewish laser shit? You smokin' opium?

I think the loony woman is, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R) Ga. 14th, in January 2021 about Greene's Facebook account in November 2018 sharing a conspiracy theory about the deadly Camp Fire in California, suggesting that it could have been caused by "space solar generators" in a scheme involving California Governor Jerry Brown, companies PG&E, Rothschild & Co and Solaren.
The Rothschild family, a supposed "international cabal of Jewish bankers", has been the target of numerous antisemitic conspiracy theories since at least the 19th century. Although Greene did not use the term in her Facebook posting, this was characterized by the press as a "Jewish space laser" and ridiculed on social media as such.
Not even close, Dotard has been a Russian asset/money launderer for years, so has his family.

For example, according to a Bloomberg investigation into Trump World Tower, which broke ground in 1998, “a third of units sold on floors 76 through 83 by 2004 involved people or limited liability companies connected to Russia and neighboring states.”
"Trump World Tower sales agent Debra Stotts told Bloomberg that they had “big buyers from Russia and Ukraine and Kazakhstan.” New York real estate broker Dolly Lenz sold “about 65 units in Trump World Tower […] to Russian buyers looking for real estate.” Lenz is quoted as saying “I had contacts in Moscow looking to invest in the United States […] what do you have to recommend?’
"They all wanted to meet Donald. They became very friendly.” In 2002, “the push to sell units in Trump World to Russians expanded,” when Sotheby’s International Realty reportedly teams up with Kirsanova Realty, a Russian company".

"Russian fertilizer magnate Dmitry Rybolovlev’s 2008 purchased of one of Trump’s mansions in Palm Beach for $53 million more than Trump had paid for it four years earlier".


On 6 March 2009 in Geneva, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov with a red button with the English word "reset" and the . It was intended that this would be the Russian word for "reset" but actually was the word for "overload".

Additionally, the button switch was the type commonly used as an emergency stop on industrial equipment. Hillary Clinton was later praised by the Russian diplomats for resolving the issue politely, stating her team's good intentions. Lavrov and Clinton pushed the button simultaneously.

Prior to the reset, US-Russia relations had been hurt by the 2008 Russo-Georgian diplomatic crisis in Ossetia and the Russo-Georgian War, leading to Immediate Response 2008 by the Bush administration. In private, several Obama administration officials expressed doubts about the reset and were concerned that it was overly optimistic, particularly Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and U.S. ambassador to Russia John Beyrle.[4]

In July 2009, Russian president Dmitry Medvedev announced that U.S. forces and supplies could pass through Russian airspace on their way to Afghanistan. On 17 September 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the U.S. was dropping the Bush Administration's plan to build a missile defence shield in Eastern Europe. Russia had viewed the planned missile shield as a military threat. Vladimir Putin said the decision was "correct and brave". In March, 2010, the U.S. and Russia agreed to reduce their nuclear arsenals.

Hmm, Sergey Lavrov, that name sounds familiar.

Photos of President Donald Trump‘s meeting with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office on Wednesday raised eyebrows as well as security concerns when the pictures were released by the Russian government rather than the White House.

The images show the president laughing and looking chummy with Russian Foreign Minister SERGEY LAVROV and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak. U.S. reporters and photographers were shut out. The meeting, Politico reports, occurred at the request of Russian President Vladimir Putin during a recent phone call with Trump.

Oh' that's right, Dotard invited Sergey into the oval office at Vlad's request.
what a pile of trash. Selling units in Trump Towers to Russians means what? nothing.

Posting random spam about the Russian reset button ( the actual button was handed to Lavrov by Clinton) undercuts all this 'buddy buddy' Trump/Putin relationship. Horrors. Clinton and Lavrov are attempting to carry out Obama's desire for a Russian Reset. She fucked that up too
Clinton, laughing, added, "We worked hard to get the right Russian word. Do you think we got it?" she asked Lavrov.
"You got it wrong," Lavrov said." Both diplomats laughed. "It should be "perezagruzka" (the Russian word for reset,) Lavrov said. "This says 'peregruzka,' which means 'overcharged.'"

Meaning receiving them as Trump as head of state is not a violation of protocol
In case you haven't noticed yet, Trump in no longer president.
And no, we conservatives do not cheer Communist China.

The damage has been done.

Some teabaggers acted on Trump's Russian propaganda, storming the capitol building and still believe the election was stolen.
The whole situation is a reminder that Trump not only intends to continue committing crimes in his endless quest for power but that he's escalating and Republicans will never step in. The only thing that can stop him is a full-throated federal prosecution for his many crimes, committed both in office and during his cheating-centric 2016 presidential run. Just as Democrats were forced, reluctantly in many cases, to impeach Trump for running an extortion scheme to cheat in the 2020 election, Biden's Department of Justice must do everything they can to hold Trump accountable, including prosecuting crimes committed during this latest attempt to steal the 2020 election.

Prosecuting Trump is the only way to stop this. It goes against Biden's every instinct, of course. Biden wants to make nice with Republicans and views unleashing the Department of Justice to deal with Trump's many crimes as unpleasantly political. But there simply is no choice if democracy is to be saved. Trump has shown he will keep going unless stopped.

The sock-cucker must get what is coming to him before anyone else can get theirs. Before the Neoliberals can be addressed for their corporate corruption, Trump and his right wing enablers must be exposed for their criminality and lawfully eradicated!
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The damage has been done.

Some teabaggers acted on Trump's Russian propaganda, storming the capitol building and still believe the election was stolen.

gawd almighty that is the most pathetic pulled out of ones ass post- linking "acting on" Russia to the riot
what a pile of trash. Selling units in Trump Towers to Russians means what? nothing.

Posting random spam about the Russian reset button ( the actual button was handed to Lavrov by Clinton) undercuts all this 'buddy buddy' Trump/Putin relationship. Horrors. Clinton and Lavrov are attempting to carry out Obama's desire for a Russian Reset. She fucked that up too

Meaning receiving them as Trump as head of state is not a violation of protocol


"Head of state" meeting?

Then why did Dotard refuse to let the American press, cover it?

The only reason people know about it was a press release by the KREMLIN.

The Kremlin is more forthcoming than Dotard?

Not surprising.

Trump selling Russians, condo's, apartments and houses at such large profits reeks of money laundering.

"Posting random spam about the Russian reset button ( the actual button was handed to Lavrov by Clinton) undercuts all this 'buddy buddy' Trump/Putin relationship. Horrors. Clinton and Lavrov are attempting to carry out Obama's desire for a Russian Reset. She fucked that up too".

No, she didn't, it was working until Russia invading Crimea.

Teabaggers, defending their dear leader, while Trump defends his.
gawd almighty that is the most pathetic pulled out of ones ass post- linking "acting on" Russia to the riot


Not as dumb as teabaggers believing Russians in St. Petersburg.

Q is Russian, teabaggers think that person is in the US government, Morons.
The damage has been done.

Some teabaggers acted on Trump's Russian propaganda, storming the capitol building and still believe the election was stolen.

What damage? You gonna blame the China virus on him again? Everything was fine until China unleashed the WuFlu.

Russian propaganda? WTF??

Yeah, a few clowns stooped to you far-leftist's level and it make all of us look bad. You run with that...
What damage? You gonna blame the China virus on him again? Everything was fine until China unleashed the WuFlu.

Russian propaganda? WTF??

Yeah, a few clowns stooped to you far-leftist's level and it make all of us look bad. You run with that...

A few?

Most teabaggers didn't participate but almost every one is defending their attempted insurrection.

WHO? Name one person, that blamed Dotard for covid-19.

Millions are blaming Dotard for his non-response/sabotage, once it arrived in the US.

Only a handful of world leaders, reacted the same as Dotard with the same results.

Yes, most teabagger lies/talking points come from Russia, they know they're the only ones stupid enough, not only to believe it but to regurgitate it.
A few?

Most teabaggers didn't participate but almost every one is defending their attempted insurrection.

WHO? Name one person, that blamed Dotard for covid-19.

Millions are blaming Dotard for his non-response/sabotage, once it arrived in the US.

Only a handful of world leaders, reacted the same as Dotard with the same results.

Yes, most teabagger lies/talking points come from Russia, they know they're the only ones stupid enough, not only to believe it but to regurgitate it.

STFU!! You're retarded...